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更新时间:2025-01-12 16:24:08   |   编辑:气泡游戏网

Hello everyone, I am Hao Zi! Follow Hao Zi for the latest news on the game "Dream of Three Kingdoms" every day! The following review represents only personal opinions, not official or platform positions. In the previous article, I showed everyone a 15+10 Lion Camel Ridge, pushing the output to the limit! If the Lion Camel Ridge is the engine of the whole team, then the Huasheng Temple is like the lubricant of the team, making the engine's output smoother! From previous displays, the output and auxiliary hardware levels of many teams are unequal! For example, a 12-forged auxiliary can be paired with a 13 or even 14-forged output! And a 14-forged auxiliary can be paired with a 15 or 16-forged output! Mainly because most players prefer output-oriented classes, relatively fewer players choose auxiliary classes, and high-end auxiliary classes are more popular! In this article, I will show you a relatively standard 14+9 Huasheng Temple, let's enjoy it together! The 175-level league Huasheng Temple, with a standard 14+9 hardware setup, can team up with a 16-forged output! The panel attributes of a 175-level full magic point allocation are not very referential, let's directly look at his PK equipment! A 140-level male head Shura Puppet Monster Set with Crystal Clear Spell, forged with a 14-forged Moonstone! A 160-level necklace from the Shura Puppet Monster Set with Armor Break Skill, initial spirit 252 after smelting, forged with a 14-forged Relic! A 160-level armor from the Shura Puppet Monster Set with Stagnation Skill, double strength and endurance added by 44 after smelting, forged with a 15-forged Jade! A 140-level shoe from the Shura Puppet Monster Set with Arhat Golden Bell, forged with a 14-forged Black Sapphire! A 160-level Angry Shura Puppet Monster Set belt, forged with a 14-forged Black Sapphire! A 140-level Divine Smiling Knife Weapon, subtract 1 strength and add 44 endurance after smelting, forged with a 10-forged Sunstone! The rings and earrings in the lower row are all triple speed, and the accessories and bracelets in the lower row are double magic defense and one defense, with a special effect level of 7 163. The 8 skills are high connection Full Power Cat Spirit, a very useful full power attack pet for racing! The 6 skills are Vairocana Gazing at the World and Listening to All Sounds, with high magic connection from the set, combined with the war flute still has output! The 9 skills are Blood Attack Good and Evil Child, with very extreme growth potential, blessed with 3 super skills! The 6 skills are Agility Attack Power Splitting Child, with both attack and speed potential pushed to the limit, blessed with 4 super skills! The 11 skills are Blood Attack Barrier Child, blessed with 4 super skills, this kind of pet is even stronger than many Clean Platform pets! The 8 skills are Blood Endurance Vairocana Child, a pet that is very useful for one-on-one combat! The 6 skills are Clean Platform Speed Blood Pet Demonized Child! The 10 skills are Legacy Will Enter Violent Vairocana Child, a pet that cannot be missing in a triple attack lineup! The 5 skills are Magic Defense Clean Platform Blood Pet with Su Jiu! The 6 skills are Clean Platform Thousand Speed Blood Pet Demonized Child, with the special feature of Flash! The 9 skills are Legacy Will Enter Violent Vairocana Holding Country Guard, with complete skills, the set can be carried casually! Well, this 175-level Huasheng Temple display is complete, it is a relatively standard 14+9 hardware setup, should be second only to the battlefield Huasheng Temple! This kind of account is a hot cake fought for by various lineups, whether it is the current mainstream triple attack lineup or the 212 lineup, it can be easily matched! Do you like this account? Share your thoughts!


Wonderful recommendation


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