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更新时间:2024-10-16 10:18:57   |   编辑:气泡游戏网

Hello everyone, I am Hao Zai! Pay attention to Hao Zai, bringing you the latest news of the game "Dream of the Three Kingdoms" every day! The following review only represents personal opinions, not official or platform positions. The most popular equipment among mission players is the never-wearing one, because the biggest consumption in daily missions is the durability of equipment! So having a set of non-wearing equipment means that you don't need to consider the durability of the equipment, once and for all! Of course, with more demand, the difficulty of obtaining it is also greater! Although ordinary non-wearing equipment is very common, due to low level and poor attributes, wearing it will affect efficiency, and low-level pearls are relatively cheap to repair, so high-level non-wearing equipment is the dream of mission players! However, dreams are after all dreams, a high-end non-wearing equipment is really hard to come by, and a full set of 6 non-wearing is even more out of reach! But today, this player did it, he is a level 175 Shenmulin, with 6 non-wearing equipment, of which 5 pieces also have a special effect of 160-level exclusive spell crit rate, which can be said to be the ceiling of the non-wearing world! What kind of account is it? Let's take a look together! Level 175 Shenmulin, 6 non-wearing equipment, 5 pieces with spell crit rate, the ceiling of the non-wearing world! Level 175 Shenmulin has not fully filled in the panel attributes of temporary symbols, and this is the attribute for brushing missions, wearing 6 spell crit spirit decorations, the spell damage is as high as 2434, and brushing missions is just one word "cool"! Level 160 non-wearing chaotic beast set male head, additional spell crit rate +0.89%, forged with 15 Sun Stones, born for missions! Level 160 non-wearing chaotic beast set necklace, initially spiritual 259 after smelting, forged with 15 Relics! Level 160 non-wearing chaotic beast set armor, additional spell crit rate +1.08%, double magic and agility added 47 after smelting, forged with 15 Relics! Level 160 non-wearing chaotic beast set shoes, additional spell crit rate +0.87%, forged with 13 Black Gems! Level 160 non-wearing chaotic beast set belt, additional spell crit rate +1.07%, forged with 13 Black Gems! Level 160 non-wearing high damage weapon, additional spell crit rate +0.91%, single magic added 28 after smelting, forged with 15 Sun Stones! The lower row of rings and earrings are three spell crits, the lower row of accessories is double defense and one health, the lower row of bracelets is double health and one defense, and he also has a spare front row of seven spell damage! The 9 skills are unexpectedly started with the wind, the dragon is in the sky, the thunder dragon, the set is with high agility, the ultimate efficiency spell pet used in normal missions! The 13 skills are the divine wrath of the blue phoenix, the attack pet, the demonized child, the pet used for both missions and PK, very violent! The 10 skills are the high-speed full-power cat spirit, the favorite of speed players, with high output, fast attack, and the key appearance is also beautiful, really enviable! Well, this level 175 Shenmulin is finished, carrying a full set of high-end non-wearing equipment, five of which also have the special effect of spell crit rate, combined with the six spell crit spirit decorations, almost bursting every second! After seeing this account, I ask, which mission player is not envious?


Wonderful recommendation


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