
- 4~8人组成小队。
- 击倒Hek,获得改造物品来让TENNO可以强化自己的装备,使其有特殊能力
- 要装备这个强化道具,必须要预先製作
- 玩家可以选择任一个无能力的披风或头盔,来跟这个道具和成。
- 完成品可以在"外观"中选择。
- 本任务在商店中被以10万元贩卖蓝图。
- 本任务最低需要四人完成,但不会因为人数影响出怪量。
- 玩家只能用被限定的战甲和武器来作战,
- Mag
- Chroma
- Excalibur
- Frost
- Rhino
- Volt
- 目前有三种地图: 前哨站、船内、Orokin
参考量: 一场约660
太阳系的交流区中的TENNO Hub中,Cephalon Simaris 以要保存生命为理由,建设了它的圣域,
TENNO,Cephalon Simaris 需要您的帮忙,
- Simaris 是个中立的派系,无论你的其它派系是捨都可以通用。
- 扫描器的用法跟一般的一样。
- 目标接近时,Cephalon Simaris 会告知你敌人接近了。
- 被扫描的敌人会被Cephalon Simaris 确保,你会获得比较大量的贡献度。
- Cephalon Simaris 的友好度不会影响到别的派系。
- Loki:Invisibility:Hushed Invisibility ― 透明时,武器消音100%。
- Mag:Crush:Fracturing Crush ― Crush后,倖存者会被下降50%护甲,并且七秒瘫痪。
- Frost:Snow Globe:Chilling Globe ― Snow Globe 内的敌人有50%被冰冻。
- Chroma:Spectral Scream:Afterburn ―关闭技能时,会吐出最高500伤害的属性远攻,技能发动后每秒是算100伤害。
- 手枪用:Night Stalker ― 被打中的敌人在地图上显示六秒。
- 步枪用:Apex Predator ― 被打中的敌人在地图上显示六秒。。
- 霰弹枪用:Bounty Hunter ― 被打中的敌人在地图上显示六秒。
- Excalibur 用増强:Purging Slash ― Slash Dash的轨迹上的队友会去掉四个弱化状态,并且恢复一百的护盾
- Excalibur 用増强:Signal Flare ― Radial Blind 被闪光的敌人会在地图上标记12秒。
- Mag 用増强:Sapping Reach ― Pull 会从对手身上偷到25能量。
- Mag 用増强:Shield Overload ― 让对手到护盾充电的冷却时间增长7秒。
- Volt 用増强:Kinetic Collision ― 碰到敌人时,延长效果四秒。
- Volt 用増强:Recharge Barrier ― 通过的队友恢复100护盾。
- 手枪用:Eject Magazine ― 收下武器后,每秒灰复20%的上膛子弹。
- 步枪用:Tactical Reload ― 收下武器后,每秒灰复20%的上膛子弹。
- 霰弹枪用:Lock and Load ― 收下武器后,每秒灰复20%的上膛子弹。
- 手枪用:Reflex Draw ― +80%收武器的速度
- 步枪用:Twitch ― +80%收武器的速度
- 霰弹枪用:Soft Hands ― +80%收武器的速度
- Helios:Detect Vulnerability ― 对于已经研究完成的敌人进行更进阶的扫描,让敌人的弱点被爆露,这个能力跟Banshee的Sonar类似。
- Madurai 转换核心― MOD 转换时一定会带有 Madurai,游戏币消耗变成0
- Vazarin 转换核心― MOD 转换时一定会带有 Vazarin ,游戏币消耗变成0
- Naramon 转换核心― MOD 转换时一定会带有 Naramon ,游戏币消耗变成0
- Nef Anyo、Jackal、Vay Hek、Tyl Regor BOSS的纹章增加。
- Banshee 和Vauban 的摇头娃娃追加!
- Tigrol 狗的毛色追加!
- 装备库内,可以直接看到技能的能力了(持续时间阿範围等)。
- 现在的「Blade and Gun」获胜者获得了专用纹章!
- 好友名单中新增一个随机加入的功能。
- CODEX内追加「任务」栏,介绍各种模式。
- 能量球、血球、经验值的外观改良,颜色还是一样的,但是外观有了各种改变!
