- Increased Oberon's base energy from 100 to 150.
- 增加Oberon的基础能量:100→150。
- Improved the visibility of Oberon’s Hallowed Ground FX.
- 改善Oberon2技「神圣领域」的特效。
- Fixed Oberon’s Renewal Energy per target Arsenal stat display not being affected by Efficiency Mods.
- 修正Oberon3技「疗癒脉动」每个治癒目标的耗能在军械库中没随着效率MOD变动。
- Fixed Smite projectiles not targeting ragdolled enemies.
- 修正1技「惩击」无法攻击倒地敌人。
- Fixed Renewal FX not lasting as long as the ability is active.
- 修正3技「疗癒脉动」的特效没随着技能启动而持续。
- Fixed Health Regeneration not working after triggering the Phoenix Renewal Augment.
- 修正在触发3技集团卡「凤凰新生」后回血效果失效。
- Fixed unequipping Oberon not returning Kavat/Kubrow Health to its original value until you enter a mission.
- 修正战甲换掉Oberon后,库娃/库柏的生命值没改回来,直到你进入任务才显示正常。
- Fixed performance issues from Hallowed Ground.
- 修改2技「神圣领域」的动画。
- Fixed some issues with trying to add or remove a Renewal buff from multiple teammates over time rather than all at once.
- 修正无法立即地增加或移除3技「疗癒脉动」的BUFF。
- Fixed Renewal not being applied to allies in bleed out as it did previously.
- 3技「疗癒脉动」无法对倒地队友上BUFF。 (感谢新潮大叔)
- 指数之场不会再遇到不同目标难度的队友了。
- We have made some tweaks to last week's reinforcement: the Cycron! If you haven't picked this up yet yourself, the Cycron doesn't have a reload function; it has a recharge function. As of this Update, the Cycron battery recharge delay time is now halved when the mag is not empty. This means monitoring your ammo while feathering the trigger will be a good strategy when using this weapon.
- Cycron「循环离子枪」在弹匣未耗尽的状态下,充能时间减半。
- We have made some tweaks to older Warframe Auras. As you may know, an Aura's Mod Rank determines how much additional Mod Capacity you get. We've increased the following Auras form 3 Ranks to 5 Ranks. With this change, we also buffed the Auras:
- 光环卡改动(从等级最高为3改为5,以下叙述皆为最高等级的效果):
- Speed Holster has gone from 80% to 120% at Max Rank.
- 「快速切换」的拔枪速度从80%改成120%。
- Dead Eye has gone from 35% to 52.5% at Max Rank.
- 「死亡之眼」增加的伤害从35%改为52.5%。
- EMP Aura has gone from 10% to 15% at Max Rank.
- 「电磁脉冲场」敌人命中降低从10%改为15%。
- Sprint Boost Aura has gone from 10% to 15% at Max Rank.
- 「冲刺提升」速度从10%改为15%。
- Removed Lua Spy missions from Sortie rotation due to extensive Client loading times on min spec machines. Please note that we are working to fix this and add Lua Spy missions back into the Sortie rotation.
- 目前月球间谍将不会出现在突袭,因为非主机的读取时间过久。未来修正后会重新加入。
- Added an extra line to Limbo's Passive description to speak to his Energy gathering in the Rift.
- 增加Limbo的被动叙述:「能量在裂隙中缓慢恢复,每一名在里面被击杀的敌人也会给予能量。」
- Improved experiencing memory loss in the Relays.
- 改善中继站的记忆体消耗。
- Changed "CANCEL FUSION" label to "BACK" when reaching max rank on a Mod when Fusing and when there are no pending Fusion tasks.
- 在mod升为最高等级后,「取消融合」的按钮改为「返回」。 (感谢我该取啥ID)
- Reprioritzed a few screens in the Relay so that they load faster even when there's a throng of people around and you're competing for IO bandwidth for their loadouts.
- 重新安排中继站的某些场景,改善过多人导致的读取缓慢问题。
- Adjusted the Rift weight of the Cycron beams in Limb’s Stasis to fix performance issues.
- 调整循环离子枪的光线在裂缝中的影响。
- Fixed a crashed caused by a poor corrupt cache being further abused from someone bypassing the launcher.
修正一个我真的不知道怎幺翻的闪退问题。- 游戏数据严重损坏时不用启动器启动warframe会闪退。 (感谢smallmouse)
- Fixed a loss of functionality when opening a Chat link while viewing another diorama.
- 修正聊天室在点开资料库的图片后会失效。
- Fixed Clients unable to destroy nerves in The Jordas Verdict Stage 3.
