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《APEX英雄》【问题】Apex Crash - Overclocked

更新时间:1606889098   |   来源:巴哈姆特

chan0913 (chan) #1 2019-10-02 22:12:15
Apex Crash - Overclocked/Overheated?
Apex crashed in a way usually caused by a CPU that is overclocked or overheating.

Specifically, the CPU reported that it couldn't execute an instruction it didn't want to execute. More precisely, the CPU's memory controller said it didn't have permission to execute one address, but the CPU's registers said it wanted to execute a different address.

More technical information should be available in "apex_crash.txt" in your Documents folder.


我是用i9 9900k的 查看温度是正常的没有过热

看了外国都论坛用8700 9700都有这问题 有人知道怎幺解决吗
h94929 (奇异笔) #2 2019-10-02 22:22:46
※ 引述《chan0913 (chan)》之铭言
> Apex Crash - Overclocked/Overheated?
> ---------------------------
> Apex crashed in a way usually caused by a CPU that is overclocked or overheating.
> Specifically, the CPU reported that it couldn't execute an instruction it didn't want to execute. More precisely, the CPU's memory controller said it didn't have permission to execute one address, but the CPU's registers said it wanted to execute a different address.
> More technical information should be available in "apex_crash.txt" in your Documents folder.
> 有人更新后一直弹出这个吗?
> 我是用i9 9900k的 查看温度是正常的没有过热
> 看了外国都论坛用8700 9700都有这问题 有人知道怎幺解决吗

我9700k 今天玩一整天没有这问题



例如 某板某次BIOS更新:

Update to new ME & Microcode versions.

当然在这之前,WIN 10都先更新到最新,显卡驱动也是,再考虑刷新MB BIOS


看较旧的 4 则留言

奇异笔: 10-03 01:04


奇异笔: 10-03 01:04

[f0911035843:青天白云] 能力练出来是自己的,我只能这样说

青天白云: 10-03 01:10


ggfighter (居居战士) #3 2019-10-19 16:51:12

网路上解法是在BIOS设定给予AVX shift到47或48

我目前9900k全核心50 给AVX-1到49就不会当机了,要看体质

龙Ψ迪-大学在职: 10-21 21:24


AnAnOne: 10-22 09:23



Wonderful recommendation


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