更新时间:1609915037 | 来源:巴哈姆特
P.S. 《古神碎碎念》的缩写在官方资料中居然不是WOG,而是OG Σ(°Д°)
mog:不是WOG也不是OG, 是WotOG. 因为WOG好像是个带歧视的字
- 【Innervate】启动:
Some druids still have flashbacks from strangers yelling "Innervate me!!" at them.
- 【Claw】爪击:
The claw decides who will stay and who will go.
- 【Mark of the Wild】野性印记:
Not to be confused with Jim of the Wild.
- 【Wild Growth】野性成长:
Grow your own mana crystals with this Mana Crystal Growth Kit, only 39.99!
- 【Healing Touch】治疗之触:
8 Health, no waiting.
- 【Moonfire】月火术:
"Cast Moonfire, and never stop." - How to Be a Druid, Chapter 5, Section 3
- 【Savage Roar】兇蛮咆哮:
What do they roar? Nobody can quite tell, but it sounds like "Elephant Macho Breeze". It's probably not that, though.
- 【Swipe】挥击:
When a bear rears back and extends his arms, he's about to Swipe! ... or hug.
- 【Starfire】星火术:
Balance is important to druids. This card is perfectly balanced.
- 【Ironbark Protector】铁桉保卫者:
I dare you to attack Darnassus.
- 【Tracking】追蹤:
For the person who just cannot decide what card to put into a deck!
- 【Arcane Shot】秘法射击:
Magi conjured arcane arrows to sell to hunters, until hunters learned just enough magic to do it themselves. The resulting loss of jobs sent Stormwind into a minor recession.
- 【Timber Wolf】森林狼:
Other beasts totally dig hanging out with timber wolves.
- 【Multi-Shot】多重射击:
You see, it's all about throughput.
- 【Houndmaster】驯犬者:
"Who let the dogs out?" he asks. It's rhetorical.
- 【Hunter's Mark】猎人印记:
Never play 'Hide and Go Seek' with a Hunter.
- 【Animal Companion】动物伙伴:
You could summon Misha, Leokk, or Huffer! Huffer is more trouble than he's worth.
- 【Kill Command】击杀命令:
"Kill!", he commanded.
- 【Tundra Rhino】冻原犀牛:
Tundra rhinos are often mistaken for kodos. Or am I mistaken?
- 【Starving Buzzard】饥饿的秃鹫:
If you feed him, he loses his whole identity.
- 【Arcane Missiles】秘法飞弹:
You'd think you'd be able to control your missiles a little better since you're a powerful mage and all.
- 【Arcane Explosion】魔爆术:
This spell is much better than Arcane Implosion.
- 【Arcane Intellect】秘法智力:
Playing this card makes you SMARTER. And let's face it: we could all stand to be a little smarter.
- 【Fireball】火球术:
This spell is useful for burning things. If you're looking for spells that toast things, or just warm them a little, you're in the wrong place.
- 【Polymorph】变形术:
There was going to be a pun in this flavor text, but it just came out baa-d.
- 【Mirror Image】镜像:
Oh hey it's Mirror Image! !egamI rorriM s'ti yeh hO
- 【Frostbolt】寒冰箭:
It is customary to yell "Chill out!" or "Freeze!" or "Ice ice, baby!" when you play this card.
- 【Frost Nova】冰霜新星:
Hey man, that's cold. Literally and metaphorically.
- 【Water Elemental】水元素:
Don't summon a water elemental at a party. It'll dampen the mood.
- 【Flamestrike】烈焰风暴:
When the ground is on fire, you should not stop, drop, and roll.
- 【Hand of Protection】保护圣御:
This spell has been renamed so many times, even paladins don’t know what it should be called anymore.
- 【Blessing of Might】力量祝福:
"As in, you MIGHT want to get out of my way." - Toad Mackle, recently buffed.
- 【Light's Justice】圣光正义之锤:
Prince Malchezaar was a collector of rare weapons. He'd animate them and have them dance for him.
- 【Holy Light】圣光术:
If you are often bathed in Holy Light, you should consider wearing sunscreen.
- 【Hammer of Wrath】愤怒之锤:
A good paladin has many tools. Hammer of Wrath, Pliers of Vengeance, Hacksaw of Justice, etc.
- 【Humility】谦恭:
This card makes something really damp. Oh wait. That's "Humidity."
- 【Consecration】奉献:
Consecrated ground glows with Holy energy. But it smells a little, too.
- 【Blessing of Kings】王者祝福:
Given the number of kings who have been assassinated, are you sure you want their blessing?
- 【Truesilver Champion】真银勇士剑:
It Slices, it Dices. You can cut a tin can with it. (But you wouldn't want to.)
- 【Guardian of Kings】诸王守护者:
Holy beings from the beyond are so cliché!
- 【Holy Smite】圣光惩击:
It doesn't matter how pious you are. Everyone needs a good smiting now and again.
- 【Power Word: Shield】真言术:盾:
Sure the extra protection is nice, but the shield really reduces visibility.
- 【Northshire Cleric】北郡教士:
They help the downtrodden and distressed. Also they sell cookies.
- 【Mind Blast】心灵震爆:
This spell blasts you directly in the MIND.
- 【Shadow Word: Pain】暗言术:痛:
A step up from a spell cast by many beginning acolytes: "Shadow Word: Annoy".
- 【Mind Vision】心灵幻象:
I see what you did there.
- 【Divine Spirit】神圣精神:
Double the trouble. Double the fun!
- 【Shadow Word: Death】暗言术:死:
If you miss, it leaves a lightning-bolt-shaped scar on your target.
- 【Holy Nova】神圣新星:
If the Holy Light forsakes you, good luck casting this spell. Also, you're probably a jerk.
- 【Mind Control】精神控制:
Nominated as "Spell Most Likely to Make Your Opponent Punch the Wall."
- 【Backstab】背刺:
It's funny how often yelling "Look over there!" gets your opponent to turn around.
- 【Sinister Strike】邪恶攻击:
There's something about this strike that just feels off. Sinister, even.
- 【Deadly Poison】致命毒药:
Rogues guard the secrets to poison-making carefully, lest magi start incorporating poison into their spells. Poisonbolt? Rain of Poison? Poison Elemental? Nobody wants that.
- 【Sap】闷棍:
Rogues love sappy movies.
- 【Assassinate】暗杀:
If you don't want to be assassinated, move to the Barrens and change your name. Good luck!
- 【Shiv】毒袭:
Rogues are experts at SHIV-al-ry.
- 【Fan of Knives】飞舞刀刃:
I wouldn't say I LOVE knives, but I'm definitely a fan.
- 【Assassin's Blade】刺客之刃:
Guaranteed to have been owned by a real assassin. Certificate of authenticity included.
- 【Vanish】消失:
- 【Sprint】疾跑:
Rogues are not good joggers.
- 【Ancestral Healing】先祖治疗:
I personally prefer some non-ancestral right-the-heck-now healing, but maybe that is just me.
- 【Rockbiter Weapon】石化武器:
This would be real handy if your enemy is made of rock.
- 【Frost Shock】冰霜震击:
- 【Windfury】风怒:
Windfury is like Earthfury and Firefury, but more light and airy.
- 【Hex】妖术:
If you Hex a Murloc... it really isn't much of a change, is it?
- 【Totemic Might】图腾之力:
Totem-stomping is no longer recommended.
- 【Flametongue Totem】火舌图腾:
Totemsmiths like to use the rarest woods for their totems. There are even rumors of totems made of Ironbark Protectors.
- 【Windspeaker】语风者:
Is there anything worse than a Windspeaker with halitosis?
- 【Bloodlust】嗜血术:
- 【Fire Elemental】火元素:
He can never take a bath. Ewww.
- 【Voidwalker】虚无行者:
No relation to "The Voidsteppers", the popular Void-based dance troupe.
- 【Succubus】魅魔:
Warlocks have it pretty good.
- 【Shadow Bolt】暗影箭:
It’s a Bolt. It's made out of Shadow. What more do you need to know!
- 【Drain Life】吸取生命:
"I've just sucked one year of your life away."
- 【Hellfire】地狱烈焰:
It's spells like these that make it hard for Warlocks to get decent help.
- 【Sacrificial Pact】牺牲契印:
This is the reason that Demons never really become friends with Warlocks.
- 【Corruption】腐蚀术:
It starts with stealing a pen from work, and before you know it, BOOM! Corrupted!
- 【Mortal Coil】死影缠绕:
If your spells look like horrifying skulls, let's be honest, you should get to draw some cards.
- 【Soulfire】灵魂之火:
Are you lighting a soul on fire? Or burning someone with your OWN soul? This seems like an important distinction.
- 【Dread Infernal】恐怖的炼狱火:
"INFERNOOOOOOOOOO!" - Jaraxxus, Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion
- 【Execute】斩杀:
It's okay, he deserved it.
- 【Heroic Strike】英勇打击:
Really, if you're a hero, this is every strike.
- 【Fiery War Axe】炽炎战斧:
During times of tranquility and harmony, this weapon was called by its less popular name, Chilly Peace Axe.
- 【Charge】冲锋:
"Guys! Guys! Slow down!" - some kind of non-warrior minion
- 【Warsong Commander】战歌指挥官:
The Warsong clan is such drama. It's really not worth it to become a commander.
- 【Whirlwind】旋风斩:
The way to tell seasoned warriors from novice ones: the novices yell "wheeeee" while whirlwinding.
- 【Cleave】顺劈斩:
Hey you two…could you stand next to each other for a second…
- 【Shield Block】盾牌格挡:
Shields were invented because Face Block is USELESS.
- 【Kor'kron Elite】柯尔克隆精英:
The Kor'kron are the elite forces of Garrosh Hellscream. Let's just say you don't want to run into these guys while wearing a blue tabard.
- 【Arcanite Reaper】奥金收割斧:
No… actually you should fear the Reaper.
- 【Stonetusk Boar】石牙野猪:
This card is boaring.
- 【Voodoo Doctor】巫毒巫医:
Voodoo is an oft-misunderstood art. But it is art.
- 【Murloc Raider】鱼人劫掠者:
Mrrraggglhlhghghlgh, mrgaaag blarrghlgaahahl mrgggg glhalhah a bghhll graggmgmg Garrosh mglhlhlh mrghlhlhl!!
- 【Novice Engineer】见工程师:
"Half of this class will not graduate… since they'll have been turned to chickens." - Tinkmaster Overspark, teaching Gizmos 101.
- 【River Crocolisk】淡水鳄:
Edward "Lefty" Smith tried to make luggage out of a river crocolisk once.
- 【Bloodfen Raptor】血沼迅猛龙:
"Kill 30 raptors." - Hemet Nesingwary
- 【Raid Leader】团队队长:
"That's a 50 DKP minus!"
- 【Wolfrider】狼骑兵:
Orcish raiders ride wolves because they are well adapted to harsh environments, and because they are soft and cuddly.
- 【Magma Rager】熔岩狂怒者:
He likes to think he is powerful, but pretty much anyone can solo Molten Core now.
- 【Oasis Snapjaw】绿洲钳嘴龟:
His dreams of flying and breathing fire like his idol will never be realized.
- 【Sen'jin Shieldmasta】森金御盾大师:
Sen'jin Villiage is nice, if you like trolls and dust.
- 【Nightblade】夜刃刺客:
Your face is the place you'd probably least like a dagger, and where rogues are most likely to deliver them.
- 【Reckless Rocketeer】鲁莽的火箭手:
One Insane Rocketeer. One Rocket full of Explosives. Infinite Fun.
- 【Boulderfist Ogre】石拳巨魔:
- 【Grimscale Oracle】厉鳞神谕者:
These are the brainy murlocs. It turns out that doesn’t mean much.
- 【Elven Archer】精灵弓箭手:
Don't bother asking her out on a date. She'll shoot you down.
- 【Goldshire Footman】闪金镇步卒:
If 1/2 minions are all that is defending Goldshire, you would think it would have been overrun years ago.
- 【Murloc Tidehunter】猎潮鱼人:
"Death will rise, from the tides!"
- 【Bluegill Warrior】蓝鳃战士:
He just wants a hug. A sloppy... slimy... hug.
- 【Frostwolf Grunt】霜狼蛮兵:
Grunting is what his father did and his father before that. It's more than just a job.
- 【Kobold Geomancer】狗头人地卜师:
In the old days, Kobolds were the finest candle merchants in the land. Then they got pushed too far...
- 【Acidic Swamp Ooze】酸性沼泽软泥怪:
Oozes love Flamenco. Don't ask.
- 【Dalaran Mage】达拉然法师:
You don't see a lot of Dalaran warriors.
- 【Silverback Patriarch】银背猩猩族王:
He likes to act like he's in charge, but the silverback matriarch actually runs things.
- 【Ironforge Rifleman】铁炉堡步枪兵:
"Ready! Aim! Drink!"
- 【Razorfen Hunter】剃刀沼泽猎人:
Someone did mess with Tuskerr once. ONCE.