- 宝藏搬运船警报追加! 这种警报任务会比一般的任务有更高的奖励,以及更高难度的地图。
- Orids的新语音追加。
- 任务的回音2.0改良。
- 近战武器的冲击音效改善。
- 枪弹的着弹音改善。
- 跑步、滑步、走路的脚步声改良。
- 伤害和经验值得显示改良。
- 现在武器会写枪声範围了。
- Volt 的 Overload 视觉效果改善,可以更好知道範围了。
- Volt 的 Shock 视觉效果改上。
- Excalibur 的特效改善。
- Mag 的 Crush 发动会共给予三次伤害了。
- Mag 的 Crush 会把最后倖存的敌人进入布娃娃状态。
- 体力到0时,也会有类似护盾缺乏时的演出了。
- Frost ― Ice Wave Impedance
- Rhino ― Iron Shrapnel
- Chroma ― Afterburn.
- 现在没有扫描器,会固定的出现三根了。
- 会先出在玩家的近处。
- 出现地点会有一些变化了。
- 生存任务的生命维持装置,会在能打开的柜子和路边的箱子中掉落
- 玩家是SOLO时,生命维持装置的掉落率些微上升
- 任务完成后,多一个按钮可以直接自动选关了。
- Synoid Gammacor 弹药消耗量+7.5倍
- Synoid Gammacor 的上膛弹量低减
- OGRIS被大幅减少了自爆伤害(无记载更新)
- KOHM的能力值有了变动(能力值详细整理在本文下方),并且攻击方式被改为Hit-scan(子弹没有飘浮时间了)(无记载更新)
- RAKTA BALLSTICA 可以换颜色了(无记载更新)
- 耐久任务的敌人掉落生命维持装置的平衡更正。
- SPY任务中的巡逻兵、摄影机、机关多数调整。
- Corpus Spy任务的雷射去除影子,更改照明
- 多数武器的物理品质改良。
- Viper、Dual Vipers、Wraith Twin Vipers 外表改良。
- 多数手枪音响改良。
- Soma Prime的音量稍微低减。
- OD地图的组合原理改良。
- 感染船的生存任务地图生成原理改良。
- 瓦斯城的生存任务地图生成原理改良
- 派系任务现在一定会出现八个金属。
- 登入奖励抽到的蓝图,会有相关介绍了。
- BOSS 血量的相关调整。
- 派系中,有附过物品的话,即使掉了信赖等级也可以无偿的生回来了。
- Fixed collision in Corpus Spy vaults to prevent players circumventing trap doors in the floor.
- Fixed an issue where if Helios restarts his scan, players would lose all Codex information gained in the Mission so far.
- Fixed an impassible doorway on the Grineer Asteroid Tileset that would appear in Spy Missions.
- Fixed stealth weapon XP multipliers increasing the stealth combo xp multipler as per: https://forums.warfr...tly-calculated/
- Fixed an issue where picking up Life Support Modules in Survival at 0% caused the bar to freeze.
- Fixed Syndicate allies using throwing weapons not having holsters for their weapons.
- Fixed player`s Warframe Mission Summary not appearing correctly after aborting a Mission, instead showing a missing experience bar.
- Fixed some instances of inappropriate collision at the End of Mission screen.
- Fixed an issue causing some space skybox to show a visible cube shape in the distance.
- Fixed Loki`s Decoy showing broken decorations or special effects.
- Fixed various issues with navigation markers in Grineer Spy Missions.
- Fixed incorrect audio cue that could occur when picking up items in a Mission.
- Fixed force fields in Grineer Spy vaults not appearing for Clients.
- Fixed missing reverb effects in the Orokin large fountain room in Void tilesets.
- Fixed Loki`s switch teleport being able to get him stuck into the wall.
- Fixed a dead Rescue target`s health appearing in the HUD.
- Fixed the weapon trail placement on the Lecta.
- Fixed a portion of the ceiling on Void Derelict maps that players could clip through.
- Fixed an issue caused by being able to access the Pause Menu from within the Mods Loadout screen.
- Fixed inappropriate sound replication occurring when Nekros` Soul Punch hits an enemy.
- Fixed an issue that would occur when uninstalling a Mod that would exceed energy capacity while fusing.
- Fixed an issue where a constant stream of bullets would not knock players out of parrying as stamina is reduced to zero.
- Fixed issue causing players Warframe / Appearance in Arsenal showing as ‘No Helmet Selected’ under all categories.
- Fixed the Relay minimap missing portions of the Relay.
- Fixed issue caused by Zanuka being launched out of the Alad V fight arena, making it impossible to finish the boss fight.
- Fixed an error that would occur when using Mesa’s Shatter Shield to deflect Panthera blades.
- Fixed Spy Rewards displaying more information than just an unidentified item.
- Fixed the energy color of Helios not applying to his center ‘eye’ until you back out of Appearance in the Arsenal.
- Fixed Clients getting stuck in voting stage of Mission Select if Host leaves during pre-mission countdown.
- Fixed Host’s Mission select / countdown being cancelled when a Client leaves the squad.
