- Fixed an issue where the Jackal was dropping Gorgon Wraith Parts. This may or may not be a spoiler for the rewards of the coming Razorback Armada…
- Fixed issues with game freezes when viewing certain menus.
- Fixed an issue with Scavenger Ospreys summoned by Nekros/manipulated by Nyx/other abilities consuming loot (they ignore it now when ‘under the influence’).
- 修正了豺狼会掉落亡魂蛇髮女妖部件的问题,这有可能是接下来的活动的报酬....
- 修正了当你浏览某些菜单或页面时,会使游戏整个当机的问题
- 修正了清道夫无人机被死灵的4技召唤;或是被nyx的1技控制;或是被其他技能给操控时仍会清除地上的掉落品,现在他们受天农奴役时会完美的无视它