请到第15楼 - Bashiok的回应:
The CE dyes are infinite in their use. Keep them forever, dye as much stuff as you want "Cloud" or "Smoke" colored. The colors are unique to the CE.
The wings are an item you hold in your inventory (don't take up an equipment slot on your character), and it's a toggle. Use to turn on, use again to turn off. They're awesome looking, and stack with other class effects like Shadow Power and Archon.
「翅膀是道具。你可以放在你的道具栏里(不是装备)使用。这是切换使用,你可以打开,然后再关掉。这双翅膀非常的酷,还可以与技能Shadow Power和Archon重叠。」
第22楼 - Bashiok 回应:
It's 1 per account. If you want to trade to another character you'd just want to put it in your shared stash before logging out. Same with the dyes.
「如果我玩Hard-core(死亡模式-角色死掉一次就永远消失了。身上的道具也全部都会消失,但共享仓库的道具不会。),角色死掉的话,道具不就完全消失了? 对此有任何防护措施嘛?」
第33楼 - Bashiok 回应:
Ah, uh, er... hrm. That's a good question. We'll bring that up in our next meeting.