- Fixed incorrect lighting on Grineer shipyards causing some areas of the floor to appear pitch black while others are fully lit.
- Fixed the objective marker not leading to extraction in Rescue Missions after freeing the captive.
- Fixed Mesa’s Peacemaker not playing its firing sounds correctly.
- Fixed enemies not becoming released from Vauban’s Bastille when a Nullifier bubble passes over them.
- Fixed various exploits that could be used on the obstacle course.
- Fixed opening the menu while using Hydroid’s Undertow causing the menu to appear in the wrong location.
- Fixed four squares appearing in place of allies on the Cephalon Suda Genius Syndicate daily Mission.
- Fixed Corpus Nullifiers being affected by Limbo’s Cataclysm.
- Fixed enemies still firing their weapons while ragdolled.
- Fixed an issue in Hijack where the objective will travel backwards if it encounters a door faster than the door can open.
- Fixed the Carrier Sentinel dragging items that have not (or cannot) be claimed, following the player forever.
- Fixed Wyrmius respawning behind a wall if the player died behind a wall.
- Fixed the Dragon Nikana’s Hilt appearing as orange even with no color selected.
- Fixed issue causing players getting spammed with ‘Player has received your invitation’ messages after sending an invite.
- Fixed Red Veil allies in Syndicate Missions using the incorrect skin on their Ballistica.
- Fixed grey lines that appear on various Immortal Skins.
- Fixed players being unable to see proper values of items being traded in Trade UI.
- Fixed players being unable to spend Platinum to buy weapon slots from the Foundry after being prompted with a message to do so.
- Fixed users being unable to compare Archwing stats in the Arsenal.
- Fixed players not receiving their reward for completing the Once Awake quest.
- Fixed Grineer Spy Vault alarms triggering after the Vault has been completed or failed.
- Fixed Sancti Castanas looking blurry.
- Fixed enemy Eximus Toxic auras proccing on players when the enemy is under the effect of mind control as per: https://forums.warfr...corrupt-eximus/
- Fixed an issue where selecting Enter Clan Dojo from the Star Chart would not bring you to the Dojo.
- Fixed the Panthera’s alt fire being able to damage squad mates.
- Fixed a broken selection under Audio in the Options menu.
- Fixed the Kubrow Howl ability affecting targets that should be immune due to existing effects like Chaos or Disarm.
- Fixed Gear equipped in Arsenal not properly saving to the ‘Gear Wheel’, making it impossible to use any items.
- Fixed an issue caused by closing a queued Inbox Transmission that would cycle the Transmission into an infinite loop.
- Fixed an issue where players could open multiple Sell windows at the Ducat Kiosk in Relays.
- Fixed the Attachments options in the Arsenal / Appearance overlapping the Physique menu.
- Fixed grammatical error in the Gemini Nikana’s Market description.
- Fixed melee auto targeting overestimating range as per: https://forums.warfr...ng-melee-range/
- Fixed Missions not being properly translated on Nodes featuring multiple Missions.
- Fixed an issue that would occur when trying to accept a Clan invite without having built a Clan key.
- Fixed the chat bar overlapping the Purchase button on the Syndicate Offerings page for Sigils.
- Fixed the dialogue between Lotus and Maroo at the final mission of Stolen Dreams being out of order.
- Fixed certain loot caches always showing up (no matter what) on Corpus ship tilesets.
- Fixed an issue that would occur when players are taxi’d to a node they had not yet unlocked, causing the Star Chart to lock requiring a forced restart to escape.
- Fixed Bastille not working on neutral enemies such as the Kubrow or Sand Skate.
- Fixed VO not triggering when in the Relay.
- Fixed clients receiving a ‘Button Label’ text when joining a Defense Mission at the exact moment the Host completes the 5th wave.
- Fixed Host getting stuck on a loading screen when returning to Liset from a Mission.
- Fixed terrain that was causing spawn problems on the Corpus Outpost tileset
- Fixed a Corpus flare that would not disappear when created.
- Fixed Ash’s Smoke Shadow Augment Mod not functioning properly.
- Fixed Vauban’s Vortex not properly gathering nearby items.
- Fixed issue with Helios caused by viewing another player’s profile then entering a Mission, causing Helios to count scans from other player’s completed Codex.
- Fixed crash that would occur when launching Warframe.
- Fixed various localization issues.
冲撃15.4 -> 6.0
贯通15.4 -> 6.0
切断46.2 -> 18.0
発射速度2.7 -> 3.7
爆击机率 10.0%
状态异常确率10.0% -> 25.0%
上膛 245




