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与《魔兽世界》游戏总监Ion Hazzikostas9.1访谈摘录中文独家翻译

更新时间:2021-04-30 13:22:56   |   编辑:气泡游戏网

与《魔兽世界》游戏总监Ion Hazzikostas9.1访谈摘录中文独家翻译攻略

  • The pandemic caused Shadowlands and Patch 9.1 to be delayed. Chains of Domination is the first patch that has been completely made remotely by Blizzard devs at home.

  • 疫情使得暗影国度以及9.1资料片被推迟,《统御之链》将成为第一个暴雪通过居家远程工作完成的魔兽世界小版本。

  • Korthia will be evolving in the coming weeks. We will have a "Nazjatar Manapearls" mechanic to upgrade gear. This will be available on the PTR in the weeks to come.

  • 刻希亚将在几周内完成升级,届时我们会有类似“纳沙塔尔珍珠”一样的机制来升级装备,这个系统将在几周内登录PTR服务器。

  • The 9.1 Sylvanas bow will be a Hunter-only weapon.

  • 9.1希尔瓦娜斯掉落的弓将成为猎人专属武器。

  • Soul Cinders will drop from Torghast Layers 9+ and the currency will be used to upgrade Legendaries beyond Item Level 235.

  • 灵魂灰烬将会从托加斯特9层以上掉落,它将用于升级235装等以上的橙装,

  • You will need to recraft Covenant Legendaries when you switch Covenants.

  • 当你转换盟约时,你需要重新制作盟约专属橙装。

  • Conduit Energy is imperfect at the moment. The goal is to situate your Soulbind layout, Conduit placement across all Soulbinds as a semi-rigid choice when it comes to friction. The thing they wanted to avoid was yet another system with a routine Conduit switching behavior, as the system would become a nuisance.

  • 导灵器系统现在还不完善,我们的目标是将其用于定位你的魂契布局,使得当魂契布局发生冲突时,你的导灵器放置的位置趋向半刚性的选择。(增加灵活性)他们想要避免的玩家成规律性的切换导灵器,这样的话该系统将成为一个麻烦。

  • They are adding 4 new Soulbind rows in 9.1, which is a great opportunity for the community to submit their feedback about specific Soulbinds. If you feel like a certain Soulbind is mandatory, the team can balance Soulbinds better without nerfing the interesting choices.

  • 他们为魂契增加了四行新的特质,这也是一个很好的机会让社区反馈目前魂契的具体问题。如果你觉得某个魂契是必选的,设计团队可以不用去削弱一些有趣的选择而将魂契平衡得更好。

  • Increasing the recharge rate of Conduit Energy is still on the table.

  • 提高导灵器能量的充能效率仍在讨论。

  • Torghast has a granular system now. Layer 9 has a new User Interface (5 stars that measure your overall performance). There is a meter that measures your killing streak. You will always get your Soul Ash at the end. The Tarragrue is now gone in the Sanctum of Domination. Unlocking more difficulty Layers will require a four-star overall performance. You will get some Tower Knowledge and unlock stuff like AoE looting in the Tower of the Damned.

  • 托加斯特现在有了一个更加颗粒化的系统。第九层有了一个新的交互界面(以五颗星用于评价你的全局表现)。会设置一个计数器用于展现你的杀伤力。你必然会在结束时获得灵魂灰烬。生命值用完时的塔拉古尔在统御之链中已经离开了罪魂之塔。解锁更加有挑战的层数需要至少4星的全局表现。你会获得一些塔中的知识,解锁一些比如在塔里范围掠夺之类的能力。

  • They don't want to turn Torghast into Speedghast, but at the same time, want to reward players that prefer speed-running through the floors.

  • 他们并不想把爬塔变为“冲塔”,但是与此同时,也希望对竞速玩家保持足够的奖励(潜行跳怪VS无双收割)。

  • They want to make Torghast complement other gear sources, not compete with them.

  • 他们希望托加斯特为玩家补充装备来源,而不是与其他来源相竞争。

  • The datamined Shards of Domination is not a final design. They are looking at some form of unique bonuses and progression within those bonuses when it comes to Sanctum of Domination gear.

  • 数据挖掘中的统御碎片机制并不是最终设计结果,他们正在寻找某种形式的独特的奖励和进展,在这些奖励涉及到9.1的团本装备。

  • Tier Sets will return in Patch 9.2.

  • 套装将在9.2回归。

  • They don't want to constantly replace working systems with new systems. They want to find a middle ground when it comes to borrowed powers in the year to come.

  • 他们不想不断地用新的机制取代现有机制,在未来的一年内,他们希望在“借来的力量”中找到一块中间地带。(橙装套装魂契导灵器特质装精华这些都叫做借来的力量。)

  • For alts, they are really happy with how Renown catch-up has panned out, but there is still room for improvement. Playing the campaign story over and over is tedious, and skips are on the table.

  • 总得来说,他们觉得现在的名望追赶记至挺好的,但是仍有进步的空间。重复进行盟约战役非常乏味,他们正在考虑设置跳过机制。

  • The power budget hasn't changed in terms of gearing since Wrath of the Lich King. 1 item level is 1% of damage. When an Item Level 220 Mythic raider deals a lot more damage when an Item Level 200 Heroic player, it's more of a skill issue.

  • 装备带来的能力提升自从巫妖王之怒以来就一直没改变过,1装等就是1%的伤害。当一个220的M团本选手伤害比一个200的H团本选手高很多时,这往往代表着技术差距。

    • Preach asked why there was such a big power gap between Heroic and Mythic players DPS-wise in Shadowlands. Ion said it's a skill issue and that inflation is down to just 13 item levels per difficulty.

    • Preach问了为什么在暗影国度版本中,H本和M本玩家中会有那么大的DPS差距。Ion说这完全是技术问题,因为每个难度的装备提升仅为13个装等。

  • They think Death Knight's Anti-Magic Zone is too good at the moment. Some time ago, it had an absorption cap.

  • 他们觉得DK的反魔法领域现在太过于美好,曾几何时,它是有吸收上限的,

  • The devs want to focus on class utility instead of spec utility. The encounter team is currently working on increasing the melee spots in raids from 7 to 8.

  • 设计师们想要去专注职业功能而并非是专精功能,设计小组正在为将团本近战位从7个增加到8个而进行努力。

  • They still think Mythic AoE cap is fine, but they still have room for improvements.

  • 他们仍然觉得大秘境中的目标上限还可以,但是他们有提升的空间。

  • Nothing like the Mage Tower is in the work in the near term, but they share the community's affection for it.

  • 并没有类似于7.0法师塔的项目在近期进行,但他们和社区一样期待这样的内容。



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