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12-06 18:33
[Shiwanisu:席瓦尼斯] https://twitter.com/CyberpunkGame/status/1283359163230441472?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

- Xbox One X
- 没有第一天补丁
1. 首先最好的部分是人物塑造,大部分剧情人物都令人印象深刻配音表演非常好(指的是原评论的英文)
2. 百分之百的第一视角,整个世界地图做的非常精细漂亮,但可能在可互动物体上有一定欠缺,可能不如一些rpg(比如老滚)--->他这里强调的是在非任务情形时,例如走进一家餐厅 看到椅子,但是椅子无法座 (这家伙一直拿b社游戏比,应该是粉丝~~)
3. 任务节奏步调适中把控的很好,多线剧情很有意思不过任务完成方式并没有非常超出想像的,黑客玩法也并不是非常独到,有看门狗的感觉
4. 武器和车辆非常多样化,原作者认为射击手感非常好非常有力
5. 被通缉的时候不存在被逮捕只有逃走或者全杀或者被杀
6. 写作和节奏非常好,比巫师3更令人着迷
7. 当您走路/跑步而不是在战斗中时,音乐并不多(在战斗中音乐很棒)
8. 比较失望的地方:并没有开创性的玩法,人口密度没有那幺高(人少、但是环境音还是很吵杂),有些地方稍欠打磨
总体评价:有非常多的惊喜,也有许多失望 (7/10) --->但游戏整体评价还是会很高
1. Pedestrian AI is identical to GTA V in behavior from my interactions with them. Enemy AI is decent but nothing crazy: your typical AAA enemies. Bugs aside, I don't think they're too stupid or too smart, they're enough to give a challenge while still being easy to kill.
2. 浪漫在游戏中很深,并且有很长的分支任务。(应该就是想要%%%必须做很多的分支任务)

1.射击方面确实 看(听) 起来很不错,应该是不用太担心
2.没用的npc有些会说话,但是你跟他说话 他只会回一两句 (这点可以参考巫师3的npc)
3.人群确实不多(人群不多、环境音效很吵杂,这巫师3也是有发生过) --->但他是主机+没有第一天补丁,所以之后还是要看pc怎幺样
4.城市是真的做得很好 (讚~~)
5.人物塑造这部分 目前还不确定,但是可以看出来很多对话选项 (配音很好)
这游戏还是以任务为驱动的游戏,喜欢巫师3(骇客入侵系列)的玩家可以放心购买 ~~~
12/6 更新 这家伙破关了 xd (20多小时通关游戏)
I believe I have played through every single ending that you can (but it kinda feels like there's more?).
In total, with the last two endings, my total playtime of mainly playing the main missions and a few sidequests on easy mode is 24 hours and 20 minutes.
Also to totally gloat, Xbox says I'm in the less than 1% of people who have beaten the game.
I will be writing a more formal review tomorrow after I play more side missions and explore more aspects of the game that you seemed to have been able to ignore on easy mode, like the cyberware mods and such.
Time for the Q&A!
I believe I have played through every single ending that you can (but it kinda feels like there's more?).
In total, with the last two endings, my total playtime of mainly playing the main missions and a few sidequests on easy mode is 24 hours and 20 minutes.
Also to totally gloat, Xbox says I'm in the less than 1% of people who have beaten the game.
I will be writing a more formal review tomorrow after I play more side missions and explore more aspects of the game that you seemed to have been able to ignore on easy mode, like the cyberware mods and such.
Time for the Q&A!
hour count?
24 hours and 20 minutes.
Disappointing how short it is, considering you also played side missions.
I vehemently disagree with this take that it being around 20-25 hours is a bad thing. Unless a game has good pacing, it being long is a chore that I despise. Cyberpunk 2077 definitely has great pacing.
Did you do any side quests or just straight campaign?
Some side quests. I'm afraid to say how many because I can't remember, but it felt like maybe 10 or less?
How would you say the manticore posters/other stuff throughout the game is handled?