- 【Shattered Sun Cleric】破碎之日教士:
They always have a spare flask of Sunwell Energy Drink™!
- 【Ironfur Grizzly】铁鬃灰熊:
"Bear Carcass 1/10"
- 【Gnomish Inventor】地精发明家:
She's never quite sure what she's making, she just knows it's AWESOME!
- 【Dragonling Mechanic】机械幼龙技师:
She is still working on installing the rocket launcher add-on for Mr. Bitey.
- 【Stormwind Knight】暴风城骑士:
They're still embarassed about "The Deathwing Incident".
- 【Ogre Magi】巨魔法师:
Training Ogres in the art of spellcasting is a questionable decision.
- 【Chillwind Yeti】冰风雪人:
He always dreamed of coming down from the mountains and opening a noodle shop, but he never got the nerve.
- 【Gurubashi Berserker】古拉巴什狂战士:
No Pain, No Gain.
- 【Stormpike Commando】雷矛特种兵:
The Stormpike Commandos are demolition experts. They also bake a mean cupcake.
- 【Frostwolf Warlord】霜狼督军:
The Frostwolves are locked in combat with the Stormpike Expedition over control of Alterac Valley. Every attempt at peace-talks has ended with Captain Galvangar killing the mediator.
- 【Darkscale Healer】暗鳞医者:
Healing is just something she does in her free time. It's more of a hobby really.
- 【Booty Bay Bodyguard】藏宝海湾保镖:
You can hire him... until someone offers him enough gold to turn on you.
- 【Archmage】大法师:
You earn the title of Archmage when you can destroy anyone who calls you on it.
- 【Lord of the Arena】竞技场之王:
He used to be a 2100+ rated arena player, but that was years ago and nobody can get him to shut up about it.
- 【Stormwind Champion】暴风城勇士:
When Deathwing assaulted the capital, this soldier was the only member of his squad to survive. Now he's all bitter and stuff.
- 【War Golem】战争魔像:
Golems are not afraid, but for some reason they still run when you cast Fear on them. Instinct, maybe? A desire to blend in?
- 【Core Hound】熔核犬:
You don’t tame a Core Hound. You just train it to eat someone else before it eats you.
- 【Elite Tauren Chieftain】精英牛头大佬:
He's looking for a drummer. The current candidates are: Novice Engineer, Sen'jin Shieldmasta', and Ragnaros the Firelord.
- 【Gelbin Mekkatorque】杰尔宾·梅卡托克:
He's the leader of the gnomes, and an incredible inventor. He's getting better, too; He turns things into chickens WAY less than he used to.
- 【Captain's Parrot】船长的鹦鹉:
Pirates and Parrots go together like Virmen and Carrots.
- 【Old Murk-Eye】老瞎眼:
He's a legend among murlocs. "Mrghllghghllghg!", they say.
- 【Naturalize】自然化:
Another one bites the dust.
- 【Wrath】愤怒:
The talk around the Ratchet Inn is that this card is too good and should be a Legendary.
- 【Power of the Wild】野性之力:
Never look a panther in the eye. Or is it 'Always look a panther in the eye'? Well, it's one of those.
- 【Mark of Nature】自然印记:
Druids call it the "Mark of Nature." Everyone else calls it "needing a bath."
- 【Soul of the Forest】森林之魂:
"Reforestation" is suddenly a terrifying word.
- 【Druid of the Claw】利爪德鲁伊:
Cat or Bear? Cat or Bear?! I just cannot CHOOSE!
- 【Savagery】兇蛮:
It is true that some druids are savage, but others still enjoy a quiet moment and a spot of tea.
- 【Bite】撕咬:
Chew your food!
- 【Keeper of the Grove】森林看守者:
These guys just show up and start Keeping your Groves without even asking.
- 【Starfall】星殒术:
Is the sky falling? Yes. Yes it is.
- 【Nourish】滋补术:
Druids take nourishment from many things: the power of nature, the songbird's chirp, a chocolate cake.
- 【Force of Nature】自然之力:
"I think I'll just nap under these trees. Wait... AAAAAHHH!" - Blinkfizz, the Unfortunate Gnome
- 【Ancient of Lore】知识古树:
Go ahead, carve your initials in him.
- 【Ancient of War】战争古树:
Young Night Elves love to play "Who can get the Ancient of War to Uproot?" You lose if you get crushed to death.
- 【Cenarius】塞纳留斯:
Yes, he's a demigod. No, he doesn't need to wear a shirt.
- 【Snipe】狙击:
A great sniper hits the spot. Just like a delicious flank of boar. Mmmmm.
- 【Explosive Trap】爆炸陷阱:
It traps your food AND cooks it for you!
- 【Freezing Trap】冰冻陷阱:
"Dang, that's cold." - appropriate response to Freezing Trap, or a mean joke.
- 【Scavenging Hyena】食腐土狼:
Hyenas prefer the bones of kodos or windserpents, but they'll eat pretty much anything. Even Brussels sprouts.
- 【Unleash the Hounds】放狗:
You must read the name of this card out loud each time you play it.
- 【Deadly Shot】致命射击:
Accuracy is not a highly valued trait among the mok'nathal. Deadliness is near the top, though.
- 【Misdirection】误导:
Sometimes it's as simple as putting on a fake mustache and pointing at someone else.
- 【Flare】照明弹:
Not only does it reveal your enemies, but it's also great for parties!
- 【Eaglehorn Bow】鹰角弓:
First Lesson: Put the pointy end in the other guy.
- 【Explosive Shot】爆裂射击:
Pull the pin, count to 5, then shoot. Then duck.
- 【Savannah Highmane】长鬃草原狮:
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion gets slowly consumed by hyenas.
- 【Bestial Wrath】狂野怒火:
The seething wrath is just beneath the surface. Beneath that is wild abandon, followed by slight annoyance.
- 【Snake Trap】毒蛇陷阱:
Why did it have to be snakes?
- 【Gladiator's Longbow】斗士长弓:
The longbow allows shots to be fired from farther away and is useful for firing on particularly odorous targets.
- 【King Krush】克洛许王:
The best defense against King Krush is to have someone you don’t like standing in front of you.
- 【Ice Lance】冰霜长矛:
The trick is not to break the lance. Otherwise, you have "Ice Pieces." Ice Pieces aren't as effective.
- 【Mana Wyrm】法力龙鳗:
These wyrms feed on arcane energies, and while they are generally considered a nuisance rather than a real threat, you really shouldn't leave them alone with a bucket of mana.
- 【Sorcerer's Apprentice】巫士的学徒:
Apprentices are great for bossing around. "Conjure me some mana buns! And a coffee! Make that a mana coffee!"
- 【Mirror Entity】镜像体:
"You go first." - Krush'gor the Behemoth, to his pet boar.
- 【Ice Barrier】寒冰护体:
This is Rank 1. Rank 2 is Chocolate Milk Barrier.
- 【Cone of Cold】冰锥术:
Magi of the Kirin Tor were casting Cubes of Cold for many years before Cones came into fashion some 90 years ago.
- 【Vaporize】气化:
Rumor has it that Deathwing brought about the Cataclysm after losing a game to this card. We may never know the truth.
- 【Counterspell】法术反制:
What's the difference between a mage playing with Counterspell and a mage who isn't? The mage who isn't is getting Pyroblasted in the face.
- 【Kirin Tor Mage】祈伦托法师:
The Kirin Tor reside in the floating city of Dalaran. How do you make a Dalaran float? Two scoops of ice cream, one scoop of Dalaran.
- 【Ethereal Arcanist】以太秘法师:
The ethereals are wrapped in cloth to give form to their non-corporeal bodies. Also because it's nice and soft.
- 【Blizzard】暴风雪:
This spell can be very Entertaining.
- 【Ice Block】寒冰屏障:
Ice is nice, and will suffice!
- 【Spellbender】法术扭曲者:
While it's fun to intercept enemy lightning bolts, a spellbender much prefers to intercept opposing Marks of the Wild. It just feels meaner. And blood elves... well, they're a little mean.
- 【Pyroblast】炎爆术:
Take the time for an evil laugh after you draw this card.
- 【Archmage Antonidas】大法师安东尼达斯:
Antonidas was the Grand Magus of the Kirin Tor, and Jaina's mentor. This was a big step up from being Grand Magus of Jelly Donuts.
- 【Redemption】救赎:
I am not sure how you get demptioned the first time. It’s a mystery!
- 【Repentance】忏悔:
Repentance often comes in the moment before obliteration. Curious.
- 【Eye for an Eye】以眼还眼:
Justice sometimes takes the form of a closed fist into a soft cheek.
- 【Blessing of Wisdom】智慧祝福:
Apparently with wisdom comes the knowledge that you should probably be attacking every turn.
- 【Noble Sacrifice】光荣牺牲:
We will always remember you, "Defender!"
- 【Argent Protector】银色黎明保卫者:
"I'm not saying you can dodge fireballs. I'm saying with this shield, you won't have to."
- 【Equality】一视同仁:
We are all special unique snowflakes... with 1 Health.
- 【Divine Favor】神恩术:
This is not just a favor, but a divine one, like helping someone move a couch with a fold out bed!
- 【Aldor Peacekeeper】奥多尔保安官:
The Aldor hate two things: the Scryers and smooth jazz.
- 【Holy Wrath】神圣愤怒:
C'mon Molten Giant!!
- 【Blessed Champion】勇者祝福:
This card causes double the trouble AND double the fun.
- 【Sword of Justice】正义之剑:
I dub you Sir Loin of Beef!
- 【Avenging Wrath】复仇之怒:
Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham!
- 【Lay on Hands】圣疗术:
A grammatically awkward life saver.
- 【Tirion Fordring】提里奥·弗丁:
If you haven't heard the Tirion Fordring theme song, it's because it doesn't exist.
- 【Silence】沉默:
Reserved for enemy spellcasters, evil liches from beyond the grave, and karaoke nights at the Grim Guzzler.
- 【Circle of Healing】治疗之环:
It isn't really a circle.
- 【Inner Fire】心灵之火:
Good idea: Buffing your minions. Bad idea: Starting a conversation in the Barrens.
- 【Thoughtsteal】思想窃取:
"What do you get when you cast Thoughtsteal on an Orc? Nothing!" - Tauren joke
- 【Lightspawn】圣光之子:
Spawn of the Light? Or Pawn of the Lights?
- 【Temple Enforcer】神殿执行者:
He also moonlights Thursday nights as a bouncer at the Pig and Whistle Tavern.
- 【Lightwell】光束泉:
It isn't clear if people ignore the Lightwell, or if it is just invisible.
- 【Mass Dispel】群体驱魔:
It dispels buffs, powers, hopes, and dreams.
- 【Shadow Madness】暗影狂乱:
You can rationalize it all you want, it's still a mean thing to do.
- 【Auchenai Soulpriest】奥奇奈灵魂牧师:
The Auchenai know the end is coming, but they're not sure when.
- 【Holy Fire】神圣之火:
Often followed by Holy Smokes!
- 【Shadowform】暗影形态:
If a bright light shines on a priest in Shadowform… do they cast a shadow?
- 【Mindgames】心理游戏:
Sometimes it feels like this is all a game.
- 【Cabal Shadow Priest】卡巴暗影牧师:
You never know who may be secretly working for the Cabal....
- 【Prophet Velen】预言者费伦:
He's been exiled from his home, and all his brothers turned evil, but otherwise he doesn't have a lot to complain about.
- 【Shadowstep】暗影闪现:
Rogue dance troops will sometimes Shadowstep away at the end of a performance. Crowds love it.
- 【Cold Blood】冷血:
"I'm cold blooded, check it and see!"
- 【Conceal】隐蔽:
Rogues conceal everything but their emotions. You can't get 'em to shut up about feelings.
- 【Eviscerate】剔骨:
There is a high cost to Eviscerating your opponent: It takes a long time to get blood stains out of leather armor.
- 【Betrayal】背叛:
Everyone has a price. Gnomes, for example, can be persuaded by stuffed animals and small amounts of chocolate.
- 【Defias Ringleader】迪菲亚头目:
He stole the deed to town years ago, so technically the town is his. He just calls people Scrub to be mean.
- 【Headcrack】碎颅:
When all else fails, nothing beats a swift whack upside the head.
- 【Perdition's Blade】堕灭之刃:
Perdition's Blade is Ragnaros's back-up weapon while Sulfuras is in the shop.
- 【SI:7 Agent】军情七处密探:
The agents of SI:7 are responsible for Stormwind's covert activities. Their duties include espionage, assassination, and throwing surprise birthday parties for the royal family.
- 【Blade Flurry】剑刃乱舞:
"Look, it's not just about waving daggers around really fast. It's a lot more complicated than that." - Shan, Rogue Trainer
- 【Master of Disguise】伪装大师:
She's actually a male tauren. People don't call him "Master of Disguise" for nothing.
