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更新时间:2024-09-12 19:37:52   |   编辑:气泡游戏网


The gaming craze sparked by the release of "Black Myth: Wu Kong" is slowly dissipating as time goes by. While the number of people who have completed the game has increased, the number of online players has continued to decline. However, this special journey to the west is not just about bringing everyone a gaming experience. Many of the plot elements have profound implications. Recently, an event that occurred in Fuyang, Anhui has made players exclaim, "Yellow Eyebrows wins again." Since the release of "Black Myth: Wu Kong," you can see this kind of secondary creation online. Recently, blogger "Su Su" spent a lot of time and energy creating a themed wall painting of Piggy and Purple Spider in the ending animation of the game's fourth chapter. This work subsequently received many netizens' check-ins, but it was exposed today that it was destroyed. Someone went to the location of the themed wall painting in the middle of the night and destroyed it. Soon, this event was exposed online, causing many players and netizens' attention. It should be noted that the themed wall painting itself did not affect anyone, and even before the blogger created it, she reported it to the relevant department. The event of the themed wall painting being damaged is easily reminiscent of Yellow Eyebrows in the third chapter of "Black Myth: Wu Kong." He once bet with Golden Cicada and used himself as bait to test the evil in human nature. Through constant pushing and shoving, Yellow Eyebrows eventually won the bet. It is worth mentioning that the game's related secondary creations have been damaged, which is not an exception. In the first week of the release of "Black Myth: Wu Kong," the Tianmingren sculpture in Qingyuan Shuicheng, Qingxu County, Taiyuan, Shanxi, was broken due to the trampling of tourists. The staff eventually repaired it, which did not cause more controversy. Currently, "Su Su," the blogger who created the themed wall painting of "Black Myth: Wu Kong," has learned that her work has been destroyed. But this has not affected her creative enthusiasm. At the suggestion of netizens, she created the image of Nezha in the ending animation of the fifth chapter on the west wall of the Xifuguowei community at the intersection of Weiming Street and Xinshinan Road in Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang. Although the previous work was destroyed, as a content creator, everyone's love has become the driving force for her to continue drawing. Nowadays, in the comments section of her personal account, everyone is voting for the next character to create. Erlang Shen Yang Jian and the scene where Wukong learns art are the most popular. In short, it is hoped that these new works can be well protected.


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