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《救世者之树(Tree of Savior)》【分享】Guillotina Tristeza(吉特涅专曲-附数字简谱)

更新时间:1576923409   |   来源:巴哈姆特

z0932732719 (晓枫) #1 2019-12-21 18:16:49
[2020/04/06 文章大修 感谢苹果的谱谱]

花的时间跟上次的O Deive差不多

TOS-BGM  guillotina tristeza
歌词&原曲由 Tree Of Savior 转载

( )=低音 [ ]=高音

To those who don't follow death
3  3  #23543#2
Corruption and misery will haunt you      
3  3  #235434  1(6)
To those who don't follow destiny           
3  3  #23543#2#2  
Catastrophe, destructed world will rule    
3    (66) 3    #2 (7)  2  1 (6)


fall down someone else will find me  
3  3  #23433  2
From the depth I try not to believe         
2  2   322   31
Any tales in the past would just           
(6)1   1233   4(7)
bring me back into sorrow                
2   2   2   322  1

If I wake up, time will tell my fate       
(36)13    343   2  2
Keep your eyes on everything you do          
(3#57)2   232   31  
Today, like empty wind, would just          
6    6     5 4 3     2  2
bring me back into sorrow                  
(3#57)2   1(77) (6)

Several dreams gonna fade out true        
41(7)  3  4(7) (76)  
All the truth is being scraped away        
First time we’re in this world             
I pray for the moon and the stars          
(7)523 (7)  (776)
Please give me a hand in this agony  
(67)1(7)121  (7)  (6)  (#5)

The sun goes down, the moon rises from the dead
   43 43 45   7  76 6 6
Deep sleep from lips above fly away             
   1 1 23 2 1(7) 2 3
The light is gone, the dark rules in the end    
   3  43  45   7     6 6 6
No one’s gonna change the world                
  1 23 21 (76)
Who can do? It's you                            
  (7)  12  (76)


看较旧的 13 则留言

晓枫: 12-23 04:44

[tingruei0907:巴普] 感动+期待XD~有种脑袋一直卡住的结快被解开的感觉

翡月千岁: 12-23 08:27



Wonderful recommendation


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