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更新时间:2020-10-20 15:49:25   |   编辑:气泡游戏网




作者:Dave Thier(一位聚焦于游戏和其技术的高级撰稿人)


原标题:I Spent $100 On ‘Genshin Impact’ And This Is What I Got


As part of my ongoing series of “Paul plays Genshin Impact obsessively,” I have now decided to break my streak of spending $0 on the free-to-play open world RPG. Not because I felt like I had to. No, I still maintain that the game allows you to play without herding you into the gacha aspect in any real way, but because A) I wanted to write this article and B) I feel like the devs “deserve” it for making a great game and C) I have been mildly addicted to loot box-like mechanics in the past and D) I want Venti.

So, here we are.

I spent $100 which directly translates into currency that allowed me to do a large number of gacha pulls, ie. slot machine pulls. But before this, part of the appeal of Genshin so far was that they gave away probably about 40 pulls through free currency and I already have probably earned 6,000 Primogems just by playing, which I have also used for pulls.

This is how this went. And spoiler alert yes, I got my Venti.

  在“保罗玩原神”这个系列里我还没往这个免费的RPG游戏里充钱。现在我决定改变一下(我仍然觉得白嫖玩原神也没毛病),原因有四点:1)我想写这篇文章 2)我觉得这是米哈游应得的,因为他们做出了这么棒的游戏 3)开放世界有点玩腻了 4)俺想要温迪。




Starting Figures

  • 255 Masterless Stardust

  • 24 Masterless Starglitter


  • 6,480 Genesis Crystals - $99

  • Bonus 6,480 = 12,960 Genesis Crystals

  • 12,960 Genesis Crystals = 12,960 Primogems

  • 12,960 Primogems/160 Primogems per pull = 81 pulls









The plan was to start with the Venti bundle until I got him, then do the Jean/Diluc bundle. So it was about 30 Venti bundle pulls and 50 Jean/Diluc pulls. Here’s the final tally:


5 Star Heroes

  • Venti (after 30 pulls)

5 Star Weapons

  • None

4 Star Heroes

  • Fischl

  • Xiangling

  • Kaeya

  • Noelle x2

4 Star Weapons

  • Favonious Sword

  • Favonious Warbow

  • Rust Bow

3 Star Weapons - 72

Masterless Stardust – 1080

Masterless Starglitter – 16






In the end, I paid $100 to get a Venti, and a few four star heroes, including a valuable dupe rank on my Xiangling, one of my mains. I also used the extra Starglitter to purchase a Razor from the store. I already have him, but I wanted a dupe rank to unlock another skill for him because he’s my favorite hero.

So, how did this feel? Was it worth it? That’s a complicated question.

I may not like Venti as a character or visually, and yet he’s extremely good, a wind archer that makes a good compliment for my team (even though I replaced Barbara, my healer, to get him on board). He has a move that traps enemies in a wind bubble and then you laugh as you shoot them with your bow. He can also generate a mini wind vent under him at pretty much any time, which has come in handy for exploration.




And yet, spending $100 actually didn’t really help me progress much at all. This did nothing to solve the timegate wall of Adventure Rank, which is what I need to get higher in order to unlock more story quests. The “smart” thing to do with all those Primogems was probably not to spend them trying to get a character I didn’t technically need, but rather to refill my Resin energy meter so I can do repeatable quests to earn ascension materials and more Adventure XP to get my rank up. If there is any aspect of the game that is potentially pay-to-win, it’s the Resin meter part of this. But that’s, of course, not as exhilarating as finally landing a five star pull.

This will almost certainly not be the last time I spend money on Genshin Impact, but if you were thinking about doing this same, I wanted to lay out what exactly you might expect for your “investment.” Best of luck, you’ll need it.






Wonderful recommendation


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