As far as main story and what I've experienced, the game does not address the transphobia or manticore stuff aside from the manticore posters just existing as ads. There seems to be no characters in the main story line that I can remember encountering that were openly or alluded to being trans or anything but male / female.
Racial stereotyping - I'm not sure. I had previously read that the Voodoo Boys, their accents, dialect etc was very authentic towards Haitian culture, so I can only really say it seems like it.
Most of the "political" aspects of the game are more focused on class than anything else. That's very apparent in pacifica.
So basically crit path playthrough on Easy to experience story?
I was more of a mix of shooting and using the Katana.
Hows the side mission quality?
From the ones I remember - unique and entertaining.
you can compare this too TW3 maybe? like how long would TW3 take with only doing a few side missions?
I usually do more side missions than main in open world games.
TW3 from when I remember playing it took like 50 hours to beat the main story.
Did you go hard into the main storyline or did you spend a lot of time with sidequests too?
Hard into the storyline. Not a lot of time spent in sidequests.
Damn. Even with multiple endings, that's still short for an open-world game, especially for a first play-through when you aren't well-versed in the game yet.
I love the shortness of the game, even though I don't consider 24 hours to be short.
can’t wait for an updated hobbes review
It's coming!
Hey, Hobbes - I'm here with almost my eyes covered so pardon not quoting any specific post.^^
Just wanted to double check if you had the chance to check the environmental spatter (splatter?) of stuff like blood etc.
Doesn't really exist on Xbox One X.
that's good to hear imo
a lot of games these days overstay their welcome, and if there are plenty of sidequests anyways it can keep people occupied for as long as they need
Yeah there is a shit load of side quests and missions to do. Going through the main story, you're constantly bombarded with them.
can you share your play times for other open worlds games that you can recall? also, did you play those on easy as well? I typically take longer than the average to finish games so want to get a sense of how long it will take.
Witcher 3 took me like 55 hours to beat but I don't remember difficulty.
TLOU2 felt like 20 hours but I thought that game should have been way shorter. Pacing was dog shit.
how many buildings can you enter, are there lots of detailed multistory environments or just the ones for missions? (like you can only take the elevator to 80th floor)
Seems limited and its only really highlighted in missions. Environment is well detailed. Lots to see and infer.
You said it was a 7/10 based on your 10hours progression, how would you rate it now ?
I'm not ready to say.
Can you go in detail about romance and who are all the options?
I'm not even sure if there is any...
I felt this rage. Hopefully this is fixed soon.
The map makes it look small but driving through it makes it feel really fucking big.
I know it's hard for you to accurately gauge but you'd guess a thorough (main story + majority of side content) playthrough is above 50+ hrs?
Reason why Im harping about length is because while I do prefer good pacing and not something that's too drawn out (ac valhalla!) I've been anticipating this game ever since it was announced and I really hope it doesnt end too soon.
im sorry, I can’t really say. Side missions can be short and sweet or be 30-60 minutes long. I’m sure you could hit 50+ hours doing a bunch of them.
Looks like the main story is a little shorter than I thought...
How much you think It would take to beat the game with all of the side missions and exploration and stuff in normal difficulty?
More that 100 hours?
It would take a long fucking time. There are so many side missions it’s overwhelming.
Would love to know the most unique perk you saw in the skill tree or your favorite ones that you have or have not acquired.
Two perks in the cool section for stealth - one called Crouching Tiger and another called Hidden Dragon.
Wow it’s too short, how do rate the game now? Did live the hype? That ending was great ?Do you expected more? I appreciate your attention.
It is not too short. I'm sure the side missions are going to tack on hours and hours and hours of gameplay. The main story being 24 hours is perfect in my mind.
I was not on the hype train for this game, so I'm not sure.
The first ending I chose was unexpected and very personally emotional for me.
I'm not sure what more I've expected other than useless tiny interaction details.
Hey everybody, I wrote early impressions of the game a couple of days ago when I only had maybe four to five hours of game time, so I thought I would come back and provide additional impressions of the game after 10 hours of game time.
Please note that the impression does not contain any story spoilers and is pretty broad in stroke.
