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更新时间:2024-12-12 20:13:01   |   编辑:气泡游戏网

Hello everyone, I am Haobao! Follow Haobao for the latest news on the game "Dream of the Three Kingdoms" every day! The following review represents personal opinions only, not official or platform positions. Level 69 is a diverse level, encompassing players of all kinds, including experts with full-body non-level equipment, ordinary players with regular equipment, and unique characters with various unconventional combinations, such as Falling Leaves Xiao Xiao Datang, Skeleton Datang, and Power Transformation, etc.! It can be said that there is nothing you can't think of, and nothing you can't see! In terms of cost-effectiveness, those with simple equipment are the most advantageous! On the one hand, simple equipment is relatively cheaper, and on the other hand, level 70 equipment can have a 3-hole rune set, maximizing attribute bonuses! In this article, Haobao wants to show everyone a level 69 simple Shituoling, let's enjoy it together! Level 69 premium Shituoling, angry simple 3 special skills, meticulous details to clear various difficult tasks! The level 69 Shituoling has not reached the maximum temporary symbol panel attributes, with a damage of 1506, although it cannot compare with the experts with non-level equipment, but it is completely sufficient for tasks! Level 70 simple transformation set male head with broken blood and frenzy attack, forged with 7 red agates! Level 70 simple transformation set necklace with beast power, initial spirit 65, forged with 4 relics! Level 70 simple transformation set armor, after smelting, double stamina +20, forged with 7 moonstones. Level 70 simple transformation set shoes with shattered unmatched, forged with 7 black gems. Level 70 simple angry transformation set belt, forged with 7 light stones. Level 70 simple weapon, after smelting, +21 strength, -4 endurance, forged with 7 red agates. The rings and earrings in the lower row are double damage and one speed, the accessories in the lower row are double HP and one defense, the bracelets in the lower row are double defense and one HP, all forged with 6 star stones, and all have level 4 blood and energy effects. The 7th skill is the Mustard Butterfly Fairy, equipped with high gods, and a common task magic pet! The 9th skill is Blood Attack Barrier Thunderbird, with extremely high attack assets, blessed with 4 super skills, very good! The 3rd skill is the Cleansing Platform with speed and blood pet A Bao, equipped with high gods! The 6th skill is the Cleansing Platform with thriving blood pet Big Bat, a newly trained baby, the level has not been raised yet, with all points added, HP can reach 10,000! Well, this level 69 Shituoling display is complete, with 6 pieces of simple equipment, and the essential angry 3 special skills for physical attacks, a very high-quality account! The construction cost of this account is not high, but the experience is very good, almost able to clear various difficult tasks, do you like it?


Wonderful recommendation


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