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更新时间:1602072254   |   来源:巴哈姆特

mikaial20 (怒火心中烧) #1 2019-11-04 20:18:34

Q: How will heritage armor be obtained with the leveling changes?
A:You will obtain the heritage armor by leveling an allied race to the new level cap.

Q: Did the Jailer see Sylvanas as a threat?
A: We will find out during the story that Sylvanas's dealings with the Jailer started when she threw herself off of Icecrown in Edge of Night. She helped Varian in Legion as a way to thrust herself into a position of power.

Q: How are the Covenants and new systems that come with them going to affect PvP?
A: The Covenant choice is supposed to be a net effect of different variables.

Q: Will War Mode still be in Shadowlands?
A: Yes

Q: How is flying going to work in Shadowlands?
A: Shadowlands will use the same system as Legion and BfA for unlocking flying.

Q: Will there ever be an HD model toggle for Classic?
A: The HD models were meant to improve the look of the characters to the current game, and HD characters would look out of place in Classic.

Q: Will legendaries ever be transmoggable?
A: Short answer: yes! Very soon!

Q: What is the creative process for choosing an expansion theme, specifically Shadowlands?
A: The team begins brainstorming expansion concepts even two expansions ahead. The first thing to consider is the world that will be explored, and where do we want to go next? Where should the story take us next? Sometimes an idea sounds great, but it isn't right in the moment, and it is pushed further down the line until the story leads there. The team liked that the Shadowlands was so other-wordly and something never seen or done before.

Q: Have you named an expansion before you developed it?
A: Legion was the placeholder name, but eventually it was made the real name.

Q: Is the Jailer someone that we already know that is connected to death?
A: They created the Jailer as a mysterious new figure. He is an important part to the mythology of the cosmology. He is not someone that we know, but familiar figures will be aligned with him or opposing him. He is the centerpiece villain of the expansion.

Q: What will happen with the essences and Heart of Azeroth we have earned this expansion?
A: Our connection to the Heart will weaken as we journey into the Shadowlands, but the abilities and essences are still usable in timewalking.

Q:What other customization options are coming to the races?
A: What we have already seen is just a small sample of what is coming. The team wants to offer a lot of diversity so you can really represent yourself as a person.

Q: Are we ever going to see another round of realm connections?
A: Yes, the team knows they need to address realm population very soon. No ETA, but very soon.

Q: Have you considered releasing additional digital tracks of music that comes out in patches after the expansion?
A: The team wants to do this, and are actively working on it.

Q: Lore-wise, who won each Warfront?
A: Canonically, the Alliance wins both warfronts.

Q: Would you consider loosening faction restrictions for grouping with friends?
A: They understand why you want to, but the Alliance and Horde separation is what makes Warcraft what it is and there is some value to mechanical reinforcement of that division. Grouping together is not an option at this time.

Q: Will anything happen in 8.3 if you kept the Gift of N'zoth?
A: Wait and see?

Q: Will there be Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King server options?
A: They can do it, and are not opposed, but want to make sure they do the right thing.

Q: Will anything further happen with the story from the Mag'har Orc Scenario?
A: We might see the beings that tagged along back to Azeroth, and stories like this are kept in the back pocket for future stories where they make sense. Light and Void will most likely be addressed in the future.

Q: Is Chronicle cannon?
A: It is, but it is from the view of the titans and so there is room to explore the more obscure mythology.

Q: What happens when we die in the Shadowlands?
A: There is a much different aesthetic when you die in the Shadowlands. There is a different screen effect as well as the idea that Azeroth still needs us and so we are able to corpse run back to life!

Q: How much of end game will be taken up by Torghast?
A: It depends on the player. You will want to do 1 to a few runs a week, but the content is created to be repeated as much as you want if you enjoy it.

Q: Is there a possibility of playable races with more or less than two legs now that Mechagnomes are a thing?
A: If it is appropriate to the story then maybe! They got new tech for mechagnomes and can explore it now.

