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更新时间:1608001929   |   来源:巴哈姆特

ak25886989 (Peter1123.TW) #1 2020-12-14 23:53:42
原文:When we delete a persona from your account, you will be able to link it to another account, but your in-game progress will not transfer over. That means you’ll lose access to all entitlements, games, memberships or subscriptions, and in-game purchases that are associated with that persona. You will also permanently lose all game progress. If we delete a persona on an account you use to play FIFA, and that persona is still set as active in the web or companion app, you will lose access to the companion and web app entirely on your account. If we delete a persona on an account you use to play Apex Legends, you may have issues with Battle Pass leveling, item unlocks, and other errors.
Can you confirm that you would still like to have the persona removed from your account?

我问他说if i link to another account will my skin disappear?
我再问他so my skin will return to my origin account and not steam account or both account's skin will disappear?
他的答案是对 我将从头开始游戏

看较旧的 2 则留言

Flo: 4 小时前


Peter1123.TW: 2 小时前

[ella00693:Roe_Andy]原来如此 感谢 看到她这样说很怕==

Peter1123.TW: 2 小时前

[namea465:Flo]所以她的意思是STEAM那边的资料全部清空就对了=.= 这客服说话容易让人误会


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