- 【Preparation】準备:
"Be Prepared" - Rogue Motto
- 【Patient Assassin】有耐心的刺客:
He’s not really that patient. It just takes a while for someone to walk by that he can actually reach.
- 【Kidnapper】绑匪:
He just wants people to see his vacation photos.
- 【Edwin VanCleef】艾德温·范克里夫:
He led the Stonemasons in the reconstruction of Stormwind, and when the nobles refused to pay, he founded the Defias Brotherhood to, well, deconstruct Stormwind.
- 【Lightning Bolt】闪电箭:
Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!
- 【Forked Lightning】叉状闪电:
If you combine it with Spooned Lightning and Knived Lightning, you have the full dining set.
- 【Earth Shock】大地震击:
Earth Shock? Shouldn't it be "Azeroth Shock"?
- 【Dust Devil】尘魔:
Westfall is full of dust devils. And buzzards. And crazed golems. And pirates. Why does anyone live here?
- 【Stormforged Axe】风暴冶炼之斧:
Yo, that's a nice axe.
- 【Unbound Elemental】无缚的元素:
Unlike bound elementals, Unbound ones really enjoy a night on the town.
- 【Ancestral Spirit】先祖之魂:
It was just a flesh wound.
- 【Lava Burst】熔岩爆发:
It's like an ocean of liquid magma in your mouth!
- 【Feral Spirit】野性之魂:
Spirit wolves are like regular wolves with pom-poms.
- 【Lightning Storm】闪电风暴:
An umbrella won't be effective, I'm afraid.
- 【Mana Tide Totem】法力之潮图腾:
It is said that some shaman can say "Floatin' totem" 10 times, fast.
- 【Far Sight】视界术:
Drek'thar can't see, but he can see. You know what I mean? It's ok if you don't.
- 【Doomhammer】末日锤:
Orgrim Doomhammer gave this legendary weapon to Thrall. His name is a total coincidence.
- 【Earth Elemental】土元素:
Nothing beats rock.
- 【Al'Akir the Windlord】『驭风者』奥拉基尔:
He is the weakest of the four Elemental Lords. And the other three don't let him forget it.
- 【Power Overwhelming】压倒性的力量:
We cannot even describe how horrible the death is. It's CRAZY bad! Maybe worse than that. Just don't do it.
- 【Blood Imp】血之小鬼:
Imps are content to hide and viciously taunt everyone nearby.
- 【Flame Imp】烈焰小鬼:
Imps like being on fire. They just do.
- 【Demonfire】恶魔火焰:
Demonfire is like regular fire except for IT NEVER STOPS BURNING HELLLPPP
- 【Sense Demons】感知恶魔:
Generally demons are pretty obvious and you don’t need a spell to sense them.
- 【Summoning Portal】召唤传送门:
NOT LESS THAN 1! Don't get any ideas!
- 【Void Terror】虚无恐兽:
If you put this into your deck, you WILL lose the trust of your other minions.
- 【Felguard】恶魔守卫:
Yes, he'll fight for you. BUT HE'S NOT GOING TO LIKE IT.
- 【Shadowflame】暗影之焰:
Start with a powerful minion and stir in Shadowflame and you have a good time!
- 【Doomguard】末日守卫:
Summoning a doomguard is risky. Someone is going to die.
- 【Siphon Soul】灵魂虹吸:
You probably should avoid siphoning your own soul. You might create some kind of weird infinite loop.
- 【Pit Lord】深渊领主:
Mannoroth, Magtheridon, and Brutallus may be dead, but it turns out there are a LOT of pit lords.
- 【Bane of Doom】末日灾厄:
My advice to you is to avoid Doom, if possible.
- 【Twisting Nether】扭曲虚空:
The Twisting Nether is a formless place of magic and illusion and destroyed minions.
- 【Lord Jaraxxus】贾拉克瑟斯领主:
- 【Inner Rage】心灵之怒:
They're only smiling on the outside.
- 【Rampage】暴怒:
Minion get ANGRY. Minion SMASH!
- 【Slam】猛击:
"Dun da dun, dun da dun": if you've heard an ogre sing this, it's too late.
- 【Battle Rage】战斗狂怒:
"You won't like me when I'm angry."
- 【Cruel Taskmaster】残酷的监工:
"I'm going to need you to come in on Sunday." - Cruel Taskmaster
- 【Arathi Weaponsmith】阿拉希武器锻造师:
50% off fist weapons, limited time only!
- 【Upgrade!】升级!:
Easily worth 50 DKP.
- 【Commanding Shout】命令之吼:
"Shout! Shout! Let it all out!" - Advice to warriors-in-training
- 【Armorsmith】护甲锻造师:
She accepts guild funds for repairs!
- 【Frothing Berserker】白沫狂战士:
He used to work as an accountant before he tried his hand at Berserkering.
- 【Mortal Strike】致死打击:
"If you only use one ability, use Mortal Strike." - The Warrior Code, Line 6
- 【Shield Slam】盾牌猛击:
"What is a better weapon? The sharp one your enemies expect, or the blunt one they ignore?" - The Art of Warrior, Chapter 9
- 【Brawl】斗殴:
Do you know the first rule of Brawl Club?
- 【Gorehowl】血吼之斧:
Grommash Hellscream's famous axe. Somehow this ended up in Prince Malchezaar's possession. Quite the mystery!
- 【Grommash Hellscream】葛罗玛许·地狱吼:
Grommash drank the tainted blood of Mannoroth, dooming the orcs to green skin and red eyes! Maybe not his best decision.
- 【Wisp】幽光:
If you hit an Eredar Lord with enough Wisps, it will explode. But why?
- 【Shieldbearer】执盾兵:
Have you seen the size of the shields in this game?? This is no easy job.
- 【Young Dragonhawk】小龙鹰:
They were the inspiration for the championship Taurenball team: The Dragonhawks.
- 【Leper Gnome】麻疯地精:
He really just wants to be your friend, but the constant rejection is starting to really get to him.
- 【Argent Squire】银白侍从:
"I solemnly swear to uphold the Light, purge the world of darkness, and to eat only burritos." - The Argent Dawn Oath
- 【Southsea Deckhand】南海水手:
Pirates are into this new fad called "Planking".
- 【Worgen Infiltrator】狼人渗透者:
If you want to stop a worgen from infiltrating, just yell, "No! Bad boy!"
- 【Abusive Sergeant】严厉的士官:
- 【Loot Hoarder】掠宝囤积者:
Always roll need.
- 【Dire Wolf Alpha】恐狼首领:
We are pretty excited about the upcoming release of Dire Wolf Beta, just repost this sign for a chance at a key.
- 【Bloodsail Raider】血帆劫掠者:
"I only plunder on days that end in 'y'."
- 【Amani Berserker】阿曼尼狂战士:
If an Amani berserker asks "Joo lookin' at me?!", the correct response is "Nah, mon".
- 【Faerie Dragon】精灵龙:
Adorable. Immune to Magic. Doesn't pee on the rug. The perfect pet!
- 【Mad Bomber】疯狂炸弹客:
He's not really all that crazy, he is just not as careful with explosives as he should be.
- 【Youthful Brewmaster】年轻的酿酒大师:
His youthful enthusiasm doesn’t always equal excellence in his brews. Don’t drink the Mogu Stout!
- 【Acolyte of Pain】苦痛侍僧:
He trained when he was younger to be an acolyte of joy, but things didn’t work out like he thought they would.
- 【Ironbeak Owl】铁喙猫头鹰:
Their wings are silent but their screech is... whatever the opposite of silent is.
- 【Harvest Golem】麦田魔像:
"Overheat threshold exceeded. System failure. Wheat clog in port two. Shutting down."
- 【Flesheating Ghoul】食肉食尸鬼:
'Flesheating' is an unfair name. It's just that there's not really much else for him to eat.
- 【Thrallmar Farseer】索尔玛先知:
He's stationed in the Hellfire Peninsula, but he's hoping for a reassignment closer to Orgrimmar, or really anywhere the ground is less on fire.
- 【Tauren Warrior】牛头人战士:
Tauren Warrior: Champion of Mulgore, Slayer of Quilboar, Rider of Thunderbluff Elevators.
- 【Scarlet Crusader】血色十字军:
Never wash your whites with a Scarlet Crusader.
- 【Raging Worgen】盛怒的狼人:
If he's raging now, just wait until he gets nerfed.
- 【Earthen Ring Farseer】陶土议会先知:
He can see really far, and he doesn't use a telescope like those filthy pirates.
- 【Jungle Panther】丛林豹:
Stranglethorn is a beautiful place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.
- 【Mogu'shan Warden】魔古山看守者:
All these guys ever do is talk about the Thunder King. BOOOORRRINNG!
- 【Dread Corsair】惊惧海盗:
"Yarrrr" is a pirate word that means "Greetings, milord."
- 【Silvermoon Guardian】银月看守者:
The first time they tried to guard Silvermoon against the scourge, it didn’t go so well…
- 【Cult Master】教派宗师:
She may be an evil cult master, but she still calls her parents once a week.
- 【Spellbreaker】破法者:
Spellbreakers can rip enchantments from magic-wielders. The process is painless and can be performed on an outpatient basis.
- 【Dark Iron Dwarf】黑铁矮人:
Guardians of Dark Iron Ore. Perhaps the most annoying ore, given where you have to forge it.
- 【Ancient Brewmaster】老迈的酿酒大师:
Most pandaren say his brew tastes like yak. But apparently that's a compliment.
- 【Fen Creeper】沼地蠕行者:
He used to be called Bog Beast, but it confused people because he wasn't an actual beast. Boom, New Name!
- 【Silver Hand Knight】白银之手骑士:
It's good to be a knight. Less so to be one's squire.
- 【Spiteful Smith】恶毒的铁匠:
She'll craft you a sword, but you'll need to bring her 5 Steel Ingots, 3 Motes of Earth, and the scalp of her last customer.
- 【Stranglethorn Tiger】荆棘谷猛虎:
The wonderful thing about tigers is tigers are wonderful things!
- 【Venture Co. Mercenary】风险投资公司雇佣兵:
No Job is too big. No fee is too big.
- 【Windfury Harpy】风怒鹰身人:
Harpies are not pleasant sounding. That's the nicest I can put it.
- 【Priestess of Elune】伊露恩的女祭司:
If she threatens to "moon" you, it's not what you think.
- 【Frost Elemental】冰霜元素:
When a Water elemental and an Ice elemental love each other VERY much...
- 【Angry Chicken】愤怒鸡:
There is no beast more frightening (or ridiculous) than a fully enraged chicken.
- 【Lightwarden】护光者:
She’s smaller than her sisters Mediumwarden and Heavywarden.
- 【Secretkeeper】保密者:
She promises not to tell anyone about that thing you did last night with that one person.
- 【Bloodsail Corsair】血帆海寇:
Every pirate uses the same four digits to access Automated Gold Dispensers. It's called the "Pirate's Code".
- 【Murloc Tidecaller】鱼人招潮者:
This guy gets crazy strong at family reunions.
- 【Young Priestess】年轻的女牧师:
She can't wait to learn Power Word: Fortitude Rank 2.
- 【Mana Addict】魔法成瘾者:
She’s trying to kick the habit, but still takes some mana whenever she has a stressful day.
- 【Master Swordsmith】剑类锻造大师:
He's currently trying to craft a "flail-axe", but all the other swordsmiths say it can't be done.
- 【Knife Juggler】飞刀手:
Ambitious Knife Jugglers sometimes graduate to Bomb Jugglers. They never last long enough to make it onto a card though.
- 【Mana Wraith】法力怨灵:
They come out at night to eat leftover mana crystals. "Mmmmmm," they say.
- 【Pint-Sized Summoner】迷你召唤师:
She's quite jealous of the Gallon-Sized Summoner.
- 【Crazed Alchemist】疯狂的鍊金师:
"You'll love my new recipe!" he says... especially if you're not happy with your current number of limbs.
- 【Sunfury Protector】日怒保卫者:
She carries a shield, but only so she can give it to someone she can stand behind.
- 【Wild Pyromancer】狂野火占师:
- 【Ancient Watcher】远古看守者:
Why do its eyes seem to follow you as you walk by?
- 【Alarm-o-Bot】警报机器人:
- 【Demolisher】石毁车:
Laying siege isn't fun for anyone. It's not even all that effective, now that everyone has a flying mount.
- 【Imp Master】小鬼召唤师:
She would enjoy the job a lot more if she just could get the imps to QUIT BITING HER.
- 【Coldlight Oracle】冷光神谕者:
They can see the future. In that future both players draw more cards. Spoooky.
- 【Questing Adventurer】解任务的冒险者:
"Does anyone have some extra Boar Pelts?"
- 【Coldlight Seer】冷光先知:
The Coldlight murlocs reside in the darkest pits of the Abyssal Depths. So no, there's no getting away from murlocs.
- 【Emperor Cobra】帝王眼镜蛇:
The Sholazar Basin is home to a lot of really horrible things. If you're going to visit, wear bug spray. And plate armor.
