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更新时间:2024-09-28 19:31:35   |   编辑:气泡游戏网

Hello everyone, I am Haobao! Follow Haobao for the latest news on the game "Dream of Three Kingdoms"! The following review represents personal opinions only, not official or platform positions. It must be said that in various arenas, the three-attack lineup has a high appearance rate, because only they have the strength to move a thousand catties with four taels, even against the top teams in the server war, there is no guarantee of victory in front of the super three-attack team! This is also why more and more players now prefer to play three-attack, with relatively low investment, but can bring a violent output experience! Of course, if you want a higher winning rate in various PK events, there is a high requirement for the hardware of the three-attack team! Especially for the output sect, without hardware above 14 forging, encountering teams with some resistance will be difficult to break through! In this article, Haobao wants to show everyone a three-attack team in Lingbo City! With a relatively standard 14+9 hardware, a 15-forged weapon that doesn't wear out, suitable for both missions and PK! The 175-level Lingbo City display with a 15-forged non-wearing weapon paired with a 9-forged spiritual accessory, suitable for both missions and PK! The panel attributes of the 175-level Lingbo City without full temporary symbols have about 3500 damage when equipped with good artifacts after full symbols, which is completely sufficient for PK! 160-level Broken Star Secret male headgear, additional physical critical strike rate +1.12%, equipped with a 14-forged red agate! 160-level Broken Star Secret necklace with broken blood and frenzy attack, after smelting, spiritual power 221, mixed with 11-forged absorption gems! 160-level Broken Star Secret armor, agility and strength both increased by 74, with a 14-forged light stone! 160-level Broken Star Secret shoes, additional physical critical strike rate +1.02%, with a 13-forged black gemstone! 160-level Broken Star Secret belt, additional physical critical strike rate +1.05%, with a 13-forged black gemstone! 160-level high-damage non-wearing weapon, after smelting, adds 26 agility, reduces 1 stamina, with a 15-forged red agate, a weapon that is versatile for missions and PK, simply irresistible! The rings and earrings in the lower row are both double damage and one speed, with the accessories in the lower row being double health and one defense, the bracelet in the lower row being double defense and one health, all with level 6 effect 163. The 6th skill is unexpectedly the child monk of the Vimalakirti, with a high magic heart from the set, used as a mission pet, and can also be used as the starting pet! The 12th skill is the high continuous blood attack child monk, with the set able to bring high invisibility, serving as a hidden attack pet! The 9th skill is the high continuous hidden attack child monk, with high attack speed and thick blood, can be used as the starting pet! The 8th skill is the thousand-speed blood pet child monk, with the feature of flashing, a necessary pet for PK! The 9th skill is the remnant will enter the violent child monk, although it is a low-level divine protection, it can also be considered as a half-assist skill! The 9th skill is the pure platform turtle-speed blood pet Zhiyin, for super low speed, no equipment is carried! The 8th skill is the turtle-speed Vimalakirti child monk, slower than many turtle-speed blood pets, can be used to guard the corpse! The 10th skill is the thousand-speed blood pet demonized child monk, trained with electric soul flash by high internal alchemy, used to dispel the opponent's enhancement state! The 7th skill is the instant strike power split demonized child monk, can be brought out to harvest residual blood! The 4th skill is unexpectedly the night dance Qingcheng Yeluo Sha, can be used as the starting move, or to defend against kind navigation! Well, this 175-level Lingbo City display is complete, it is a relatively standard 14+9 hardware, with 3500 damage in the gang league, it is definitely violent! The most enviable is still his 160-level non-wearing weapon, suitable for both missions and PK, I ask you, which player wouldn't be envious after seeing it?


Wonderful recommendation


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