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《神魔之塔》【情报】英文版DC 限时答问题活动 (附不负责答案) 【19:00 - 20:30 2月26】

更新时间:1582716593   |   来源:巴哈姆特

ahhehi0403 (希少的奇妙冒险之旅) #1 2020-02-26 19:29:53
Discord-exclusive pop quiz!
Become a straight A Summoner and snatch prizes!
表格连结>>> http://bit.ly/2uAarnm

- 答案 -
Q1. How many features are there on Team page?

Q.2 Which of the following CANNOT be found in Lost Relic?
Shamash Extra Stage

Q.3 Which of the following Monster Series is NOT included in the "Newbie Friendly Seal"?
Chinese Gods

Q.4 Which of the following is the recommended fast-leveling method to LV 150?
Grind "Crash Course"

Q.5 How do you launch a multiple attack? *
Dissolve 5 or more Runestones of the same attribute

Q.6 How many percentage of damage will be deducted if you attack enemies with inferior attributes *

Q.7 Which of the following is the most effective way to feed a Plump Precious Beast to LV Max? *
Feed Prime Millennium Soulstones x2 (same attribute)

Q.8 How many Baby Harpies does it take to feed a monster to level 8? *

Q.9 Which of the following materials is needed for Supreme Reckoning? *

Which of the following is NOT a requirement for Awakening Recall? *
Cleared the 10th Seal

Q.11 Which of the following data is NOT shown on the Team page? *
The Active Skill of the Leader

Q.12 Which of the following monsters is an S grade leader? *
Ying Zheng

Q.13 Which of the following is correct for the Craft naming mechanism? *
[Condition of Charge Up] [Skill Type] [Mode]

Q.14 Which of the following conditions is correct for "Successive" type of Crafts? *
Make 4 or more combos

Q.15 How many Dragonwares can be obtained by clearing the 10th Seal? *

Q.16 What do you need in forging a Dragonware? *
5* or above character x1, Components of the same mode x2

Q.17 Which of the following is NOT a Seal Lord? *

Q.18 How to unlock "Void of the Realm"? *
Completing the 7th seal

Q.19 Which of the following does NOT belong to the score criteria? *
Summoner Level

Q.20 Which of the following is the requirement for Joint Operation? *
Become a guild member for at least 24 hours

Q.21 Which of the following CANNOT be done with Diamond? *
Buy Harpy

Q.22 What can you get after clearing the Last Seal? *
不确定,文字理解 最后封王是十封 但是
【翻:the Last Seal = 5封


看较旧的 19 则留言

砚麟: 03-02 18:59


美乃滋是乐器吗?: 03-02 19:14

[ab0922631918:砚麟] 嘻嘻,我没有因为你回文超过2029而无言呢,我无言是因为我发现这篇好文时已超过2029, 你对我的意思误会了吧

美乃滋是乐器吗?: 03-02 19:19


rain70705 (老文文欸) #2 2020-02-26 19:37:20


khtiff323 (星辰) #3 2020-02-26 20:22:59

Diamonds x2 + Harpy x1 + Inventory slots x5 + Friend List slots x5 + Coins x100,000
兆C: 02-26 20:34



Wonderful recommendation


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