- 【Mind Control Tech】精神控制技师:
Mind Control technology is getting better, but that's not saying much.
- 【Arcane Golem】秘法魔像:
Having Arcane golems at home really classes up the place, and as a bonus they are great conversation pieces.
- 【Injured Blademaster】受伤的大剑师:
He claims it is an old war wound, but we think he just cut himself shaving.
- 【Defender of Argus】阿古斯防卫者:
You wouldn’t think that Argus would need this much defending. But it does.
- 【Ancient Mage】老迈的法师:
Sometimes he forgets and just wanders into someone else's game.
- 【Violet Teacher】紫罗兰教师:
If you don't pay attention, you may be turned into a pig. And then you get your name on the board.
- 【Twilight Drake】暮光飞龙:
Twilight drakes feed on Mystical Energy. And Tacos.
- 【Stampeding Kodo】奔窜的科多兽:
This Kodo is so big that he can stampede by himself.
- 【Azure Drake】苍蓝龙:
They initially planned to be the Beryl or Cerulean drakes, but those felt a tad too pretentious.
- 【Abomination】憎恶体:
Abominations enjoy Fresh Meat and long walks on the beach.
- 【Argent Commander】银白指挥官:
The Argent Dawn stands vigilant against the Scourge, as well as people who cut in line at coffee shops.
- 【Gadgetzan Auctioneer】加基森拍卖师:
He used to run the black market auction house, but there was just too much violence and he had to move.
- 【Sunwalker】日行者:
She doesn’t ACTUALLY walk on the Sun. It's just a name. Don’t worry!
- 【Ravenholdt Assassin】拉文霍德刺客:
Just mail him a package with a name and 10,000 gold. He'll take care of the rest.
- 【Hungry Crab】饥饿的螃蟹:
Murloc. It's what's for dinner.
- 【Doomsayer】末日预言者:
He's almost been right so many times. He was sure it was coming during the Cataclysm.
- 【Blood Knight】血骑士:
The Blood Knights get their holy powers from the Sunwell, which you should NOT bathe in.
- 【Southsea Captain】南海船长:
When he saves enough plunder, he's going to commission an enormous captain's hat. He has hat envy.
- 【Murloc Warleader】鱼人队长:
Do Murlocs ever get tired of making the same old sound? Nope! Mrglglrglglglglglglgl!
- 【Faceless Manipulator】无面操纵者:
The Faceless Ones are servants of Yogg-Saron, and they feed on fear. Right now they are feeding on your fear of accidentally disenchanting all your good cards.
- 【Big Game Hunter】王牌猎人:
Mere devilsaurs no longer excite him. Soon he'll be trying to catch Onyxia with only a dull Krol Blade.
- 【Sea Giant】海巨人:
See? Giant.
- 【Mountain Giant】山岭巨人:
His mother said that he was just big boned.
- 【Molten Giant】熔火巨人:
He gets terrible heartburn. BECAUSE HE IS FULL OF LAVA.
- 【Nat Pagle】纳特·帕格:
Nat Pagle, Azeroth's premier fisherman! He invented the Auto-Angler 3000, the Extendo-Pole 3000, and the Lure-o-matic 2099 (still in testing).
- 【Lorewalker Cho】博学行者阿洲:
Lorewalker Cho archives and shares tales from the land of Pandaria, but his favorite story is the one where Joey and Phoebe go on a road trip.
- 【Bloodmage Thalnos】血法师萨尔诺斯:
He's in charge of the Annual Scarlet Monastery Blood Drive!
- 【Millhouse Manastorm】米欧浩斯·曼纳斯顿:
"I'm gonna light you up, sweetcheeks!"
- 【Tinkmaster Overspark】技工大师欧沃斯巴克:
Tinkmaster Overspark nearly lost his Tinker's license after the Great Ironforge Squirrel Stampede of '09.
- 【King Mukla】穆克拉:
King Mukla wanders Jaguero Isle, searching for love.
- 【Captain Greenskin】绿皮船长:
He was this close to piloting a massive juggernaut into Stormwind Harbor. If it weren't for those pesky kids!
- 【Harrison Jones】哈里逊·琼斯:
“That belongs in the Hall of Explorers!”
- 【Leeroy Jenkins】炸鸡勇者:
At least he has Angry Chicken.
- 【Hogger】霍格:
Hogger is super powerful. If you kill him, it's because he let you.
- 【The Black Knight】黑骑士:
He was sent by the Lich King to disrupt the Argent Tournament. We can pretty much mark that a failure.
- 【Cairne Bloodhoof】凯恩·血蹄:
Cairne was killed by Garrosh, so... don't put this guy in a Warrior deck. It's pretty insensitive.
- 【Sylvanas Windrunner】希瓦娜斯·风行者:
Sylvanas was turned into the Banshee Queen by Arthas, but he probably should have just killed her because it just pissed her off.
- 【Illidan Stormrage】伊利丹·怒风:
Illidan's brother, Malfurion, imprisoned him beneath Hyjal for 10,000 years. Stormrages are not good at letting go of grudges.
- 【The Beast】比斯巨兽:
He lives in Blackrock Mountain. He eats Gnomes. That's pretty much it.
- 【Baron Geddon】迦顿男爵:
Baron Geddon was Ragnaros's foremost lieutenant, until he got FIRED.
- 【Gruul】戈鲁尔:
He's Gruul "the Dragonkiller". He just wanted to cuddle them… he never meant to…
- 【Ragnaros the Firelord】『炎魔』拉格纳罗斯:
Ragnaros was summoned by the Dark Iron dwarves, who were eventually enslaved by the Firelord. Summoning Ragnaros often doesn’t work out the way you want it to.
- 【Ysera】伊瑟拉:
Ysera rules the Emerald Dream. Which is some kind of green-mirror-version of the real world, or something?
- 【Malygos】玛里苟斯:
Malygos hates it when mortals use magic. He gets so mad!
- 【Nozdormu】诺兹多姆:
Time to write some flavor text.
- 【Onyxia】奥妮克希亚:
Onyxia long manipulated the Stormwind Court by disguising herself as Lady Katrana Prestor. You would have thought that the giant wings and scales would have been a giveaway.
- 【Alexstrasza】雅立史卓莎:
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder brings life and hope to everyone. Except Deathwing. And Malygos. And Nekros.
- 【Deathwing】死亡之翼:
Once a noble dragon known as Neltharion, Deathwing lost his mind and shattered Azeroth before finally being defeated. Daddy issues?
- 【Poison Seeds】剧毒种子:
"Poisonseed Bagel" is the least popular bagel at McTiggin's Druidic Bagel Emporium.
- 【Webspinner】织网者:
Spider cocoons are like little piñatas!
- 【Duplicate】複製:
The one time when duping cards won't get your account banned!
- 【Avenge】报复:
Several paladins have joined together to deliver justice under the name "Justice Force". Their lawyer talked them out of calling themselves the Justice League.
- 【Dark Cultist】黑暗教徒:
The Cult of the Damned has found it's best not to mention their name when recruiting new cultists.
- 【Anub'ar Ambusher】阿努巴伏击者:
Originally he was called "Anub'ar Guy who bounces a guy back to your hand", but it lacked a certain zing.
- 【Reincarnate】重生:
It's like birth, except you're an adult and you were just dead a second ago.
- 【Voidcaller】虚无呼唤者:
"Void! Here, void! Here, buddy!"
- 【Death's Bite】死亡之噬:
"Take a bite outta Death." - McScruff the Deathlord
- 【Undertaker】殡葬管理员:
In a world where you can run to a spirit healer and resurrect yourself, Undertakers do pretty light business.
- 【Zombie Chow】肉身殭尸:
Zombie. It's what's for dinner.
- 【Haunted Creeper】鬼怪蠕行者:
Arachnofauxbia: Fear of fake spiders.
- 【Unstable Ghoul】不稳定的食尸鬼:
Filling your Ghouls with Rocket Fuel is all the rage at Necromancer school.
- 【Nerub'ar Weblord】奈幽巴蛛网领主:
Weblords spend all day making giant trampoline parks.
- 【Mad Scientist】疯狂科学家:
His mother wanted him to be a mage or a warlock, but noooooooo, he had to go and be a scientist like his father.
- 【Stoneskin Gargoyle】石肤石像鬼:
Stoneskin Gargoyles love freeze tag.
- 【Dancing Swords】舞动的剑:
They like to dance to reggae.
- 【Spectral Knight】鬼灵骑士:
What do Faerie Dragons and Spectral Knights have in common? They both love pasta!
- 【Nerubian Egg】奈幽之卵:
Eggs are a good source of protein and Nerubians.
- 【Deathlord】死亡领主:
"Rise from your grave!" - Kel'Thuzad
- 【Wailing Soul】哀嚎的灵魂:
This soul just wails on you. Dang, soul, let up already.
- 【Sludge Belcher】淤泥喷射者:
- 【Echoing Ooze】迴音软泥怪:
OOZE... Ooze... Ooze... (ooze...)
- 【Shade of Naxxramas】纳克萨玛斯幻影:
The Shades of Naxxramas hate the living. They even have a slur they use to refer them: Livers.
- 【Baron Rivendare】瑞文戴尔男爵:
There used to be five Horsemen but one of them left because a job opened up in the deadmines and the benefits were better.
- 【Feugen】伏晨:
Feugen is sad because everyone likes Stalagg better.
- 【Loatheb】憎恨者:
Loatheb used to be a simple Bog Beast. This is why we need stricter regulations on mining and agriculture.
- 【Stalagg】斯塔拉格:
Stalagg want to write own flavor text. "STALAGG AWESOME!"
- 【Maexxna】梅克丝娜:
Maexxna gets super mad when people introduce her as "Maxina" or "Maxxy".
- 【Kel'Thuzad】科尔苏加德:
Kel'Thuzad could not resist the call of the Lich King. Even when it's just a robo-call extolling the Lich King's virtues.
- 【Anodized Robo Cub】电镀机械小熊:
- 【Druid of the Fang】尖牙德鲁伊:
The Druids of the Fang live in the Wailing Caverns. They wear cool snake shirts and tell snake jokes and say "bro" a lot.
- 【Grove Tender】林地看管者:
Likes: Hiking and the great outdoors. Dislikes: Goblin shredders and sandals. (Can’t find any that fit!).
- 【Recycle】回收:
Druidic recycling involves putting plastics in one bin and enemy minions in another bin.
- 【Mech-Bear-Cat】机械熊-猫:
Crushes buildings with his BEAR hands.
- 【Dark Wispers】黑暗幽光:
Don't worry; we fired the person who named this card.
- 【Tree of Life】生命之树:
Healing: It grows on trees!
- 【Malorne】玛洛尼:
When Malorne isn't mauling hordes of demons, he enjoys attending parties, though he prefers to go stag.
- 【Glaivezooka】旋刃火箭筒:
For the times when a regular bazooka just isn't enough.
- 【Cobra Shot】眼镜蛇射击:
"Cobra Shot" hurts way, way, way more than "Cobra Cuddle."
- 【Call Pet】召唤宠物:
Real hunters tame hungry crabs.
- 【Metaltooth Leaper】钢牙兽:
Don't leave them out in the rain. In Un'Goro Crater there is a whole colony of rust-tooth leapers.
- 【King of Beasts】万兽之王:
He never sleeps. Not even in the mighty jungle.
- 【Feign Death】假死:
The hardest part about doing a "Feign Death" convincingly is learning how to make the right smell. It takes a lot of commitment.
- 【Steamwheedle Sniper】热砂狙击手:
Goblins seldom have the patience for sniping. Most prefer lobbing explosives.
- 【Gahz'rilla】加兹瑞拉:
The Sen'jin High football team is The Gahz'rillas.
- 【Flamecannon】烈焰火砲:
Calling something a flamecannon really doesn't do much to distinguish it from other goblin devices.
- 【Snowchugger】刬雪机器人:
Do the slow chant when he waddles by: "Chug! Chug! Chug!"
- 【Unstable Portal】不稳定的传送门:
The denizens of Azeroth have no idea how much work goes into stabilizing portals. We spend like 30% of GDP on portal upkeep.
- 【Soot Spewer】煤烟喷吐机器人:
The inventor of the goblin shredder is involved in several patent disputes with the inventor of the soot spewer.
- 【Goblin Blastmage】哥布林轰炸法师:
If you can't find a bomb to throw, just pick up any goblin invention and throw that.
- 【Echo of Medivh】麦迪文的回音:
Medivh's echo haunts Karazhan, eternally cheating at chess and Hearthstone.
- 【Wee Spellstopper】娇小的法术干扰师:
Bane of spellcasters and spelling bees everywhere.
- 【Flame Leviathan】烈焰战轮:
Mimiron likes to take the Flame Leviathan out on some sweet joyrides.
- 【Seal of Light】光明圣印:
The walrus of Light restores EIGHT Health.
- 【Shielded Minibot】护盾小机器人:
He chooses to believe what he is programmed to believe!
