- Operators are now affected by the Smeeta Kavat Mischief/Charm buffs.
- Improved and widened the Reactant marker visibility range.
- Improved Kavor Defectors colliding with players and each other.
- Improved enemies for targeting Atlas' Tectonic Bulwarks so they shouldn't get stuck (at least as often).
- 指挥官现在会受到库娃的[顽皮]跟[招福]影响了
- 加大裂缝任务中黄色球球可以被你看到标记的範围
- 增加叛逃任务中玩家和叛逃者npc的碰撞机会(不会再像之前那样穿透进他们的身体里)
- 改进了当敌人以Atlas的2技(石墙)为目标时,可能会时常卡住的问题
- Opticor now benefits from Critical Chance / Critical Chance Multiplier Mods (the existing beam always did but the radial AoE damage did not).
- 奥提克光子枪的所有伤害现在皆可以受到增加固定暴击机率的道具或MOD/加乘暴击机率的MOD影响了
- Panthera Alt-Fire will now benefit from weapon explosion radius Mods.
- 猎豹的第二种开火模式现在可以受到提升爆炸範围的MOD(烈焰风暴)影响了
- Fixes towards Chat sometimes spontaneously not working.
- Fixed volumetric lighting not working properly when in DX10.
- Fixed being able to use Atlas' Tectonics Bulwark to prevent Defectors from bulwalking through doorways. The Bulwark wall now detects Defectors and the wall will collapse.
- Fixed a case where Atlas’ Tectonic Bulwark walls can have weird targeting from enemies, causing them to either not see the wall or attack it in incorrect ways (eg. shooting it when they can melee it).
- Fixed being stuck in a continuous Emote state upon selecting a looping Emote like the Ki’Teer Presence or Meditating Emote.
- Fixed the Scourge not being affected by Heavy Calibers accuracy reduction.
- Fixed UI displaying 227 total missions playable when there are actually only 226.
- Fixed several issues with in-world markers for Hosts and Clients.
- Fixed certain weapons shrinking when applying skins on them.
- Fixed seeing duplicate FX for Harrow’s Covenant as Client.
- Fixed a missing blocking volume that was allowing players to go out of bounds in the Earth Forest tileset.
- Fixed Nyx’s Mind Control FX lingering on Ramparts.
- Fixed the Hyena Sigil FX not fading enough near the edges.
- Fixed missing muzzle flash on the Tigris Prime.
- Fixed buff indicator for the Zenith disc lifespan not being removed if you recall the disc manually.
- Fixed Relic refinement sort by name being inconsistent, and list issue creating a visual copy of a Relic in the grid.
- Fixed Clients setting Exterminate markers on enemies who don't count towards mission progress.
- Fixes towards Equinox’s cloth getting stuck between legs.
- Fixed Equinox's mesh being reset to the mixed form when previewing Helmets/Skins/etc in the Arsenal.
- Fixed Warframes in Landing Craft/Relay getting stuck in a weird animation state after exiting the Arsenal quickly with only a Melee weapon equipped.
- Fixed hitches when scrolling through Sigils in the Arsenal.
- Fixes towards the Grax Mirage skin to better match the original Steam Workshop images.
- Fixed Operator Void Beam not using Energy properly in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed Clients being able to use Transference while wall clinging in order to float.
- Fixed using the Arsenal as Client causing permanent invincibility in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when starting a Dojo duel.
- Fixed the Host experiencing a significant hitch when the Client finishes loading into a Dojo duel.
- Fixed two Earth Forest tilesets with broken connections to portals which caused issues with objectives and marker pathing.
- Fixes no enemies sometimes spawning in Earth Forest Exterminate until near the extraction room.
- Fixed some positioning of weapon trails on sparring weapons (Obex, Kogake, Hirudo, etc).
- Fixed black and untextured wreckage in Corpus Archwing tilesets.
- Fixed the Javlok playing a weird animation when quickly cycling through ‘Randomized’ color options.
- Fixed the Scourge damaging or killing players when picking it up while paused in Limbo’s Rift before it hits the ground.
- Fixed the Sari Syandana covering the pause menu when playing Solo. The wings will now close a lot faster when pausing.
- Fixed the Scourge and Cycron Status lasting longer for the Host.
