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更新时间:2021-03-04 14:24:11   |   编辑:气泡游戏网


pob: https://pastebin.com/5dBGT5MP
0:00 - Conquerors
0:38 - Sirus/Oshabi/Shaper
1:09 - 5 Orbs Guards
1:35 - 100% Delirium
2:56 - Maven
4:44 - Only 1 link BV Mapping
Added Phantasmal Blade Vortex. Really big surprise for me, on 1 link it is provide insane clearspeed while mapping. I socketed it in mace with trigger so it is casted automatically wich is really comfortable (only 1-2 blades, thats why Phantasmal). Watch last part of the video, there is a showcase of solo BV clearing maps
Added CDR belt and Tailwind/CDR Boots. Because of belt change there is no more constant chaos res but it still can be capped with Atziri flask
Glorious Vanity changed to Lethal Pride(Akoya for Chainbreaker)
Added t1 Accuracy to ring and amulet, its like ~950 accuracy. Is is really important for our hit rate/crit chance (we just took Juggernaut Ascendancy for 1k as Scion). Also +1 to dexterity gems on amulet changed to +1 to intelligence gems since we changed main skill
"Phys dmg from hits as lightning damage" mod on chest changed to Additional curse so now applying 3 curses with awakened hextouch.
I think there is some more small changes but this is main. All other gear same from previous video.
What else can be improved:
If we add double Hatred Watchers eye with crit/cold convert, it is possible to change gloves for "Nexus Gloves" base with attack speed, culling strike etc. and 25% cold convert from bench craft will be enough. Insane upgrade, maybe even worth without cold convert from Watcher eye
Feels like need more mana recovery so it is better to have one more mana recovery mod on belt instead of spell dmg/chaos res, also best base for amulet is Blue Pearl Amulet
Obviously elevated mods, there is almost non of them on my gear. Resistance on chest can be changed to elevated % int which gives +1 to int gems - really strong buff
Onslaught can be added on boots



Wonderful recommendation


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