- 【Muster for Battle】整装备战:
"I'm bringing the guacamole!" – One of the most successful (yet rare) Silver Hand rallying cries
- 【Scarlet Purifier】血色净化者:
The Scarlet Crusade is doing market research to find out if the "Mauve Crusade" would be better received.
- 【Cobalt Guardian】钴蓝守护者:
Guardians used to be built out of Adamantium, but production got moved to Gadgetzan and Cobalt was cheap.
- 【Coghammer】齿轮巨锤:
So you ripped this out of a machine, carved some runes on it, stuck it on a handle, and now it's a weapon of great divine power? Seems legit.
- 【Quartermaster】军需官:
His specialty? Dividing things into four pieces.
- 【Bolvar Fordragon】伯瓦尔·弗塔根:
Spoiler alert: Bolvar gets melted and then sits on an ice throne and everyone forgets about him.
- 【Shrinkmeister】缩小射线工程师:
After the debacle of the Gnomish World Enlarger, gnomes are wary of size-changing inventions.
- 【Velen's Chosen】费伦的祝福:
Velen wrote a "Lovely Card" for Tyrande with a picture of the Deeprun Tram that said "I Choo-Choo-Choose you!"
- 【Light of the Naaru】那鲁之光:
"Light it up!" - Command given to both Lightwardens and Goblins holding Flamecannons.
- 【Shadowboxer】暗影拳击手:
Punching is its primary function. Also, its secondary function.
- 【Upgraded Repair Bot】升级版修理机器人:
It's the same as the previous generation but they slapped the word "upgraded" on it to sell it for double.
- 【Shadowbomber】暗影炸弹手:
Shadowbomber does her job, but she's kind of phoning it in at this point.
- 【Lightbomb】圣光炸弹:
This is what happens when you allow goblins to be priests.
- 【Vol'jin】沃金:
Vol'jin is a shadow hunter, which is like a shadow priest except more voodoo.
- 【Goblin Auto-Barber】哥布林自动理髮师:
This guy is excellent at adjusting your haircut and/or height.
- 【Tinker's Sharpsword Oil】技工的磨刀油:
"Get ready to strike oil!" - Super-cheesy battle cry
- 【One-eyed Cheat】独眼骗子:
When pirates say there is no "Eye" in "team," they are very literal about it.
- 【Iron Sensei】钢铁师尊:
Mechs like learning from him because he really speaks their language.
- 【Ogre Ninja】巨魔忍者:
He didn't have the grades to get into ninja school, but his dad pulled some strings.
- 【Cogmaster's Wrench】齿轮大师的扳手:
For tightening cogs and smashin' troggs!
- 【Sabotage】破坏工作:
Rogues can't stand it. They know you planned it! They are going to set you straight!
- 【Trade Prince Gallywix】贸易亲王加里维克斯:
Gallywix believes in supply and demand. He supplies the beatings and demands you pay up!
- 【Crackle】轰雷:
Snap! This card! Pop!
- 【Whirling Zap-o-matic】漩涡打击装置:
If you pay a little extra, you can get it in "candy-apple red."
- 【Vitality Totem】活力图腾:
You can usually find these at the totemist's market on Saturdays.
- 【Powermace】动力战锤:
People assume that shamans control the elements, but really, they have to ask them stuff and the elements are like, "Yeah ok, sure."
- 【Dunemaul Shaman】砂槌萨满:
He just closes his eyes and goes for it. Raarararrrarar!
- 【Ancestor's Call】先祖之唤:
"Hey! Ancestors!" - Ancestor's call
- 【Siltfin Spiritwalker】沙鳍灵行者:
The elements respond to anyone who calls them for a worthy cause, even if you call them by yelling, "MRGHRGLGLGL!"
- 【Neptulon】奈普图隆:
Neptulon is "The Tidehunter". He’s one of the four elemental lords. And he and Ragnaros get together and make really amazing saunas.
- 【Darkbomb】黑暗炸弹:
If you're looking to make an "Emo" deck, this card is perfect!
- 【Floating Watcher】漂浮看守者:
"Evil Eye Watcher of Doom" was the original name, but marketing felt it was a bit too aggressive.
- 【Mistress of Pain】苦痛仕女:
Her sister is the Mistress of Pane who sells windows and shower doors.
- 【Imp-losion】小鬼爆破:
The shrapnel is waaaaay worse than the explosion.
- 【Fel Cannon】恶魔火砲:
The box says, "New and improved, with 200% more fel!"
- 【Demonheart】恶魔之心:
Virtually every member of the pro demon lobby is a warlock. Weird.
- 【Anima Golem】憎恶魔像:
The Dark Animus is evil and mysterious and huge and unable to write sentences that utilize proper grammar.
- 【Mal'Ganis】玛尔加尼斯:
Mal'Ganis doesn't like being betrayed, so if you discard him, watch out.
- 【Warbot】战争机器人:
Mass production of warbots was halted when it was discovered that they were accidentally being produced at "sample size."
- 【Ogre Warmaul】巨魔战槌:
Simple, misguided, and incredibly dangerous. You know, like most things ogre.
- 【Screwjank Clunker】破旧的维修机甲:
If it breaks, just kick it a couple of times while yelling "Durn thing!"
- 【Siege Engine】攻城机具:
Wintergrasp Keep's only weakness!
- 【Shieldmaiden】女盾侍:
She has three shieldbearers in her party to supply her with back ups when she gets low on durability.
- 【Bouncing Blade】弹跳锋刃:
Only goblins would think this was a good idea. Even they are starting to have their doubts.
- 【Crush】粉碎:
Using this card on your enemies is one of the best things in life, according to some barbarians.
- 【Iron Juggernaut】钢铁破灭邪神:
The Iron Juggernaut guards Orgrimmar and has just earned the "Employee of the Month" award!
- 【Cogmaster】齿轮大师:
After a while, you don't see the cogs and sprockets. All you see is a robot, a spider tank, a deathray...
- 【Clockwork Gnome】发条地精:
Clockwork gnomes are always asking what time it is.
- 【Explosive Sheep】自爆绵羊:
How is this supposed to work? Your enemies think, "Hey! Cute sheep!" and run over to cuddle it?
- 【Micro Machine】微型装甲:
This card is the real thing.
- 【Annoy-o-Tron】烦人机器人:
The inventor of the Annoy-o-Tron was immediately expelled from Tinkerschool, Tinkertown, and was eventually exiled from the Eastern Kingdoms altogether.
- 【Ship's Cannon】船舰主砲:
If you hear someone yell, "Cannonball!" you're about to get wet. Or crushed.
- 【Mechwarper】机械召唤师:
Mechs that summon mechs? What's next? Donuts that summon donuts? Mmmmm.
- 【Stonesplinter Trogg】石裂穴居怪:
The only thing worse than smelling troggs is listening to their poetry.
- 【Gilblin Stalker】吉尔布林潜猎者:
"Shhh, I think I hear something."
"Ah, it's probably nothing." - Every Henchman
"Ah, it's probably nothing." - Every Henchman
- 【Puddlestomper】淤泥践踏者:
He pays homage to Morgl, the great murloc oracle! (Who doesn't??)
- 【Flying Machine】飞行器:
To operate, this contraption needs a hula doll on the dashboard. Otherwise it's just a “falling machine.”
- 【Gnomeregan Infantry】诺姆瑞根步兵:
The gnomes are valiant and ready to return to their irradiated, poorly ventilated homeland!
- 【Tinkertown Technician】地精区技师:
Won't you take me to... Tinkertown?
- 【Spider Tank】蜘蛛坦克:
"What if we put guns on it?" -Fizzblitz, staring at the spider-transportation-machine
- 【Ogre Brute】巨魔蛮卒:
Ogres have really terrible short-term chocolate.
- 【Burly Rockjaw Trogg】魁梧的石颚穴居怪:
He's burly because he does CrossFit.
- 【Piloted Shredder】有驾驶的伐木机:
Once upon a time, only goblins piloted shredders. These days, everyone from Doomsayer to Lorewalker Cho seems to ride one.
- 【Mechanical Yeti】机械雪人:
The yetis of Chillwind Point are a source of both inspiration and savage beatings.
- 【Lost Tallstrider】迷路的陆行鸟:
The message, "If found, please return to Mulgore," is tattooed on his rear.
- 【Antique Healbot】古董治疗机器人:
They don't make 'em like they used to! (Because of explosions, mostly.)
- 【Salty Dog】老水手:
He's recently recovered from being a "scurvy dog."
- 【Force-Tank MAX】超能坦克麦克斯:
There is a factory in Tanaris for crafting force-tanks, but it only ever made two, because of cost overruns.
- 【Target Dummy】训练假人:
The engineering equivalent of a "Kick Me" sticker.
- 【Lil' Exorcist】小小驱魔者:
Warlocks have the town exorcist on speed dial in case they unleash the wrong demon.
- 【Goblin Sapper】哥布林工兵:
He’s not such a binge exploder anymore. These days, he only explodes socially.
- 【Illuminator】光明引路者:
"LUMOS!" is not what they yell. What do you think this is, Hogwarts?
- 【Gnomish Experimenter】地精实验家:
He's legitimately surprised every time he turns himself into a chicken.
- 【Jeeves】吉福斯:
This robot is a lean, mean, butlerin' machine.
- 【Arcane Nullifier X-21】秘法剋星X-21:
There was some hard talk between gnome magi and engineers about inventing this mech.
- 【Kezan Mystic】凯赞秘术使:
They pretend to be wise and enlightened, but they mostly just hate to be left out of a secret.
- 【Bomb Lobber】投弹手:
He lobbies Orgrimmar daily on behalf of bombs.
- 【Madder Bomber】更疯狂的炸弹客:
Dang, Bomber, calm down.
- 【Recombobulator】重组转化师:
For when you didn’t combobulate quite right the first time around.
- 【Hobgoblin】大哥布林:
Hobgoblins are meeting next week to discuss union benefits. First on the list: dental plan.
- 【Enhance-o Mechano】强化机器人:
His enhancements are gluten free!
- 【Mini-Mage】迷你法师:
He is sometimes found hiding in the treasure chest in the Gurubashi Arena.
- 【Junkbot】拾荒机器人:
One bot's junk is another bot's AWESOME UPGRADE!
- 【Fel Reaver】恶魔劫夺者:
So reaver. Much fel. Wow.
- 【Piloted Sky Golem】有驾驶的飞天魔像:
The pinnacle of goblin engineering. Includes an espresso machine and foot massager.
- 【Clockwork Giant】发条巨人:
He and Mountain Giant don't get along.
- 【Blingtron 3000】布灵登3000型:
- 【Mimiron's Head】弥米伦之首:
Do not push the big red button!
- 【Hemet Nesingwary】赫米特·奈辛瓦里:
It's hard to make a living as a hunter in a world where beasts instantly reappear minutes after you kill them.
- 【Gazlowe】加兹鲁维:
Gazlowe was voted "Most Likely to Explode" in high school.
- 【Toshley】托斯利:
Something about power converters.
- 【Mogor the Ogre】巨魔莫古:
Mogor helped reopen the Dark Portal once. You know you're in trouble when you have to rely on an ogre.
- 【Troggzor the Earthinator】特洛格佐尔:
He keeps earthinating the countryside despite attempts to stop him.
- 【Dr. Boom】爆爆博士:
- 【Sneed's Old Shredder】斯尼德的伐木机:
When Sneed was defeated in the Deadmines, his shredder was sold at auction to an anonymous buyer. (Probably Hogger.)
- 【Foe Reaper 4000】敌人收割者4000:
Foe reaping is really not so different from harvest reaping, at the end of the day.
- 【Mekgineer Thermaplugg】机电师瑟玛普拉格:
He was obsessed with explosives until he discovered knitting. Now he yells, “SWEATERS! MORE SWEATERS!”
- 【Druid of the Flame】火焰德鲁伊:
Druids who fought too long in Northrend were easily seduced by Ragnaros; a mug of hot chocolate was generally all it took.
- 【Volcanic Lumberer】火山树人:
The roots, the roots, the roots is on fire!
- 【Quick Shot】快速射击:
Han shot first.
- 【Core Rager】熔核怒犬:
It takes a special kind of hunter to venture deep into a firey lava pit and convince a monster who lives there to come home and be a cuddly housepet.
- 【Dragon's Breath】龙之吐息:
Dragons breathe fire, sure, but did you know they can also breathe Cotton Candy? It's harder to give them a reason to do that, though.
- 【Flamewaker】唤焰者:
Flamewakers HATE being confused for Flamewalkers. They just wake up fire, they don’t walk on it. Walking on fire is CRAZY.
- 【Solemn Vigil】庄严守灵:
Each year, folk gather in front of Blackrock Mountain to mourn those who were mind-controlled into the lava.
- 【Dragon Consort】龙之伴侣:
Everybody wants someone to snuggle with. Even giant armored scaly draconic beasts of destruction.
