《星际战甲(Warframe)》【情报】Hydroid Prime: Update 21.6.0 (翻译完成)
更新时间:1604644377 | 来源:巴哈姆特
dororo1994lo (天沙)
2017-08-31 15:10:59
T妈P (Trinity Prime)
双短柄战镰 (Dual Kamas Prime)
狗圈P (Kavasa Kubrow Prime Collar)
血色: t妈p机体-->毒妈/毒女 P(Saryn Prime) 机体
钢铁: t妈p头-->毒妈p 头
毒妈/毒女 P(Saryn Prime) 蓝图
重击巨锤P(Fragor Prime) 蓝图
侍刃P(Nikana Prime) 蓝图
以上三项杜卡德金币价格由100 下降至65
New User Experience Changes
We have polished up a number of issues related to the new user experience. This polish essentially speaks to the question 'What do I do when I'm done Vor's Prize'?
- The biggest change we made was to populate the 'Quests' panel of the World State Window with 'Next Objectives'. This means we've seeded the way in this panel for people to have a goal beyond the mass of nodes - they have hints to complete Junctions, Quests, and more in order.
- We reduced node noise making sure the Vor's Prize path was clear. This means we reduced opacity on all peripheral/non core nodes.
- Fixed a progression stopping issue that would occur for any player who returned from 'Liberate the Arms Dealer' mission without equipping a Mod. We now force you to equip a mod when you enter the Arsenal after this mission.
新加入玩家体验 改善
我们优化了一些有关于新加入玩家体验上的问题. 简单来说他们所面对的问题是
"我在完成Vor的战利品(Vor's Prize)后应该做什幺?"
- 最大的改变是我们将"下一个目标" 集结成 星图的任务介面
意思是 我们利用任务介面增加了一个除了开节点以外的目标
- 我们减少了节点噪音以确定Vor的战利品的路线比较清晰,意思是我们减少了非重要的节点透明度
- 修正了提示进度失效的问题,这个问题会使玩家可以在"解放武装经销商"进度后可以不装备任何MOD.
现在如果你完成了该进度,而且进入军械库,我们会强迫你装上MOD <3
- Hydroid’s Undertow now displays an ability counter of how many enemies are currently submerged.
- Riven Slot capacity limit has increased from 60 to 90! With 90 as the new Riven Slot capacity limit, this gives room for 30 of each Riven school (Primary, Secondary, Melee) which we believe has been a common request!
- Warframe’s first Prime Sentinel, Wyrm Prime, has had its base Health increased from 100 to 225!
- Reduced the Razorback Cipher cost from 3500 Polymer Bundle to 1500 Polymer Bundle. Back in May of this year we made numerous fixes towards the Razorback Armada, and with another Armada to appear soon we took a second look at the Polymer friction involved with this non-useable Blueprint. See here for past fixes you can expect: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/797284-sharpening-our-razorbacks-a-pc-weekend-post-mortem/
- Reloading can now be interrupted by throwing the Javlok, and can be thrown after depleting all primary fire without having to wait for it to fully reload.
- Specific Auto-generated messages will be removed from your Inbox 30 days after opening them to clean up some unnecessary database space. Only the following time-sensitive Inbox notifications will be affected:
- Stalker Death Marks
- Invasion Battle Pay
- Double Credit and Affinity Weekends
- Improved performance when using Melee weapons with Mods that increase Range.
- Picking up disarmed thrown Secondary weapons (Kunai, Castanas, etc.) will now display the context action “Pick Up Thrown Weapon” instead of “Pick up Auto Pistol”.
- Removed unnecessary "Mastery Rank X Required"Codex text from Quests that are given directly to players after completing Junctions.
- Optimized loading screens.
- Improved the Angstrum's explosion FX.
