- Added a functional Arsenal in Captura via the pause menu. You can also access this menu Arsenal in the Simulacrum.
- 在
- Opticor beam now has a radius (thicker more cylinder shaped beam) that will allow you to hit more enemies with a single beam.
- Increased the Opticor AoE damage radius from 3 meters to 5 meters.
- Critical Chance and Critical Damage Multiplier now apply to the AoE.
- Reduced Ammo capacity to 200.
- Fixed being unable to destroy Nullifier bubbles with the Opticor.
- Fixed being unable to kill enemies inside a Nullifier bubble or Eximus Snow Globe with the Opticor. This also fixes being unable to hit Lephantis or Sargas Ruk at times.
- 光束现在有圆柱形AOE判定,比以前更粗!!! 更大!!!
更硬!!!,让你可以一次击中更多敌人。 - AOE的範围从3M提升至5M。
- 爆击机率、爆击伤害倍率现在也会套用至AOE伤害。(感谢Roy_Gaming提醒修正)
- 弹药携带量减少至200发。
- 修复无法用奥提克光子
炮枪破坏虚能护罩的问题。 - 修复无法在虚能护罩和卓越者冰罩中击杀敌人的问题。(工程师偷懒直接套用技能判定吗囧?)
- 修复奥提克光子
炮枪无法伤害Lephantis(遗迹I族王)与Sargas Ruk(土星王)的问题。
- Chat will automatically rearrange and switch to the Squad tab when loading into a mission.
- Optimized mission load times and reduced memory usage dramatically.
- Made several small performance improvements for the remastered Earth tileset (more to come).
- Updated the Frost Zastruga Helmet, Ersatz Loki Helmet, and Zener Voly Skin at each creator’s request.
- 进入任务后,聊天频道会自动切换到"队伍"频道。
- 优化读取次数,并减少记忆体使用量。
- 小幅度提升地球新地形的表现。(之后还有更多。)
- 根据设计者要求改动Frost Zastruga头盔、Loki Ersatz头盔、以及Zener Volt外观。(我没有用Steam版本,详细中文名称还请帮忙补充,3Q)
- Fixed missing Riven for Broken War.
- Fixed missing Riven for Dex Dakra .
- 修复"破碎的战争之剑"、"Dex 达克拉"两把武器的裂罅Mod没有正常加入奖励池的问题。
- Fixed some cases of network timeout on joining missions with low-end computers (especially when the drivers don't support a shader cache).
- Fixed rare cases of invites not being received when in a Relay.
- Fixed not being able to use the Codex Scanner to scan Ayatan Statues and other pickups.
- Fixed Vay Hek not spawning 3 times before his final battle and not entering his Terra Frame Phase when playing his boss fight.
- Fixed the water not draining for Clients after defeating Vay Hek on his Earth boss fight.
- Fixed items earned in mission not saving after dying as the Operator in the last stage of the Chains of Harrow quest.
- Fixed not being able to deploy Extractors on Earth.
- Fixed the Nukor creating a ton of FX if it kills something while it's been paused by Harrow's Condemn ability.
- Fixed being able to invite players to Iron Wake before they have progressed in Chains of Harrow.
- Fixed an issue that made you use the Melee charge animation instead of a normal attack animation when quickly pressing Melee after a slide attack in Dual-Wield mode.
- Fixed casting and deactivating Excalibur’s Exalted Blade, Wukong’s Primal Fury, or Valkyr’s Hysteria while in Dual-Wield mode resulting in the UI stating the name of your Pistol and ability used.
- Fixed the Palatine Hammer Skin not applying correctly to the Sibear.
- Fixed some clipping issues with the TennoCon 2017 Syandana.
- Fixed incorrect projectile sounds with the Zarr and Knell.
- Fixed no results displaying after Transmuting in the Relay.
- Fixed Ratals being unable to correctly roll down slopes.
- Fixed being unable to spawn Eximus units in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed some cases of NPCs falling through the floor after entering cover.
- Fixed Vor’s Prize tutorial hints clipping through the environment.
- Fixed descriptions for Ammo Restores to display the correct values.
- Fixed the minimap appearing displaced in the Relay if your HUD scale is over 100.
- Fixed the Sands of Inaros quest description having the wrong tomb location text.
- Fixed the ‘Offline Mod Bench’ appearing as a placeholder text.
- Fixed placeholder text appearing when attempting to select the ‘Filter’ button in Chat.
- Fixed Mag’s Magnetized Discharge Augment not triggering when using the "use selected ability" key.
- Fixed being able to spawn inside of a wall in the Mastery Rank 24 test.
- Fixed an invisible Corpus doorframe in the Shipyard tileset.
- Fixed enemies not playing their injury animation sometimes.
- Fixed a script error when entering Iron Wake.
