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更新时间:1609420378   |   来源:巴哈姆特

s155350 (ゼロ) #1
2014-03-05 14:56:20

A new Sentinel is coming, and it is in need of a name!
This Corpus-styled Sentinel focuses on Melee attacks! As described by dev:
When enemies come to a medium range the parts of the pet detach and hit the enemy and then come back to their original positions (a glaive- esque attack pattern).

Now it needs a name!
Please submit your names by 00:01 EST March 6th. We will put the top names in a poll to be decided this coming weekend!
Please take a look at the model for this Sentinel and submit names below.
All naming submissions should begin with:


As I'm sure most of you have heard North America has had a chilly winter. My walk to work is only a mile and a half, but I've really come to appreciate my scarf in efforts to fend off frost bite. So that reinforced that it has been too long since we've put one out and it's a great way to mark end of winter (oh please let that be true):

More generally speaking: It does take us awhile to get reoriented, but we are getting ourselves reoriented to cosmetics and here is our first one (Andrea made it). The scarves are a really interesting area to work in, we'll be trying to get a few out over the next few months as we get our feet wet with these things. It'll be interesting to see how far we can push the design of these.

看较旧的 15 则留言

亏鸡野郎: 03-07 00:57

我曾经被Shadow救过无数次 Shadow简直可以说是垃圾中的霸主阿!

ApeMan: 03-08 17:14


Shovel: 03-09 00:18


Altor781223 (Altor) #2
2014-03-05 15:53:27
※ 引述《s155350 (ゼロ)》之铭言
> Founders讨论区正在做新守护的命名活动
> Tenno,
> A new Sentinel is coming, and it is in need of a name!
> This Corpus-styled Sentinel focuses on Melee attacks! As described by dev:
> When enemies come to a medium range the parts of the pet detach and hit the enemy and then come back to their original positions (a glaive- esque attack pattern).
> Now it needs a name!
> Please submit your names by 00:01 EST March 6th. We will put the top names in a poll to be decided this coming weekend!
> Please take a look at the model for this Sentinel and submit names below.
> All naming submissions should begin with:
> 在新视窗开启图片


阿任: 03-05 16:14

虽然应该不能这样比较 不过你觉得飞盘跟散弹哪个顺手又有输出

Altor: 03-05 16:26


rock2752006 (Cey) #3 2014-03-05 16:58:22



s155350 (ゼロ) #4
2014-03-08 17:11:20

As I'm sure most of you have heard North America has had a chilly winter. My walk to work is only a mile and a half, but I've really come to appreciate my scarf in efforts to fend off frost bite. So that reinforced that it has been too long since we've put one out and it's a great way to mark end of winter (oh please let that be true):

More generally speaking: It does take us awhile to get reoriented, but we are getting ourselves reoriented to cosmetics and here is our first one (Andrea made it). The scarves are a really interesting area to work in, we'll be trying to get a few out over the next few months as we get our feet wet with these things. It'll be interesting to see how far we can push the design of these.
东风橙: 03-08 17:20



Wonderful recommendation


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