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更新时间:2025-02-26 14:15:36   |   编辑:气泡游戏网

Hello everyone, I am Hao Zai!

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The following comments represent personal opinions only, not official or platform positions.

Level 69 is definitely the level with the biggest hardware gap, because there are players at this level with top-tier gear, players with full level 70 equipment, and players with level 60 gear. The hardware gap between them is huge! With the blessing of top-tier equipment, the attributes of many level 69 players may be higher than those of level 89 or even level 109 players. In this article, I will show you a demonstration of a level 69 top player! His sect is the Demon King's Lair, with 6 pieces of top-tier gear and the highest gemstone forging up to 16, pushing his attributes to the extreme. Let's enjoy it together!

Level 69 Demon King's Lair top player, with 6 pieces of top-tier gear and the highest 16 forging, attributes comparable to level 109!

Level 130 top-tier Calabash Baby Set male headgear, forged with 15 moonstone!

Level 130 top-tier Calabash Baby Set necklace, initial spirit 213 after smelting, forged with 16 relic beads.

Level 130 top-tier Calabash Baby Set armor, reduced 7 endurance and added 26 magic after smelting, forged with 15 relic beads.

Level 130 top-tier Calabash Baby Set shoes, forged with 15 black gemstone.

Level 130 top-tier Calabash Baby Set belt, forged with 15 radiant stone.

Level 150 top-tier weapon, reduced 1 agility and added 43 magic after smelting, forged with 16 sunstone.

Rings and earrings have double magic damage and one magic critical strike in the bottom row, while pendants and bracelets have triple defense, all forged with 6 starlight stones, with level 8 single-minded effects.

9 skills: Clearing Platform, Wall of Thunder, Blood Attack, Thunderbird, with bonus to attack stats and three super skills bestowed.

8 skills: Unexpected Strike, Exquisite Thunderbird, high crit but no high divine, with instantaneous casting trait.

8 skills: Clearing Platform, Slow Tortoise, Blood Pet, Thunderbird.

11 skills: Unexpected Strike, Exquisite Thunderbird, with high divine, full set of skills.

12 skills: High Cang Luan, Rage Hit, Blood Attack, Wild Ghost, with extremely high attack stats, very violent in output during quests.

11 skills: Clearing Platform, Slow Tortoise, Blood Pet, Thunderbird, with speed stats reduced to 100, speed only 5 points, very slow.

8 skills: Clearing Platform, Flourishing, Blood Pet, Moon Shadow Fairy, with three super skills bestowed.

8 skills: High Cang, Swift Attack, Thunderbird, with extremely high attack stats and growth, with instant strike trait.

9 skills: Clearing Platform, Barricade, Thunderbird, with extremely high growth, further training in stats would make it perfect, with four super skills bestowed.

12 skills: Death, Defense, Clearing Platform, Blood Pet, Thunderbird, with encouragement trait, and Electric Soul Flash from high internal alchemy.

11 skills: Blood Attack, Power Split, Barricade, Thunderbird, with high necessity from the set, slightly lacking in growth.

9 skills: Clearing Platform, Matching Speed, Blood Pet, Thunderbird.

Alright, the demonstration of this level 69 Demon King's Lair is complete, with six pieces of top-tier gear, high forging levels, and a very comprehensive pet. With such hardware set, one can surely achieve very good results. What do you all think?


Wonderful recommendation


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