- Possible fix for Companion Pets being insta-killed in some rare cases (without going into bleedout).
- Fixed a localized typo of Chroma in his Helmet description text.
- 修复聊天视窗有时会自发性的不能使用
- 修正DX10中体积光没有正确地作用
- 修复Atlas的2技(石墙)可以阻止叛逃任务中的叛逃者逃离,现在当石墙侦测到叛逃者时会自动崩毁
- 修复Atlas的2技(石墙)可能会对敌人造成怪异的情况,导致他们看不到墙壁或以不正确的方式进行攻击(例如即使在可以近身攻击的情况下仍持续射击它)
- 修正了选择奸商表情或冥想表情时会卡住的问题
- 修正了祸根没有被重口径的副作用影响的问题
- 修正了介面上显示出共有227个任务可以进行,实际上只有226个任务的问题
- 修正了主机和客户端的世界内有关标记的几个问题
- 修正了某些武器在使用外观时会缩水的问题
- 修正了使用Harrow的4技时,非主机的玩家会看到重複的特效的问题
- 修正了玩家在地球的环境中可以藉由某种密闭的地形跑出地图外的问题
- 修正了nyx的心灵控制(1技)的特效会徘徊在G族的固定砲台上的问题
- 修正了鬣狗群boss纹章的特效在战甲边缘不会褪色的问题
- 修正了猛虎prime没有枪口闪光特效的问题
- 修正了如果你手动调整天穹之顶(500天礼物)的颜色,光盘的颜色无法被更改的问题
- 修正了精炼遗物被名称排序时会不一致,并且会产生原遗物的虚假幻觉(这句看不懂QQ)
- 修正了玩家在进行歼灭任务时,系统会标记那些其实不用杀也能过关的敌人给你看的问题
- 修正了Equinox的布被夹在双腿之间的问题
- 修正了在军械库浏览Equinox的头盔或外观时,将Equinox的网格重新设置为混合形式的问题(看不懂)
- 修正了若你只装备进战武器,且快速地从军械库离开之后,会在登陆艇或中继站时以一种奇怪的动画卡住的问题
- 修正了在军械库时,用滑鼠滚轮滚动浏览战甲纹章时,会卡住的问题
- 修正了Mirage 的g之风格外观,以更好地匹配原始的Steam Workshop图像
- 修正了指挥官在大黄脸的幻影装置时,手部雷射(左键)没有正确地消耗能量的问题
- 修正了玩家可以在墙壁滑行时同时叫出指挥官的问题
- 修正了在大黄脸的幻影装置使用军械库时,会永久无敌的问题
- 修正了开始道场决斗时可能发生的问题
- 修正了当客户端完成加载到道场决斗时主机遇到重大问题
- 修正了两个与入口连接断开的地球森林场景,导致目标和标记路径的问题
- 修正了地球的歼灭任务中,有时候会没有敌人产生直到你靠近撤离点
- 修正了搏击武器的武器痕迹(奥比克斯、蚂蝗等等)
- 修正了在c族的空战地形中,有些残骸会没有纹理或是全黑的问题
- 修正了燃焰标枪在军械库中,按下随机变换颜色时会拨放奇怪的动画的问题
- 修正了若祸根在limbo的裂缝中掷出而被暂停住,当你捡起它时会对你产生异常伤害的问题
- 修正了沙丽披饰在你进行单人任务时,若是按下esc选单,翅膀会把选单遮住的问题。现在你在按下选单时翅膀会立即闭合
- 修正了祸根以及循环离子枪在你是主机时,状态时间能持续更久的问题
- 可能已经修复了你的宠物在某些罕见的情况下会被直接杀死的问题(没有按x复活牠的时间)
- 修正了Chroma的头盔有文字叙述上的错误
- Increased ammo capacity of Pyrana in Conclave.
- Fixed Oberon’s Reckoning not lifting enemies in Conclave.
- Fixed Oberon’s Reckoning not being terminated if Oberon was killed during the cast in Conclave.
- 提高了食人鱼在武行秘仪中的弹药量
- 修正了Oberon的4技在武行秘仪中不会把敌人吊起来的问题
- 修正了Oberon的4技在武行秘仪中,即使本身已死亡仍会持续作用的问题