- 【Twilight Whelp】暮光幼龙:
The twilight whelps are basically magic-vampires. Despite this, they are not a reference to any popular series of novels.
- 【Resurrect】复活:
I walked into the dungeon and noticed a slain adventurer. In his final moments, he had scrawled out a message in the dust on the wall beside him. Two words: "rez plz"
- 【Gang Up】倚多为胜:
If you are thinking about visiting Moonbrook, you better roll deep.
- 【Dark Iron Skulker】黑铁潜伏者:
He loves skulking. He skulks after hours just for the joy of it, but his friends are pretty worried he'll get burnt out.
- 【Fireguard Destroyer】火焰驱逐者:
Ragnaros interviews hundreds of Fire Elementals for the position of "Destroyer" but very few have what it takes.
- 【Lava Shock】熔岩震击:
Chocolate lava cake is shockingly delicious.
- 【Imp Gang Boss】小鬼帮派老大:
His imp gang likes to sneak into Stormwind to spraypaint "Ragnaros Rulez" on the Mage Tower.
- 【Demonwrath】恶魔怒火:
Demons are not angry most of the time. You have to play this card in order to really bring it out of them.
- 【Axe Flinger】飞斧投掷者:
Once a lowly "Stick Flinger", he's been relentless on the path to his ultimate dream: "Tauren Flinger".
- 【Revenge】复仇:
This is better than Arcane Explosion, so I guess warriors are finally getting revenge on mages for Mortal Strike being worse than Fireball.
- 【Blackwing Technician】黑翼技师:
This is who you go to when your Blackwing needs a tune up. Don't go to a cut rate Blackwing tune up shop!
- 【Dragonkin Sorcerer】龙人巫师:
Dragonkin Sorcerers be all "I'm a wizard" and everyone else be all "daaaaang".
- 【Hungry Dragon】饥饿的龙:
Hungry Hungry Dragon is NOT a fun game.
- 【Blackwing Corruptor】黑翼堕落者:
He got his name when he gave Blackwing some comic books and rock & roll records.
- 【Volcanic Drake】火岩飞龙:
Volcanic Drakes breathe lava instead of fire. The antacid vendor at Thorium Point does a brisk business with them.
- 【Drakonid Crusher】龙兽粉碎者:
Drakonids were created to have all the bad parts of a dragon in the form of a humaniod. But, like, why?
- 【Dragon Egg】龙蛋:
Think of them as bullets for your dragon gun.
- 【Grim Patron】恐怖的奴隶主:
If you love getting your face punched, come to the Grim Guzzler!
- 【Emperor Thaurissan】索瑞森大帝:
His second greatest regret is summoning an evil Firelord who enslaved his entire people.
- 【Rend Blackhand】雷德·黑手:
Rend believes he is the True Warchief of the Horde and he keeps editing the wikipedia page for "Warchief of the Horde" to include his picture.
- 【Chromaggus】克洛玛古斯:
Left head and right head can never agree about what to eat for dinner, so they always end up just eating ramen again.
- 【Nefarian】奈法利安:
They call him "Blackwing" because he's a black dragon...... and he's got wings.
- 【Majordomo Executus】管理者埃克索图斯:
You thought Executus turned you into Ragnaros, but really Ragnaros was in you the whole time.
- 【Living Roots】纠缠之根:
2 out of 2 saplings recommend that you summon the saplings.
- 【Druid of the Saber】刃牙德鲁伊:
That's saberTEETH, not like curved pirate blades. That's a different kind of druid. Druid of the Curved Pirate Blades.
- 【Wildwalker】荒野行者:
She was born to be something. She is just not quite sure what yet...
- 【Darnassus Aspirant】达纳苏斯志士:
She loves mana crystals, she hates mana crystals. So fickle!
- 【Savage Combatant】蛮荒战斗者:
Maybe if you whistle a tune it will soothe him. Yeah... Try that.
- 【Knight of the Wild】荒野骑士:
He gets a discount on the tournament entry fee because he is his own horse.
- 【Mulch】堆肥:
Is this a noun or a verb? We will never know.
- 【Astral Communion】星体共融:
Hey! Moon! Can I have some mana crystals?
- 【Aviana】艾维娜:
Call her "Tweety". She'll find it real funny. I PROMISE.
- 【Brave Archer】勇敢弓箭手:
This is a "bearly" concealed reference.
- 【Bear Trap】放熊陷阱:
You'll never guess what's in that conveniently bear-sized, bear-smelling box.
- 【King's Elekk】国王的伊莱克:
Elekk jousting is AWESOME.
- 【Powershot】强力射击:
pow POW pow
- 【Ram Wrangler】山羊牧人:
Not getting trampled is really the trick here.
- 【Ball of Spiders】蜘蛛囊:
- 【Lock and Load】全面备战:
Rexxar narrowed his eyes, grabbed his machine gun, and said: "It's go time. Lock and load."
This card pays homage to that special moment.
This card pays homage to that special moment.
- 【Stablemaster】兽栏管理员:
Takes way better care of her pets than her brother, Unstablemaster.
- 【Dreadscale】惧鳞:
Let's be clear about this: ACIDMAW is the sidekick.
- 【Acidmaw】酸喉:
With the help of his trusty sidekick Dreadscale, the giant jormungar Acidmaw is ready to face any knight!
- 【Spellslinger】魔法镖客:
Does he sling spells, or do his spells linger about. Who can say?
- 【Dalaran Aspirant】达拉然志士:
Is he aspiring or inspiring? Make up your mind!
- 【Flame Lance】火焰长矛:
It's on the rack next to ice lance, acid lance, and English muffin lance.
- 【Fallen Hero】阵亡英雄之灵:
And he can't get up.
- 【Effigy】火焰稻草人:
Burning man, brah.
- 【Polymorph: Boar】变形术:野猪:
It's always Huffer.
- 【Arcane Blast】秘法冲击:
Now with 100% more blast!
- 【Coldarra Drake】凛惧岛飞龙:
The Grand Tournament has a "No dragons allowed" policy, but it's rarely enforced.
- 【Rhonin】罗甯:
A masterless shamurai.
- 【Seal of Champions】勇士徽印:
"Arf! Arf! Arf!" - Seal of Champions
- 【Warhorse Trainer】战马训练师:
He doesn't even get Sundays off. Every day he's hostling.
- 【Murloc Knight】鱼人骑士:
Hee hee! Look at his cute little feet.
- 【Competitive Spirit】运动精神:
Competition can be an inspiration to improve oneself. Or kill all the competitors.
- 【Argent Lance】银白长枪:
The stripes make it look like a candy cane, but we recommend against licking it.
- 【Tuskarr Jouster】巨牙矛骑兵:
Just could not be talked out of using his turtle for the joust...
- 【Enter the Coliseum】高手过招:
You have to get past the vendors first. So many are lost to shopping...
- 【Mysterious Challenger】神秘挑战者:
He may sound surly and antisocial, but he's actually just really shy.
- 【Eadric the Pure】『纯净者』埃卓克:
Nobody rocks a monocle like Eadric.
- 【Flash Heal】快速治疗:
Flash! Ahhhhhhh~
- 【Power Word: Glory】真言术:耀:
The promise of glory is a powerful tool to get minions to do your bidding. Only slightly less powerful than the promise of an ice cream bar!
- 【Holy Champion】神圣勇士:
She really likes seeing people get better. That's why she hurts them in the first place.
- 【Convert】归顺:
"Are you interested in... HEALTH benefits?!"
- 【Wyrmrest Agent】龙眠使者:
Keeping tabs on the Grand Tournament is priority #1 for the five mighty Dragonflights!
- 【Spawn of Shadows】暗影爪牙:
What did you expect to happen? He's a Spawn. Of Shadows.
- 【Confuse】混乱:
This minion is really powerful!
- 【Shadowfiend】暗影恶魔:
Hopes to be promoted to "Shadowfriend" someday.
- 【Confessor Paletress】告解者帕尔璀丝:
She sees into your past and makes you face your fears. Most common fear: Getting Majordomo out of Sneed's Old Shredder.
- 【Buccaneer】海贼:
The best part of buccaneering is the pants.
- 【Undercity Valiant】幽暗城骁士:
Almost went to play for Stormwind before signing with Undercity.
- 【Shado-Pan Rider】影潘骑士:
He needed a break after that business in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Naturally, he chose to spend his vacation in an icy snowscape killing monsters.
- 【Cutpurse】扒手:
He has a giant collection of purses now. One for every outfit!
- 【Burgle】盗窃:
- 【Shady Dealer】黑市商人:
I have great deal for you... for 4 damage to your face!
- 【Beneath the Grounds】地底潜伏:
Can you hold these eggs for just a second? I promise they're not full of giant enraged undead spider things.
- 【Poisoned Blade】毒刃:
How much more poisoned can a blade get? The answer is a lot. A lot more poisoned.
- 【Anub'arak】阿努巴拉克:
Was actually a pretty nice guy before, you know, the whole Lich King thing.
- 【Ancestral Knowledge】先祖知识:
- 【Totem Golem】图腾魔像:
What happens when you glue a buncha totems together.
- 【Tuskarr Totemic】巨牙图腾师:
Turns out the tuskarr aren't real choosy about their totems.
- 【Healing Wave】治疗波:
Favored by shaman who study the art of restoration and healing, this spell would feel smug, if it had feelings.
- 【Draenei Totemcarver】德莱尼图腾雕刻师:
It's nice to find a real craftsman in this day and age of mass-produced totems.
- 【Thunder Bluff Valiant】雷霆崖骁士:
Allowing totems to attack is not cheating. I mean, there isn't anything in the rule books about it.
- 【Elemental Destruction】元素毁灭:
I'm not a shaman or anything, but isn't Elemental Destruction the opposite of what they want to do?
- 【Charged Hammer】充能战锤:
You can only pick it up if you are worthy.
- 【The Mistcaller】唤雾者:
Calling the mist doesn't sound all that great. "Ooooh, it is slightly damp now!"
- 【Demonfuse】恶魔融合:
Very dangerous when attached to a demonbomb.
- 【Wrathguard】愤怒守卫:
After playing against 5 Annoy-O-Trons, any normal guard will become a Wrathguard.
- 【Fearsome Doomguard】可怕的末日守卫:
They were originally called Cuddleguards, but they were not inspiring the proper amount of fear.
- 【Tiny Knight of Evil】小小邪恶骑士:
"No, no, no. I asked for a tiny JESTER of evil."
- 【Fist of Jaraxxus】贾拉克瑟斯之拳:
* Not actually Jaraxxus' fist.
- 【Void Crusher】虚无粉碎者:
We like to call him "Wesley".
- 【Dreadsteed】恐惧战马:
Crescendo himself summoned this steed, riding it to victory in the Grand Tournament. Wherever he rides, an army of riders ride behind him, supporting the legendary champion.
- 【Dark Bargain】黑暗交易:
A prime example of lose-lose negotiating.
- 【Wilfred Fizzlebang】威尔弗雷德‧菲斯巴恩:
He can summon anything, even a FEARSOME DOOMGUARD*.
*He's pretty sure this is going to work out.
*He's pretty sure this is going to work out.
- 【Bolster】提振士气:
The best offense is a good defense.
- 【Bash】重击:
You might think bashing doesn't take a lot of practice. It doesn't.
- 【Orgrimmar Aspirant】奥格玛志士:
"Four out of three orcs struggle with math." - Angry Zurge
- 【Alexstrasza's Champion】雅立史卓莎的勇士:
"Put more spikes on her. No, more spikes. What part of 'more spikes' do you not understand? MORE SPIKES!" - Alexstrasza
- 【Sparring Partner】练伙伴:
Come at me, bro.
- 【King's Defender】王家防卫者:
"King's Attacker" is a shield. Funny, huh?
- 【Magnataur Alpha】猛玛象人首领:
Playing him also gets you into the Magnataur Beta.
- 【Sea Reaver】海劫者:
A little better than Sea Minus Reaver.
- 【Varian Wrynn】瓦里安‧乌瑞恩:
Leader of the Alliance! Father of Anduin! Also he likes to play Arena, and he averages 12 wins.
- 【Lowly Squire】低阶侍从:
But not the lowliest!
- 【Gadgetzan Jouster】加基森矛骑兵:
It's not HER fault you didn't put a spinning saw blade on your horse.
- 【Tournament Attendee】联赛观众:
He was so excited to get season tickets to this year's Grand Tournament. He normally doesn't get them at first and has to buy them from Ogre scalpers.
- 【Lance Carrier】枪僮:
Lance Carrier is an obscure entry level position in orcish armies. A mystery, since orcs don't generally use lances.
- 【Flame Juggler】火焰杂耍师:
At first he liked juggling chain saws, but then he thought, "Flames are better! Because FIRE!"
- 【Boneguard Lieutenant】骨卫中尉:
Underneath all that impressive armor, he's just skin and bones. Okay, maybe just bones.
- 【Argent Horserider】银白骑兵:
His horse's name is Betsy.
