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更新时间:2025-01-11 01:12:16   |   编辑:气泡游戏网

Hello everyone, I am Hao Zai! Follow Hao Zai for the latest news on the game "Dream of the West" every day! The following reviews are personal opinions and do not represent official or platform positions! Generally, in daily tasks, the Mage class is more popular than the Physical class, as casting time is shorter, which can significantly improve task efficiency! However, in some difficult tasks or tasks with many monsters, the Physical class is more favored! Moreover, many monsters in tasks are resistant to magic, so the Physical class is indispensable! So, which Physical class sect do you think is the most popular in daily tasks? I think Lingbo City is definitely one of them, with its bursting ability, ability to kill and deal damage, making it a great helper in tasks! In this article, I will focus on a Lingbo City specialized in tasking! Wearing a full set of non-durable equipment, it has attracted many task players, let's take a look together! The 175-level Lingbo City, equipped with 6 non-durable items, brings the Forest Bird pet to do tasks! After casting the 175-level Lingbo City, the panel attributes, although the damage is only 3046, are sufficient for tasks! The 140-level non-durable Broken Star Secret male headgear, forged with 12 red agates! The 120-level non-durable Broken Star Secret necklace, after smelting, has an initial spirit of 167, forged with 9 relics! The 120-level non-durable Broken Star Secret armor, double endurance +40, forged with 10 moonstones! The 150-level non-durable Broken Star Secret shoes, forged with 10 black gems! The 150-level non-durable Broken Star Secret belt, forged with 10 black gems! The 160-level non-durable weapon, forged with a mix of sunstone and red agate for 12 times, has a comprehensive total damage of around 857, enough for tasks! The ring has double damage in the bottom row, the earring has double damage and a physical crit in the bottom row, the accessory has double health and defense in the bottom row, the bracelet has triple defense in the bottom row, all forged with 7 starlight stones, with all effects at level 4 strength! The 9th skill, High Continuous Mighty Magic Child, has an attack power of 3281, a very violent pet for normal tasks! The 7th skill, Defeat the Five Elements with the Mahasthamaprapta Five Elements Mountain God, has the characteristic of going with the flow, an efficient magic pet for normal tasks! The 8th skill, Unexpected Tears of the Mahasthamaprapta, focuses on adding blood resistance, very useful for difficult tasks! The 12th skill, High Continuous Anger Strike Child, for this character, this pet is considered outstanding, of course, bringing it along will make you stand out! The 5th skill, Pure Platform Magic Defense Speed Blood Pet Dragon Tortoise! Alright, the display of this 175-level Lingbo City is complete, a very good task character with 6 non-durable items, no need to worry about equipment durability, just log in and start outputting! Do you like this character?


Wonderful recommendation


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