- Fixed a script error when casting Harrow’s Thurible.
- Fixed a script error when casting Inaros’ Sandstorm.
- Fixed a script error when casting Nyx’s Psychic Bolts.
- Fixed a script error when casting Valkyr’s Rip Line.
- Fixed a script error when casting Ivara’s Artemis Bow.
- Fixed a script error when casting Oberon’s Renewal.
- Fixed a script error when casting Volt’s Shock.
- Fixed a script error when casting Rhino’s Charge.
- Fixed a script error when casting Inaros’ Scarab Swarm.
- Fixed a script error when throwing the Ferrox.
- 修复低阶电脑在加入任务时连线逾时的问题。(特别是驱动程式不支援"着色快取记忆体"功能时。)
- 修复在中继站时无法收到邀请的罕见问题。
- 修复无法用扫描器扫描阿耶坛识塑像以及其他物件的问题。
- 修复在Vay Hek Boss战中,Vay Hek没有在途中出现三次,且没有正常与外接
鸡鸡攻击战甲合体的问题 - 修复客户端在击败Vay Hek之后,地图水管物件没有正常排水的问题。
- 修复在Harrow的枷锁系列任务的最后关卡中,以指挥官的状态死亡导致取得的道具没有正常储存的问题。
- 修复无法正常在地球部署採集器的问题。
- 修复寇努微波枪在击杀被Harrow的责难束缚固定住的敌人时,会产生过量粒子特效的问题。
- 修复能邀请尚未在Harrow的枷锁系列任务中开通钢铁防线要塞的人直接进入钢铁防线要塞的问题。
- 修复在双持姿态滑砍后快速按下近战攻击键,攻击动画会从普通近战攻击变成蓄力进战攻击的问题。(感谢AstralElf提醒。)
- 修复在双持姿态时启用/停用Excalibur的显赫刀剑、Wukong的原始狂怒、Valkyr的狂化爆发时,UI会同时显示装备的副武器与使用的技能之问题。
- 修复伯爵战槌外观没有正确套用到西伯利亚冰槌的问题。
- 修复TennoCon 2017披饰的剪裁问题。
- 修复沙皇与丧钟的投射物音效错误问题。
- 修复在中继站中使用Mod转换功能,没有显示结果的问题。
- 修复蜜獾(C族黄色会电人的地面无人机,感谢葛恩提供正确翻译)无法正确在连续下坡滚动的问题。
- 修复无法在模拟器中叫出卓越者的问题。
- 修复NPC在进入掩体后会穿透地板掉入无底坑的问题。
- 修复Vor的战利品教学任务中,提示会被地形吃掉的问题。
- 修复弹药包解说文字错误的问题,使之显示正确的数值。
- 修复HUD大小设定超过100后,在中继站里地图显示错位的问题。
- 修复Inaros之沙系列任务中,墓穴所在位置的错误解说文字。
- 修正"使用中的Mod"显示为"无此图片"的问题。
- 修正使用聊天室窗的过滤器功能时,会显示"佔位文字"的问题。
- 修复以"使用选定的技能"按键施放Mag的子弹磁石技能时,无法触发"磁化释放"改造Mod的问题。
- 修复在段位24考试中,能重生在墙内的问题。
- 修复造船厂地形中的C族隐形门框问题。(甚幺鬼啦wwww)
- 修复敌人偶尔没有正常显示"受到伤害"动画的问题。
- 修复进入地球钢铁要塞时的脚本问题。
- 修复施放Harrow"聚能焚炉"技能时的脚本问题。
- 修复施放Inaros"吞天沙暴"技能时的脚本问题。
- 修复施放Nyx"通灵螺栓"技能时的脚本问题。
- 修复施放Valkyr"撕裂钩索"技能的脚本问题。
- 修复施放Ivara"月之狩猎女神长弓"技能时的脚本问题。
- 修复施放Oberon"治癒归复"技能时的脚本问题。
- 修复施放Volt"电击"技能时的脚本问题。
- 修复施放Rhino"犀牛冲锋"技能时的脚本问题。
- 修复施放Inaros"圣甲虫群"技能时的脚本问题。
- 修复掷出铁晶磁轨炮时的脚本问题。
- Fixed a script error when casting Inaros’ Devour in Conclave.
- Fixed Octavia’s Amp ability applying buffs to players on the opposite team in Conclave.
- Fixed having the same Primary weapon equipped for both Cooperative and Conclave resulting in a visual error on Conclave weapon Mods.
- 修复在武行秘仪中使用Inaros"沙瀑送葬"技能时的脚本问题。
- 修复在武行秘仪中使用Octavia四技"扩音器"(?)技能时,敌方队伍也能接受到Buff的问题。
- 修复再普通任务及武行秘仪装备相同主武器时,会造成武行秘仪武器Mod显示错误的问题。