- 【Silent Knight】静默骑士:
He used to be a librarian. Old habits die hard.
- 【Dragonhawk Rider】龙鹰骑士:
Check it out. You can do barrel rolls on this thing.
- 【Silver Hand Regent】白银之手长官:
The Silver Hand is the best paladin organization. The Argent Crusaders are super jealous.
- 【Ice Rager】寒冰狂怒者:
He's a lot cooler than Magma Rager.
- 【Tournament Medic】联赛医护兵:
The medic tournament is less entertaining than the Grand Tournament.
- 【Maiden of the Lake】湖中少女:
Not a good basis for a system of government.
- 【Frigid Snobold】严寒狗头人:
Ironically, the natural enemy of the snobold is THE CANDLE.
- 【Refreshment Vendor】餐点小贩:
Menu: Funnel cakes, carrots, popcorn, jormungar steaks. It's hard serving a diverse clientele.
- 【Evil Heckler】邪恶挑衅者:
To be honest, heckling is not the most effective form of evil.
- 【Mukla's Champion】穆克拉的勇士:
An elegant gorilla, for a more civilized age.
- 【Kvaldir Raider】科瓦迪尔劫掠者:
Coming soon... to a tuskarr village near you!
- 【Clockwork Knight】发条骑士:
It takes a lot to wind him up.
- 【Pit Fighter】斗技场斗士:
What did the pits ever do to you?
- 【Captured Jormungar】捕获的蛰猛巨虫:
You can keep him, but you have to promise to feed him and clean out his tank every day!
- 【North Sea Kraken】北海海怪:
You have no idea how tired this guy is of being released.
- 【Injured Kvaldir】受伤的科瓦迪尔:
Don't worry. With a little skin cream he's going to clear right up.
- 【Argent Watchman】银白巡逻兵:
Who argent watches the Argent Watchman?
- 【Fencing Coach】击剑教练:
Good fencers make good neighbors, right?
- 【Coliseum Manager】大竞技场经理:
Meets monthly with the gladiators to discuss career goals.
- 【Saboteur】破坏者:
Listen all y'all it's a saboteur!
- 【Light's Champion】圣光勇士:
When there's something strange (say, a gibbering demon) in your neighborhood, who are you going to call?
- 【Armored Warhorse】装甲战马:
Yep. It's a horse... wearing armor... going to war.
- 【Master Jouster】至尊矛骑兵:
Needs just a few more ratings points to become Grandmaster Jouster.
- 【Mogor's Champion】莫古的勇士:
This champion has learned from the best. Except for his target selection.
- 【Garrison Commander】要塞指挥官:
He'll never admit it, but he pushes you hard because he really cares about you.
- 【Master of Ceremonies】大会主持人:
Goes by "MC ElfyElf".
- 【Twilight Guardian】暮光守护者:
A result of magical experiments carried out by the Black Dragonflight, it's not his fault that he's a vicious killer.
- 【Crowd Favorite】大明星:
The crowd ALWAYS yells lethal.
- 【Recruiter】募兵官:
Join the Argent Crusade! We have attractive tabards and you get to carry really nice swords!
- 【Kodorider】科多兽骑士:
Someone called her a Rhinorider, and she's NOT HAPPY.
- 【Grand Crusader】大十字军:
A veteran of a number of crusades, she is a force for light and goodness. Her latest crusade is against goblin telemarketers.
- 【Sideshow Spelleater】杂耍吞法者:
Hey! Let me try that...
- 【Frost Giant】冰霜巨人:
Don't ask him about the beard. JUST DON'T.
- 【Fjola Lightbane】菲欧拉‧光寂:
LOVES being called "the wonder twins".
- 【Eydis Darkbane】艾狄丝‧暗寂:
HATES being called "the wonder twins".
- 【Gormok the Impaler】『穿刺者』戈莫克:
Gormok has been giving impaling lessons in a small tent near the tournament grounds. For only 25g you too could learn the fine art of impaling!
- 【Nexus-Champion Saraad】奈萨斯勇士萨拉德:
The ethereals have their own jousting tournament, and Saraad is the reigning champion. Also he won the ethereal hot dog eating contest.
- 【Bolf Ramshield】波尔夫‧拉姆榭:
Bolf keeps coming in 2nd at the Grand Tournament. It might be his year this year, if Lebron doesn't enter.
- 【Justicar Trueheart】审判者玛瑞尔:
It's like putting racing stripes and a giant spoiler on your hero power.
- 【The Skeleton Knight】骷髅骑士:
Apparently it really was just a flesh wound.
- 【Skycap'n Kragg】天空队长克拉格:
What's more boss than riding a parrot with a jawbone for a shoulderpad while wielding a giant hook-lance-thing and wearing a pirate hat? NOTHING.
- 【Chillmaw】寒冽之喉:
Chillmaw keeps trying to ruin the Grand Tournament, and she would've done it too, if it weren't for those dang kids!
- 【Icehowl】冰嚎:
This massive yeti just closes his eyes and charges at the nearest target. The nearest Target is a couple blocks away and has sick deals on skateboards.
- 【Raven Idol】乌鸦塑像:
Was petrified when it found out it didn't make the cut for Azerothean Idol.
- 【Mounted Raptor】迅猛龙坐骑:
Clever girl!
- 【Jungle Moonkin】丛林枭兽:
The REAL angry chicken!
- 【Dart Trap】飞镖陷阱:
Five years of tap-dancing lessons are FINALLY going to pay off!
- 【Desert Camel】沙漠骆驼:
Dang. This card is sweet. Almost as sweet as Dessert Camel.
- 【Explorer's Hat】探险者之帽:
Harrison Jones was disappointed that he didn't get to be part of the League of Explorers, but his hat did.
- 【Forgotten Torch】被遗忘的火炬:
Why does a forgotten torch turn into a roaring torch with no provocation? It's one of life's many mysteries.
- 【Ethereal Conjurer】以太咒术师:
Despite the name, he's a solid conjurer.
- 【Animated Armor】活化的盔甲:
Try putting it on. Wait, let me get my camera.
- 【Sacred Trial】神圣试炼:
You have chosen poorly.
- 【Keeper of Uldaman】奥达曼守卫者:
U da man! No, U da man!
- 【Anyfin Can Happen】死鱼翻身:
Theme song by Ellie Goldfin and Blagghghlrlrl Harris.
- 【Museum Curator】博物馆馆长:
He is forever cursing the kids who climb on the rails and the evil archeologists who animate the exhibits.
- 【Entomb】入葬:
It's perfectly safe as long as you remember to put in air holes.
- 【Excavated Evil】出土邪降:
- 【Pit Snake】坑道蛇:
It could be worse. It could be a Snake Pit.
- 【Tomb Pillager】盗墓者:
After the guild broke up, he could no longer raid the tombs.
- 【Unearthed Raptor】迅猛龙化石:
Still hunting for the ones who earthed him.
- 【Tunnel Trogg】矿道穴居怪:
Sure, they're ugly, but they live in tunnels. You try your beauty routine without natural light.
- 【Rumbling Elemental】顽石元素:
He's a very hungry elemental.
- 【Everyfin is Awesome】黏黏有鱼:
Everyfin is cool when you're part of a murloc team!
- 【Curse of Rafaam】拉法姆的诅咒:
This is what happens when Rafaam stubs his toe unexpectedly.
- 【Dark Peddler】黑暗道具商:
I'm offering you a bargain here! This amazing vacuum cleaner for your soul!
- 【Reliquary Seeker】圣匣追寻者:
The Reliquary considers itself the equal of the League of Explorers. The League of Explorers doesn't.
- 【Fierce Monkey】兇暴的猴子:
Fierce monkey. That funky monkey.
- 【Obsidian Destroyer】黑曜石毁灭者:
No obsidian is safe around the Obsidian Destroyer!
- 【Cursed Blade】诅咒之刃:
The Curse is that you have to listen to "MMMBop" on repeat.
- 【Murloc Tinyfin】小鳍鱼人:
High mortality rate, from often being hugged to death.
- 【Jeweled Scarab】宝石圣甲虫:
It's amazing what you can do with super glue!
- 【Huge Toad】大蟾蜍:
Deals damage when he croaks.
- 【Tomb Spider】墓穴蜘蛛:
Less serious than its cousin, the Grave Spider.
- 【Gorillabot A-3】机器猩猩A-3:
A-1 and A-2 went nuts, when they should have gone bolts.
- 【Anubisath Sentinel】阿努比萨斯哨兵:
He's actually a 1/1 who picked up the hammer from the last guy.
- 【Fossilized Devilsaur】化石魔暴龙:
This was the only job he could get after the dinosaur theme park debacle.
- 【Ancient Shade】远古幽魂:
Warning: Do not expose to direct sunlight.
- 【Eerie Statue】怪异雕像:
Don't blink! Don't turn your back, don't look away, and DON'T BLINK.
- 【Summoning Stone】召唤石:
Sometimes it feels like it's always the same slackers that are waiting for a summon.
- 【Wobbling Runts】摇摇晃晃的俾格米:
The fourth one fell off in a tragic accident. They don't talk about it.
- 【Djinni of Zephyrs】西风精灵:
If you want your wish granted, don't rub him the wrong way.
- 【Naga Sea Witch】纳迦海巫:
If she had studied harder, she would have been a C+ witch.
- 【Sir Finley Mrrgglton】芬利‧莫戈顿爵士:
In addition to fluent Common, he also speaks fourteen dialects of 'mrgl'.
- 【Brann Bronzebeard】布莱恩‧铜鬚:
Contains 75% more fiber than his brother Magni!
- 【Elise Starseeker】伊莉丝‧寻星者:
A large part of her job entails not mixing up the Map to the Golden Monkey with the Map to Monkey Island.
- 【Reno Jackson】里诺‧杰克森:
Reno is a four-time winner of the 'Best Accessorized Explorer' award.
- 【Arch-Thief Rafaam】神鬼大盗拉法姆:
He's very good at retrieving artifacts. From other people's museums.
- 【Mark of Y'Shaarj】亚煞拉惧印记:
Y'shaarj had three sons: Mark, Theodore, and Chris.
- 【Feral Rage】狂野怒气:
Let's be honest. One option is a lot ragier than the other.
- 【Dark Arakkoa】黑暗阿拉卡:
There's a whole gradient of Arakkoa! This one is on the darker side.
- 【Addled Grizzly】混乱灰熊:
Druids who spend too long in bear form are more susceptible to the whispers of the Old Gods. Right now they are whispering the lyrics to "La Bamba".
- 【Mire Keeper】沼地看守者:
"Hey.... Is that Mire for sale?"
"No. I'm keeping it."
"No. I'm keeping it."
- 【Klaxxi Amber-Weaver】卡拉西编珀者:
Amberweaving is a specialty course at the local trade school.
- 【Forbidden Ancient】禁咒古树:
This Ancient was banned from the local tavern after tucking a 'Dr. Boom' up its sleeve.
- 【Wisps of the Old Gods】古神幽光:
They're just normal wisps, actually. The "Of the Old Gods" bit is just marketing.
- 【Fandral Staghelm】范达尔‧鹿盔:
Always manages to mention "Back when I was creating the World Tree…" in EVERY conversation. Sheesh! Enough already.
- 【On the Hunt】狩猎开始:
The mastiff giggles if you don't hit any ducks.
- 【Fiery Bat】炽炎蝙蝠:
He'll always be our first.
- 【Carrion Grub】腐肉虫:
Carrion, my wayward grub.
- 【Infest】感染:
The best part is the look on their face when you jump out of the cake! Err… corpse.
- 【Forlorn Stalker】独行潜猎手:
He's going to leave the dying up to you, if that's cool.
- 【Infested Wolf】感染的狼:
A little flea powder will fix that right up.
- 【Call of the Wild】野性呼唤:
"Hello. Misha, Leokk and Huffer aren't here right now, but if you leave a message we'll get back to you right away." BEEP.
- 【Giant Sand Worm】巨大沙虫:
Banned from every all-you-can-eat buffet on Azeroth.
- 【Princess Huhuran】哈霍兰公主:
She flitters around Ahn'Qiraj dreaming of the day she will meet a sweet prince, whom she can lay thousands of eggs with.
- 【Shatter】碎冰:
What's cooler than being cool?
- 【Twilight Flamecaller】暮光招炎者:
Make sure you summon a Twilight Marshmallowcaller too! Mmmm Mmm Mmm!!
- 【Faceless Summoner】无面者召唤师:
They never get the recognition they deserve.
- 【Cult Sorcerer】邪教巫士:
No matter how many times we tell her not to, she keeps feeding C'Thun scraps under the table.
- 【Demented Frostcaller】疯狂的唤霜者:
He prefers that you refer to him by his nickname: 'Frostwaker.'
- 【Servant of Yogg-Saron】尤格萨伦的僕从:
Yogg-Saron always likes to complain about how he has too many servants and there are too many mouths to feed.