- 修正非主机队员在空8第三阶段无法摧毁nerves。
- Fixed a case where the Void Relic picker wouldn't appear for players after a mission vote was cancelled.
- 修正在任务投票取消后无法选择遗物。
- Fixed ally NPCs (Sentinels, etc) not able to have abilities affecting them nullified.
- 修正所有NPC(例如守护)在被影响技能无法使用效果取消后,仍无法使用技能。
- Fixed Ratel’s being immune to Inaros’ Devour.
- 修正Inaros2技「沙祸之祭」无法对蜜獾造成伤害。
- Fixed becoming invincible after casting Nyx’s Absorb with Assimilate equipped and then Transferring to the Operator.
- 修正Nyx在使用4技搭上集团卡后马上换成指挥官造成的无敌效果。
- Fixed being able to walk around in Mesa’s Peacemaker by opening the Power Menu.
- 修正MESA开启4技「和平使者」在开启Power Menu后可以走路。
- Fixed the Arcane Aegis Shield recharge being delayed by a couple seconds instead of being instant.
- 修正壁垒赋能的回复效果没有立即作用。
- Fixed not being able to equip Ruinous Extension on the Cycron.
- 修正循环离子枪无法装上「毁灭扩展」。
- Fixed the Sarpa not firing in bursts with the Bullet Dance Stance equipped.
- 修正蛇刃装备「刀锋弹舞」架式使用蓄力攻击无法攻击成功。
- Fixed being able to fire the Buzlok without triggering to fire.
- 修正巴兹火枪可以在不触发的状况下开火。
- Fixed being able to spam Disarm in quick succession as per:
- 修正Loki可以快速放4技「缴械」。
- Fixed The Index wager selection screen allowing you to select a wager even if you didn't have enough Credits.
- 修正指数之场选择难度画面中,即使钱不够也能选择。
- Fixed The Index wager screen skipping when being invited to play (therefore defaulting you to the lowest wager tier).
- 修正被邀请至指数之场无法选择难度的画面(造成自动选择最低风险)。
- Fixed purge timer in The War Within liset purge mission being broken if the player watches a transmission from their Inbox.
- 修正在收件匣看拨放讯息后,系列任务内战中Purge任务的倒数故障。
- Fixed Gas Status UI icons lingering forever.
- 修正毒气触发的UI图示一直存在。
- Fixed Relay room names being off-screen when playing in higher resolutions.
- 修正在较高解析度下,中继站房间的名字消失。
- Fixed Clients being able to invite other players to an ‘Invite Only’ squad hosted by another player.
- 修正非主机队员能在主机设定「邀请加入」下邀请别的玩家。
- Fixed the Sword and Shield Danaus Skin shield attachment positioning.
- 修正剑盾 斑蝶外观的贴图位置。
- Fixed Operator Sigils having incorrect scale/position/rotation in the Navigation screen.
- 修正星图下指挥官的徽章外观问题。
- Fix the player's Warframe holding a 2nd copy of the Operator in their hand during The Second Dream.
- 修正系列任务第二场梦玩家的战甲抱着指挥官的複製体。
- Fixed the Lynx Turret Grenades not actually creating Turrets.
- 修正Lynx Turret没有召出砲塔。
- Fixed (for real this time) Ratel’s appearing in the Hyena cinematic.
- 修正冥王星刺杀中蜜獾的外观。
- Fixed Void Turrets not activating.
- 修正虚空哨卫不会启动。
- Fixed casting Saryn’s Molt in the Simulacrum allowing you to kill yourself.
- 修正Sayrn2技「蜕皮」可以在幻影装置中杀死自己。
- Fixed Titania’s Bullet Jump FX lingering forever.
- 修正Titania被动的旋身飞跃领域不会消失。
- Fixed the Pox diorama being aggressively zoomed in.
- 修正脓痘的立体展示图过度放大。
- Fixed issues where things with a bleedout state would not disappear in the SImulacrum when you returned to your respawn platform.
- 修正在幻影装置中,在你回到平台后,倒地状态下的事物不会消失。
- Fixed issues with building up infinite Cycron beams in the Rift with Stasis.
- 修正在Limbo裂缝暂停下循环离子枪的光线所造成的可能问题。
- Fixed incorrect Excavator spawn points in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
- 修正C族冰原地图中,挖掘机出现在莫名的地方。
- Fixed firing Zarr's Barrage inside Limbo’s Rift disabling Stasis.
- 修正在裂缝暂停中,沙皇弹幕模式会取消暂停效果。
- Fixed script error when Alt firing Paracyst into the ground.
- 修正附肢寄生者对地面攻击后发生的脚本错误。 (感谢马斯克)
- 修正Oberon被动在武行秘仪中失效的问题。