- 水人(Hydroid)的3技水漩涡现在会显示水里面有多少敌人在浸温泉
- 裂罅容量上限由60增加到90. 我们相信把上限增加到90,提升了30对于3种不同的裂罅是大众的需求
- 第一个P版的守护,蛟龙P 的基础生命从100提高到225
- 利刃豺狼密码需求的 聚合物束 由3500减少至1500.在今年的5月左右我们带来了利刃豺狼舰队,另一只也快将到来,我们重新思考了一次聚合物束需求量对于这个没用的蓝图的问题.你可以在这里看到过去有关他的改动:https://forums.warframe.com/topic/797284-sharpening-our-razorbacks-a-pc-weekend-post-mortem/
- 燃焰标枪现在可以用丢出去的方式中止换弹.而且用光子弹后也可以不用换弹完成就丢出去.
- 自动生成的信件将会在打开后30天后删除,以减少资料库的负荷.改动只会影响以下的信件:
- 小黑的情书
- 入侵的奖励
- 双倍加成的周末
- 提高当近战武器有装增加範围MOD时的视觉表现
- 当你拿起被缴械的可丢出去的次要武器(苦无,雷爆信标等等)时,会显示 “Pick Up Thrown Weapon”而不是“Pick up Auto Pistol”.
- 移除完成接合点后,在任务中的所显示的"段位x需求"的不必要文字
- 优化载入画面
- 提高安格斯壮的爆炸允视觉效果
- Fixed being able to Corrosive Status Effect yourself with Hydroid’s Corroding Barrage Augment if hit at the start of casting Undertow.
- Fixed not receiving the end reward for collecting every Kuria.
- Fixed Titania’s Razorwing ability jittering out of control at lower framerates when boosting forwards.
- Fixed Corpus Condor Dropship turrets lingering in the sky as they fly away.
- Fixed seeing two Warframes upon exiting the Simulacrum Arsenal after entering while invisible.
- Fixed Scanners not displaying scopes when aiming after switching to and from the Scanner via the Gear wheel.
- Fixed initiating a Self Revive consuming a Vazarin New Moon revive. Its design predates the Self Revive and wasn't intended to work together.
- Fixed being able to put Sentient parts on your Warframe by throwing the Halikar at a Sentient and then switching to Operator before it returns. While we understand this was pretty cool, it was broken in many ways. We will aim to revisit as a feature when more time emerges.
- Fixed Operator Void Beam not being functional after swapping weapons while initiating the Scanner.
- Fixed being able to walk on top of Grineer Spy Vault consoles when attempting to hack. This resulted in accidently tripping alarms and canceling the hacking.
- Fixed a specific teleport volume in the Orokin Derelict killing your Sentinel.
- Fixed NPCs that can be given a Secondary weapon, firing the Zakti at an impossibly fast rate.
- Fixed numerous weapon meshes appearing incorrectly on the ground when disarmed by a Drahk Master.
- Fixed the Convectrix not having a pickup context action when disarmed by a Drahk Master.
- Fixed the Operator getting stuck in an idle animation after returning to the Landing Craft during The War Within quest.
- Fixed the Perrin Sequence Sigil appearing bumpy.
- Fixed the Equinox Insomnia Skin appearing incorrectly when viewed in the Star Chart.
- Fixed the Hulta Armor clipping into Rhino Prime.
- Fixed numerous Syandanas clipping through Chroma’s Effigy pelt.
- Fixed being able to see 'Health' of Kuva Ghosts even though they don't die or have Health.
- Fixed a crash when viewing Mission Progress after changing Sentinels in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed Limbo remaining in the Rift when switching Warframe’s in the Simulacrum Arsenal.
- Fixed Growing Power scaling indefinitely for Clients as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/833798-growing-power-scales-infinitely/
- Fixed Veiled Rivens requiring ‘no damage taken’ resetting progress when hit if no Health/Shield damage is taken but you got knocked down.