Q: Are tier sets coming back next expansion?
A: Not in the initial patch of Shadowlands, but they want to have class-themed armor return at some point. They don't want players to feel like those slots are locked for tier sets, but know that set bonuses are exciting and want to find a way to implement them without checking a box in a gear slot. The team knows sets were a big drive to raid and are gonna use the feedback for Shadowlands by giving things to chase in raids. You will want to kill N'Zoth a lot!

Faction Differences in Shadowlands
Not many; the war is behind them and the Covenants don't care about your faction. If the problems within the Shadowlands aren't fixed, they'll doom Azeroth as well. The Horde and Alliance split will still exist within the game however.

Pre-expansion Event
Not giving it away, but they like to start off every expansion with one, so chances are there'll be something!

The Heart of Azeroth Stays
Wrapping up the story in 8.3, but unlike artifacts, it will still exist as a usable item... just not in Shadowlands. You're still the Champion of Azeroth, but you won't be on Azeroth anymore. Essences and Azerite powers will still work in timewalking and Azeroth-based content.

Seeing Old Characters
Without giving away all their secrets, they have the opportunity to delve into characters of WoW's past and see where their fates have led them; Kael'thas, Uther, have been brought up, but there are many more in major and minor ways - you may be surprised by who shows up. Arthas has been brought up, though not even the Covenants may have been able to find Mankrik's Wife.

Bolvar is a Major Character
Shadowlands will be a chance to delve into him more as he's been a major background character for quite a long time, but hasn't really been seen in awhile. We'll find out how he's coped with becoming the Lich King and get to explore how much is still Bolvar and how much has become the Lich King. Because he exists in a unique place between life and death, he will also have insights on how the Shadowlands works.

Other Characters We'll See
Not spoiling too much, but as we go to confront Sylvanas in Icecrown, some familiar characters will go with us, and make their way into the Shadowlands as well.

Covenant Powers
The first time through Shadowlands, the zones follow a linear and non-scaling order from Bastion -> Maldraxxus -> Ardenweald -> Revandreath, working with the Covenant in each zone and getting access to their powers (both a class specific and generic ability) while there, giving the player a chance to test those Covenant rewards before making a (semi) permanent choice at the end. At max level you will be able to change Covenants, but it will come at a non-trivial cost. Subsequent characters will be able to play through auto-scaling Shadowlands zones in any order and pick their desired Covenant right away. They love the flexibility and freedom of choice in Legion and BfA zones, and want to retain that for subsequent playthroughs, but ensure they can tell a coherent story for a player's first time through the new expansion.

There will be reputations in addition to the Covenants, though some of them are still being worked out.

Shadowland Zones Size
Vary in size, but more or less similar to what we've seen in the last few expansions. Rivendreath might be a little bigger than the others.

Shadowlands Zone Diversity
The Shadowlands aren't just one thing. Death is a great power of the World of Warcraft Cosmos, just like Dis/Order, Light, and Shadow, which means something different to everyone and is represented throughout the zones - Bastion is full of bright and glorious, while the Ardenweald is dark and slumbery.

Flying in Shadowlands
Similar to previous expansions, they want to keep players grounded at the start in order to encourage exploration and interaction with the world. After some time has passed and once they're familiar with the new game world, flying will be added to make getting around and playing alts easier. Not sure if you can fly directly from one zone to another via Flying, they might require a loading screen as the Shadowlands zones aren't entirely contiguous; each zone being cut off from the other is a part of the Shadowlands expansion story.

Shadowlands Dungeons
2 dungeons planned for each zones (8 total); not sure if any will be Mythic-only as of right now.

New Raid
Set in Rivendreth, a place where souls with a lot more baggage tend to wind up; sins to work off, brought down by pride. They're meant to get a chance of redemption, but some of the denizens there have twisted that purpose to something darker. The raid will explore some of those mysteries, and maybe explain what issues the Shadowlands are dealing with. The entire raid will have a very gothic feel to it and the artists are having a tremendous time bringing it to life.