- 【Forbidden Flame】禁咒之火:
WARNING: This flame is not to be used unless you are a licensed acolyte of the Old Gods.
- 【Cabalist's Tome】秘术师魔典:
What's in there? I bet it's cookie recipes!
- 【Anomalus】艾诺玛路斯:
That's short for "Anomnomnomnomalus".
- 【Divine Strength】神圣力量:
Every year a few paladins get disqualified from the Westfall weight lifting championship for using Divine Strength.
- 【A Light in the Darkness】闇境明灯:
Wait, how can you have a light in the dark? If you turn on a light while it’s dark, doesn’t that mean it’s no longer dark?
- 【Stand Against Darkness】力抗黑暗:
Or if you're too tired, you can just kind of lean against the darkness.
- 【Selfless Hero】无私的英雄:
"Don't worry about me… I'll just be here... under these tentacles."
- 【Rallying Blade】振奋之刃:
As far as blades go, this one is pretty great in the motivation department.
- 【Steward of Darkshire】夜色镇管理员:
Turns out divine shields are way cheaper if you buy in bulk.
- 【Forbidden Healing】禁咒治疗:
No one's quite sure why it's forbidden. And yes, that should make you nervous.
- 【Vilefin Inquisitor】邪鳍审判官:
Nobody expects the Vilefin Inquisition!
- 【Ragnaros, Lightlord】『圣光之王』拉格纳罗斯:
What happens when you try and corrupt a corrupted firelord? DOUBLE NEGATIVE, INSECT!
- 【Hooded Acolyte】兜帽侍僧:
Wait, what kind of acolyte doesn't wear a hood?
- 【Power Word: Tentacles】真言术:缠:
Because you're wrapped in a protective layer of… tentacles?
- 【Darkshire Alchemist】夜色镇鍊金师:
The secret ingredient: liquified funnel cake.
- 【Shadow Word: Horror】暗言术:惧:
It's more succinct than "Shadow Word: Suck Into Vortex."
- 【Shifting Shade】变幻魔影:
Yeah, it's cooler in the shade, but you're also more likely to get JACKED.
- 【Twilight Darkmender】暮光暗癒者:
First she separates them from the lights, washes them in cold water, and hang-dries.
- 【Forbidden Shaping】禁咒塑形:
But the minion arrives covered in goo.
- 【Embrace the Shadow】暗影之拥:
For when your Auchenai Soulpriests call in sick.
- 【Herald Volazj】信使沃菈齐:
His whole job is yelling "Yogg-Saron comin'!"
- 【Bladed Cultist】带刀的教徒:
He has a poor understanding of the law of diminishing returns.
- 【Shadow Strike】暗影打击:
It's like a backstab, only from the front. And with two more stabs.
- 【Southsea Squidface】南海鱿鱼人:
Quick! Before I drown! Let me sharpen your sword for you.
- 【Journey Below】观落阴:
Don't stop believing there's something below.
- 【Undercity Huckster】幽暗城贩子:
Psst! Wanna buy a random class card (from your opponent's class)?
- 【Thistle Tea】菊花茶:
Aren't Thistles prickly? Why would you drink them? I don't get Rogues.
- 【Shadowcaster】暗影施法者:
I mean, it's not creepy if you ASK before you steal their shadow to make a small replica of them to keep on your shelf.
- 【Blade of C'Thun】克苏恩之刃:
C'Thun demands a sacrifice! Preferably a Deathwing.
- 【Xaril, Poisoned Mind】『毒化心智』萨瑞尔:
It's basically your own fault if you go around drinking weird green potions handed out by creepy mantid dudes.
- 【Primal Fusion】原始融合:
Golce and Dabbana have a new line of Earth Totems available at vendors everywhere this holiday season.
- 【Stormcrack】雷击:
- 【Flamewreathed Faceless】覆焰无面者:
He's on fire! Boomshakalaka!
- 【Evolve】进化:
So you say you want an evolution. Well, you know. We all want to change the board.
- 【Master of Evolution】进化大师:
Will be really useful in the new "Hearthémon" game.
- 【Thing from Below】地底魔物:
Just can't resist the opportunity to hang around with a bunch of totems.
- 【Eternal Sentinel】永恆哨兵:
Just try to avoid eye contact.
- 【Hammer of Twilight】暮光神锤:
Stop! It's Twlight Hammer time.
- 【Hallazeal the Ascended】飞升的海拉希尔:
Hallazeals all your dallazamage.
- 【Possessed Villager】着魔的村民:
It's like a pinata! A lame disgusting horrific pinata.
- 【Darkshire Councilman】夜色镇议员:
Democracy in action!
- 【Usher of Souls】灵魂接待员:
Nothing unburdens your soul like a good ushing!
- 【Forbidden Ritual】禁咒仪式:
Actually, C'Thun gives his full support for this ritual.
- 【Darkshire Librarian】夜色镇图书管理员:
Do NOT be late with your overdue fines.
- 【Spreading Madness】疯狂蔓延:
Most citizens of Darkshire wear those surgical masks to prevent spreading Madness to tourists.
- 【Renounce Darkness】弃暗投明:
- 【DOOM!】末日来临!:
We ran out of space for "DOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!"
- 【Cho'gall】丘加利:
Even after all this time, Gul'dan still makes Cho'gall go get donuts and coffee.
- 【N'Zoth's First Mate】恩若司的大副:
Hates when N'Zoth yells "Ahoy Matey!!", but there's not really much he can do about it.
- 【Ravaging Ghoul】破坏狂食尸鬼:
But goes by "Ravishing Ghoul" when he hits the club.
- 【Bloodhoof Brave】血蹄勇战者:
He thought the set was called "Flippers of the Old Cods" and hungrily volunteered to be in it. He is definitely going to get his hearing checked.
- 【Blood To Ichor】化血为脓:
For his next trick, he turns the ichor back to blood and stuffs it back in you.
- 【Bloodsail Cultist】血帆教徒:
They're really just in it for the Blood Parrot.
- 【Ancient Shieldbearer】上古执盾兵:
Back in her day, each shield weighed two tons and she had to carry four of them on each arm!
- 【Blood Warriors】血之邪咒:
They have an uneasy rivalry with the Blood Paladins.
- 【Tentacles for Arms】再生触手:
That's right. Garrosh just slapped you to death with a tentacle.
- 【Malkorok】马可罗克:
Garrosh's best buddy. It's true. Look it up.
- 【Zealous Initiate】狂热的新兵:
Ok, Initiate. You need to settle down and do your job. In this case, that means die so someone else can get a minor buff.
- 【Tentacle of N'Zoth】恩若司的触手:
Because EVERYDAY is the Day of the Tentacle of N'zoth.
- 【Twilight Geomancer】暮光地卜师:
"Ok C'Thun, repeat after me: 'Your mother was a hamster.'"
- 【Bilefin Tidehunter】胆鳍猎潮者:
Bile actually makes for surprisingly sturdy fins.
- 【Beckoner of Evil】召邪者:
Here, Evil! C'mon boy!
- 【Twisted Worgen】扭曲的狼人:
Sometimes the Old Gods' corruptions gives you power untold, sometimes you get +1 Attack. We can’t all be winners in the Eldritch lottery.
- 【Duskboar】灰暮野猪:
Often excluded from dinner parties. To be fair, he is very boaring.
- 【Am'gam Rager】阎熔狂怒者:
peerc rewop
- 【Spawn of N'Zoth】恩若司之子:
Who's a cute widdle N'Zoth? You are! Yes you are! Yes you're the cutest widdle N'Zoth in the whole world!!!
- 【Squirming Tentacle】蠕动的触手:
Yeah, I think we can agree that killing the squirming tentacle first is a good idea.
- 【Twilight Elder】暮光长老:
Just doesn't understand those Twilight Youngsters any more - with their comic books and their rock music.
- 【Evolved Kobold】进化的狗头人:
You no take tentacle!
- 【Infested Tauren】感染的牛头人:
The Overmind and the Old Gods are surprisingly similar.
- 【Aberrant Berserker】变异狂战士:
I berserk, therefore I am.
- 【Polluted Hoarder】腐化的囤积者:
- 【C'Thun's Chosen】克苏恩神选者:
He gave her a promise ring and everything.
- 【Psych-o-Tron】疯癫机器人:
"Annoyinger-o-Tron" was just too unwieldy. And accurate.
- 【Cult Apothecary】邪教药剂师:
Cults need pharmacists too.
- 【Nerubian Prophet】奈幽预言者:
It’s a self-reducing prophecy.
- 【Grotesque Dragonhawk】怪异龙鹰:
They say that "grotesque is in the eye of the beholder," but that's just because they've never seen a Grotesque Dragonhawk. Yikes!
- 【Bog Creeper】泥沼蠕行者:
He's tried other things, but bog sidling, bog ambling, and bog trundling just aren't as effective as bog creeping.
- 【Eldritch Horror】怪异惧兽:
Often wonders what path his life might have taken if he wasn't named, you know, "Eldritch Horror".
- 【Faceless Behemoth】无面者巨人:
Rejected names: Forty-Foot Faceless, Big ol' No-face, Huge Creature Sans Face, Teddy.
- 【Disciple of C'Thun】克苏恩的信徒:
C’Thun’s recruiting pitch involves cookies, which is why it’s the most popular Old God.
- 【Silithid Swarmer】异种群居蝎:
If your hero doesn't attack, it's just "Silithid Loner".
- 【Midnight Drake】午夜飞龙:
Still fearsome in the daytime.
- 【Eater of Secrets】秘密吞食者:
You don't want to be around after it has eaten an explosive trap. You thought Sludge Belcher was bad...
- 【Blackwater Pirate】黑水海盗:
"Look, they fell off the back of a ship, do you want them or not? I have a meeting with Y'Shaarj in like ten minutes."
- 【Corrupted Healbot】腐化治疗机器人:
Not so much "corrupted" as "has terrible aim".
- 【Corrupted Seer】腐化先知:
For seers, it's very handy to have your crystal ball hanging right in front of your face.
- 【Skeram Cultist】斯克拉姆教徒:
Just before he comes into play, there is an AWESOME training montage with C'thun.
- 【Doomcaller】厄运召唤者:
"Hello, is Doom there? No? Can I leave a message?"
- 【Faceless Shambler】蹒跚无面者:
"What is that thing?!" "I'm not sure, but it seems to be sort of Y'sera shaped."
- 【Twilight Summoner】暮光召唤师:
If you strike him down, he shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
- 【Cyclopian Horror】独眼恐惧怪:
What are the qualifications for being a 'Horror?' Just how horrible do you have to be?
- 【Validated Doomsayer】可信的末日预言者:
Really feels good about himself and is in a much better place now. But… he sure does miss piloting those shredders.
- 【Darkspeaker】暗语者:
People often think that Darkspeaker is the arch nemesis of Lightspeaker, but that title actually belongs to Heavyspeaker.
- 【Crazed Worshipper】疯狂的信奉者:
Every month they share a pancake breakfast with the Perfectly Rational Worshippers.
- 【Scaled Nightmare】梦魇魔龙:
I like it because it scales.
- 【Ancient Harbinger】上古先驱者:
"honey, can u run down to the store and pick up some 10 cost minions? thx"
- 【Blood of The Ancient One】上古魔物之血:
Add two cups of Blood of the Ancient One to one cup of lemon juice. Add just a dash of sugar and stir. Delicious!
- 【Shifter Zerus】变换者泽鲁斯:
It's like being able to play with THREE angry chickens!
- 【Nat, the Darkfisher】『黑暗渔夫』纳特:
You can take away his humanity, but you will never take away his fishing pole.
- 【Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale】『荆棘谷暴君』穆克拉:
- 【Twin Emperor Vek'lor】双子帝王维克洛尔:
Do they make decisions based on age? "I'm two minutes older therefore we burn this village."
- 【Hogger, Doom of Elwynn】『艾尔文煞星』霍格:
When C'thun went to sleep, he checked under his bed for Hogger.
- 【The Boogeymonster】饥饿巨怪:
Has 20 years of training in classical ballet, but ALLLLLL he ever gets asked to do is boogie.
- 【Soggoth the Slitherer】『滑行者』索苟斯:
Don't tell Soggoth, but in the future he gets totally owned by the Master's Glaive and his skull becomes a tourist attraction.
- 【N'Zoth, the Corruptor】『腐化者』恩若司:
Has not been able to get "Under the Sea" out of his head for like FIVE THOUSAND YEARS.
- 【C'Thun】克苏恩:
C'Thun's least favorite Hearthstone card: Eye for an Eye.
- 【Yogg-Saron, Hope's End】『深沉绝望』尤格萨伦:
I spell your doom... Y-O-U-R D-O-O-M!
- 【Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound】『无尽之怒』亚煞拉惧:
When he's working out, he binds all that rage back into a ponytail.
- 【Deathwing, Dragonlord】『龙王』死亡之翼:
To his credit, Deathwing really took to heart the feedback he was receiving that he needed to be "more of a team player".
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