- Fixed an escapable level hole in the Grineer Fortress Spy tileset as seen here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/6wljmo/an_impractical_alternate_route_on_kuva_fortress/
- 修正如果水人有装上1技集团MOD(腐蚀弹幕)使用1技暴风雨弹幕,并打中刚开始使用3技水漩涡,会对自己做成腐蚀状态(o.s.这个条件也太难触发orz)
- 修正收集所有库利亚猫神器却收不到最终奖励的问题
- 修正在titania在使用4技剃刀之翼时在加速时如果帧数太停会失控抖动
- 修正秃鷟空投艇在空中徘徊的问题
- 修正在幻影拟成装置中,如果隐形下进入军械库,离开军械库时会出现2个战甲的问题
- 当你用滚轮换成扫瞄器时,扫瞄时没有扫瞄的介面的问题
- 修正当使用V精的新月自我复活(快速复活)时,系统会同时计算复活次数,而不是先计算新月(没用V精可能比较难理解,自我快速死亡复活系统出现后,V精可以用新月被动去复活自己而且不会有完全死亡的惩罚(减经验和-1复活数))
- 修正用哈利卡丢往S族,然后在哈利卡回来前换成指挥官可以拿S族的武器的问题,虽然我们明白这很酷,但它在许多方面都会有问题。 当我们有更多时间时,我们将重新审视。
- 修正在使用指挥官时,如果换成使用扫瞄器,指挥官射线会失效
- 修正可以用走的方式走上G族间谍控制器上面的问题,这问题会触发警报和取消入侵.
- 修正在OROKIN遗迹船,守护被杀死时出现的特殊传送门音效
- 修正给予NPC毒芽后,他们会有不可思义的射速
- 修正爪喀驯兽师(狗狗驯兽师)缴械玩家后,地上的武器不正确的问题
- 修正爪喀驯兽师(狗狗驯兽师)缴械玩家后,系统没有出现捡回武器的提示
- 修正在内战时如果回到登陆艇,指挥官会卡在闲置动作的问题
- 修正佩兰数列印记会出现震动的问题
- 修正EQ 的不寐外观(Insomnia Skin)在星图时会显示异常
- 修正隐匿外观系列使用在牛P(Rhino Prime)时会在体内的问题
- 修正一些披饰会穿过龙甲(chroma)
- 修正可以看到赤毒(会被吸过去的红黑物体)的血量问题,尽管他们不会死或没血量
- 修正在幻影拟成装置中,切换守护后查看任务进度会崩溃
- 修正在幻影拟成装置中Limbo 在虚空时换成其他warframe会保留虚空
- 修正成长之力效果会一直提高的问题,相关方法: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/833798-growing-power-scales-infinitely/ (简单来说:非主机,有成长之力,使用长按5的专精技能)
- 修正裂罅"不受伤害"任务中,如果被击倒任务会被重置,即使没受任何伤害
- 修正kuva间谍c点的不正常进入方法,相关网址:https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/6wljmo/an_impractical_alternate_route_on_kuva_fortress/
Conclave Changes & Fixes
- Inaros and Nidus can now use No Current Leap Mod in Conclave
- Reduced the damage AoE radius of the Castanas family in Conclave.
- Increased the damage AoE radius of the Talons in Conclave.
- Increased duration of the Final Act Mod to 8 seconds and updated the description text in Conclave.
- Updated the description text of Tactical Retreat Mod in Conclave.
- Fixed seeing Warframe’s in a T-pose when attempting to leave a Team Annihilation lobby in Conclave.
- Fixed being able to throw an unstable Lunaro ball at ultra fast speeds due to high latency in Lunaro.
- Inaros 和 Nidus 现在可以在pvp使用无耗能飞跃(No Current Leap Mod)
- 减少各种不同的雷爆信标的伤害範围
- 提升鹰爪的伤害範围
- 搏命反扑(Final Act Mod)的持续时间提升至8秒 和更新描述文字
- 更新战术性撤退(Tactical Retreat Mod)描述文字
- 修正离开团队歼灭大厅时会看到warframe 做出 T 字动作的问题
- 修正在月动球中,因为延迟太高而丢出超高速球的问题
- Wonderful recommendation







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