Raid Tier Sets
No tier sets for now. They get talked a lot all the time, and the various pluses and minuses are brought up every expansion; they'd like to find a way to bring them back and make them fit nicely within existing itemization, but they're not in Shadowlands.

Targeted Legendaries
Legendaries will be crafted through materials gained from Torghast - they will be targeted and customizable rather than random - planned to have some control over what slot they'll be in, what powers they'll have, and possibly what stats they'll have as well. They don't want to relive getting three legendaries before the one you wanted as in Legion.

What About Titanforging?
Too early to say exactly what they'll do in Shadowlands, but there will be something (Deathforging?!). Corruption replacing Titanforging in 8.3 is a bit of an experiment similar to Benthic, Mechagon rewards, and other bonuses we've seen in the game so far.

New Leveling Experience
First time player will start in a new curated experience, Exile's Reach (an island near Stormheim) from 1-10, before moving into Battle for Azeroth from 10-50 in order to understand the narrative leading up to Shadowlands. Veteran players will be able to pick their expansion and go entirely from 10-50 in any of them. As much charm as there is for the original starting experiences, they're showing their age, and the team wants to modernize things a bit and bring everyone to a similar starting point.

Learning Spells While Leveling
One of the goals of the level squish is to make every level meaningful, rather than a bunch of levels where nothing happens waiting a dozen for a new spell or talent. In the new system you should get something every level.

New Death Knight Intro Experience
Coming in 8.3, set in a new sliver of time before Sylvanas breaks the Helm of Domination at the start of Shadowlands. You'll still be able to play through the old experience, but it doesn't make sense for allied races who wouldn't have been around at that time. It will play out similar to the current allied race intro experience, with Bolvar creating a new order of Death Knights. The allied races have some new skins (and a whole lot of additional character customization is coming in Shadowlands).

看较旧的 57 则留言

怒火心中烧: 11-18 10:34


鲁加 空熊: 11-28 16:09

飞行解锁跟7.0 8.0一样 呵呵。隔壁FF14摸完风脉就能飞 魔兽玩家还要被当白癡一样主线解完之后探索地图、每天上线解WQ农声望

鲁加 空熊: 11-28 16:10 编辑


dark0402 (ㄕㄓㄈㄓ) #2 2019-11-05 04:19:22


cvsa01349 (念咒把你变长颈鹿) #3 2019-11-05 09:58:01
无限之塔 <--- 你喜欢了话可以一直打你会想要在一个礼拜跑个几次,无限塔是被设计成你喜欢的话可以一直重複打。


看较旧的 3 则留言

怒火心中烧: 11-06 09:43


宫保高丽菜: 11-06 15:01


光之灵: 11-11 08:20


closethe01 (海之沙) #4 2019-11-06 07:53:32
桔梗仙冬月: 11-06 09:06

9.0满等是60等 1-60 你就找个区间类推一下就好

桔梗仙冬月: 11-06 09:06


怒火心中烧: 11-06 09:41


lzp0819 (Pagani) #5 2019-11-10 12:17:49
Q: Will legendaries ever be transmoggable?
A: Short answer: yes! Very soon!


手厥阴心包经: 11-10 15:05


charaznable0 (夏亚.阿兹纳布尔) #6 2019-11-15 08:47:22



不过我是希望能新增   衣柜系统  幻化系统


看较旧的 2 则留言

wwooww: 11-15 12:02

安安哥,还是正服温暖吧,不会被B爆XD 最近看你在经典版每篇文都是被B爆

nunu: 11-15 13:13

不适合 X 去正服 O

莳花浸月: 11-15 18:50

[Kudi7422:KyleKuo] 也是这个感觉,其实是正服吸收玩家的垫脚石


Wonderful recommendation


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