《怪物猎人》【情报】四月更新的最好武器Tier List
更新时间:1617938827 | 来源:巴哈姆特
抱歉,我错了,长枪 是最烂的武器,下个版本快改强吧XD
Combination Defense And Offense
The Lance is one of the best defensive weapons in the , and boasts a sturdiness that not many weapons can match. It has a very fluid and easy to understand play, given that blocking enemy attacks will often be the source of your damage.
The Lance is one of the best defensive weapons in the , and boasts a sturdiness that not many weapons can match. It has a very fluid and easy to understand play, given that blocking enemy attacks will often be the source of your damage.
Low Damage Is A Concern
In order to deal damage with the Lance, you #039;ll have to really make sure you get your Guard + Wide Sweep combo down. This will require intimate knowledge of the enemy monster #039;s movement patterns. Your skill with Anchor Rage will directly affect your damage, this a somewhat difficult weapon to recommend in terms of damage.
In order to deal damage with the Lance, you #039;ll have to really make sure you get your Guard + Wide Sweep combo down. This will require intimate knowledge of the enemy monster #039;s movement patterns. Your skill with Anchor Rage will directly affect your damage, this a somewhat difficult weapon to recommend in terms of damage.
Tends To Rely On Guard Counters
Although Lances have top-cl defenses, you #039;ll be vulnerable to being worn down gradually over time if yo ely too much on just guarding. In order to compensate for this, you #039;ll have to use Anchor Rage very carefully. The fact that even the defensive aspect of this weapon alone requires that kind of skill makes it hard to recommend.
Although Lances have top-cl defenses, you #039;ll be vulnerable to being worn down gradually over time if yo ely too much on just guarding. In order to compensate for this, you #039;ll have to use Anchor Rage very carefully. The fact that even the defensive aspect of this weapon alone requires that kind of skill makes it hard to recommend.
自从装了流转突刺的我 长枪就像一把新武器 有够强
卡 不还我龙杭面板补正
连村长最后给的也是太刀 我明明在玩轻弩啊 你给 人吧...
我就是爱拿双刀 怎样!
啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nbsp; nbsp;是 的B阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~不用装了
像明明有那幺多counter技的太刀却一直被打飞... 瞬间变C级
还有一堆跟风迅龙弩,魔物烂打点时不切斩裂弹打、起暴龙弹不放、有麻痺弹却不打,整场没看过麻一次 - C级。 有些很扯的是连装备都没抄完整就拿来用,不知道远程很吃技能吗? - F级
伤害跟我玩太刀差不多 个人认为也是S级 连结评价参考就好
伤害跟我玩太刀差不多 个人认为也是S级 连结评价参考就好
迅龙弩上SS级才对 逃课最佳武器
所以大家都很会玩太刀 ==
我自己第一次接触魔物猎人 因为剧情一开始就让拿太刀 就从头拿到尾
但到后面 所高星怪 只要见切或是居合失败一次就是翔虫受身去旁边喝水
要做到像网路上的教学那种 知道魔物下一步跟何时见切不居合再收刀等等 都要蛮多次才开始知道的
但相比我在玩 有盾武器 或者不需要依 见切或是居合上刃的武器
我可以要马防御 要马按虫技反击(太刀的虫技反击 的有人会按吗,除了一些见切都来不及的二连拍
要马廄 开就可以了
但太刀如果你不断 走 你的伤害 的也是还好而已
你说不 见切居合上刃 大迴旋也可以上刃 那我大剑蓄力砍一下伤害也是很足阿
樱花 是 的 我没试过我不知道 这样上红刃的太刀应该是不弱吧 就有个基本伤害
但应该也不到很 吧 没有登龙的伤害 而且需要 樱花上刃的代表也做不了 登龙 居合上刃 再登龙等等的 作 伤害应该就是只有红刃的加乘吧 不知道 没玩过
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