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《APEX英雄》【情报】幻象x恶灵 S9台词

更新时间:1610881216   |   来源:巴哈姆特

Pear87Pear (梨子(`3´)) #1 2021-05-16 18:49:02

「Come on, don #039;t go disappearing on me now 」
幻象(感谢救援):「谢啦,你知道没有我的话世界会变得很可悲吧,等一等……是不是有一个平行时空中没有 quot;幻象 quot;?」
「Yeah, you know a world without me will be tragic wait ...... is there a world without me?」
「Sorry I said anything」

「Come on, don #039;t go disappearing on me now 」
幻象(感谢救援):「谢啦,你知道没有我的话世界会变得很可悲吧,等一等……是不是有一个平行时空中没有 quot;幻象 quot;?那世界一定很悲惨。」
「Yeah,you know a world without me will be tragic wait ...... is there a world without me that so sad? 」
「Sorry I said anything」

「Can #039;t let you die, you biggest fan would never forgive me.」
「Hey, You know you can just say you miss me you know, i mean i won #039;t tell」
「Let #039;s just stay focused.」

「Can #039;t let you die, you biggest fan would never forgive me.」
「Hey, You know you can just say you miss me you know, i mean i won #039;t tell many people.」
「Let #039;s just stay focused.」

「It #039;s all good, i got this, wait DO I GOT THIS IN EVERY REALITY OR IS THIS JUST....」
「Hmm, yeah you sure got something.」
「That #039;s a good thing,right? Yeah imma gonna say that #039;s good thing」

「It #039;s all good, i got this, wait DO I GOT THIS IN EVERY REALITY OR IS THAT JUST HERE?」
「Hmm, yeah you sure got something.」
「That #039;s a good thing,right? You know, I mean , I #039;m just say that #039;s a good thing」

「Hey Hey i got you, good old dependable mirage who #039;s just the greatest friend right?」
「thanks, this road would be a lot quieter without you」
「ha...Awesome, wait hole on」

恶灵(谢谢):「谢谢,对了,看看你自己,如果认 想帮忙的话还是很有用的嘛」
「thank, see , you #039;re helpful when you try」
「Of course! I do try nbsp; nbsp;i try really hard 」

恶灵(谢谢):「谢谢,对了,看看你自己,如果认 想帮忙的话还是很有用的嘛」
「thank, see , you #039;re helpful when you try」
幻象(不客气):「当然,我一直都很有用, 的很有用。」
「Of course! I do try nbsp; nbsp;i try very hard 」

「Thanks! Wait let me ask ,so if i have dupes in every universe, i mean how many versions of me are there nbsp; nbsp;that #039;s amazing!」
「Yo eally one of the kind , mirage」

幻象(谢谢):「谢谢,嘿,如果每个时间线的我都有诱饵装置,那会有多少个我啊,哈, 一个幸运的宇宙。」
「Thanks! hey wait so, if i have dupes in every universe, i mean how many versions of me are there ? what a lucky universe」
「Yo eally one of the kind , mirage」

所有台词在二楼,我看这文的GP会比讨论 的还要少,那下次我也要发 文啦

看较旧的 16 则留言

尼奥王: 05-17 11:46

[Pear87Pear:梨子(`3´)] 喔喔 我没注意到

尼奥王: 05-17 11:46

感谢翻译 这种对话很有趣

梨子(`3´): 05-17 11:51

lt;3 基本上我是照着影片贴上来的

Pear87Pear (梨子(`3´)) #2 2021-05-16 18:53:03



「Come on, don #039;t go disappearing on me now 」


「Can #039;t let you die, you biggest fan would never forgive me.」


「Sorry I said anything」


「Let #039;s just stay focused.」


「Hmm, yeah you sure got something.」


「thanks, this road would be a lot quieter without you」

(谢谢):「谢谢,对了,看看你自己,如果认 想帮忙的话还是很有用的嘛」

「thank, see , you #039;re helpful when you try」


「Yo eally one of the kind , mirage」



「It #039;s all good, i got this, wait DO I GOT THIS IN EVERY REALITY OR IS THIS JUST....」


「It #039;s all good, i got this, wait DO I GOT THIS IN EVERY REALITY OR IS THAT JUST HERE?」


「Hey Hey i got you, good old dependable mirage who #039;s just the greatest friend right?」


「That #039;s a good thing,right? Yeah imma gonna say that #039;s good thing」


「That #039;s a good thing,right? You know, I mean , I #039;m just say that #039;s a good thing」


「ha...Awesome, wait hole on」

(感谢救援):「谢啦,你知道没有我的话世界会变得很可悲吧,等一等……是不是有一个平行时空中没有 quot;幻象 quot;?」

「Yeah, you know a world without me will be tragic wait ...... is there a world without me?」

(感谢救援):「谢啦,你知道没有我的话世界会变得很可悲吧,等一等……是不是有一个平行时空中没有 quot;幻象 quot;?那世界一定很悲惨。」

「Yeah,you know a world without me will be tragic wait ...... is there a world without me that so sad? 」


「Hey, You know you can just say you miss me you know, i mean i won #039;t tell」


「Hey, You know you can just say you miss me you know, i mean i won #039;t tell many people.」


「Thanks! Wait let me ask ,so if i have dupes in every universe, i mean how many versions of me are there nbsp; nbsp;that #039;s amazing!」

(谢谢):「谢谢,嘿,如果每个时间线的我都有诱饵装置,那会有多少个我啊,哈, 一个幸运的宇宙。」

「Thanks! hey wait so, if i have dupes in every universe, i mean how many versions of me are there ? what a lucky universe」


「Of course! I do try nbsp; nbsp;i try really hard 」

(不客气):「当然,我一直都很有用, 的很有用。」

「Of course! I do try nbsp; nbsp;i try very hard 」


Wonderful recommendation


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