The story of cyberpunk is unexpected in many ways, and I think they did an excellent job of ensuring that people won't know how it's going to be told or how vital a lot of the characters that were revealed through gameplay and trailers will be. I'm not saying that the characters that have been revealed are going to be useless or incredibly important, but I will say that I was delighted to see how the story plays out after the first act.
One of the strongest aspects of the game so far is its writing and its pacing. Some of you might have noticed that I said that I completed Act One within 4 hours, but truth be told, my experience was quite a bit longer and was more in line with what other people with early copies had said where it had taken them you know around six hours to get through.
Now for reference, I am someone who is often annoyed with how long games are. The last really long game that I enjoyed was the Witcher 3, and the last long game that I noticed needed to be cut down significantly because there were multiple times where it felt that the game was over was the Last of Us Part 2. So it's incredible that I could essentially play 6 hours of the game and feel like only 4 hours had passed.
To go back to the writing of the story so far, I find that many of the characters are well written. They have great voice actors, and I feel like every character has a unique personality that stands out and makes them memorable.
When it comes to the gameplay of cyberpunk, I'm finding that the two main pillars, driving and shooting, are well thought out and have a layer of complexity to them that is almost overwhelming in a sense. There's a lot of perks, weapons, and vehicles to choose from, and it basically covers just about any play style you want to have. Compared to other RPGs, the amount of variety is on the level of a Bethesda game. You truly can decide to be a unique character that no one else will copy one to one. I still have not even scratched the surface of many of the perks, weapons, and vehicles that you can obtain. There is just so much.
Gunplay in particular is very satisfying. The weapons have great sounds and animations attached to them, and overall I would describe it as being punchy.
Vehicles sound like cars in a Forza game. It's ridiculous. Their handling feels more in line with GTAs, but that just makes it even more fun.
So far, I've done mainly the main quests and some side missions, and I find that a lot of them are well-paced but they aren't anything groundbreaking or mind-blowing. I do need to stress that you should temper your expectations for the gameplay of the quests themselves. It's not as diverse in terms of approach as the gameplay trailers have made them. One of the things that I wanted to highlight was that the game's hacking ability doesn't feel intuitive enough to want to use. It's like a hybrid of Watch Dogs and that annoying little mini-game puzzle in Spiderman PS4.
The environments that you experience on these quests are all well detailed and well lit. But it feels like there isn't the type of life that you're expecting. Population density is only felt when you're in clubs or walking out of your apartment.
What doesn't wow me about the game is the worldbuilding and immersion. Again, when I think of RPGs, I tend to think of CD Projekt red games like the Witcher 3 or Bethesda RPGs like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, where worldbuilding and immersion are critical. One of the issues that I have with cyberpunk regarding that is that there seems to be a lack of attention to a lot of small detail to actions that tons of players who are familiar with RPG's love to engage with. I'm talking mainly about being able to see a chair and go sit in it, or seeing a shop and actually being able to go into it, rather than only limited to interactions with the environment when it's a mission.
The most immersive aspect of the game is that you are in the first person 100% of the time.
Wanted system mini-rant
I want to go on a mini rant about the Wanted System in the game. When you commit a crime in front of people, you will begin to attract police attention, and as a result, you have literally two options when it comes to engaging the police: you either kill them all and then escape or you don't kill them all, and you escape. There is no getting arrested. You just die or escape.
There also isn't any sort of bounty system in place that carries weight. You get told that a bounty / warrant is placed on you, but when you walk past a group of cops on the road, unless you're in their face, they aren't even phased by you. It just doesn't make any sense to me that the police don't automatically recognize you if you just escaped from an intense situation where you killed a couple of cops 3 minutes ago.
Final thoughts as I continue playing
I've played 10 hours so far and I've had a lot of good fun with the game there is a lot to like about it and there is a lot too be disappointed with.
I think people really need to temper their expectations for what they think that they're getting. It feels like it should have been deeper and it isn't.
This game feels like a 7 out of 10 to me currently.
毕竟这是一个销售主力在ps4 xboxone上的游戏
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