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更新时间:1611459565   |   来源:巴哈姆特

Pitta1218 (是在干嘛啦) #1 2021-01-23 23:25:08
武村他乡故知call in结果完全不讲话,只是痴痴的望着我,现在我不能二段跳,跑去其他任务就算达成目标也不会有完成的画面


看较旧的 4 则留言

CHUNG0816: 6 小时前

我也遇到啊, 然后我不理它继续解其他任务就正常了~"~

阿沅: 5 小时前

解决BUG有3种 1.保存载入游戏 2.去嫖妓 3.坏档等修正 你的状况应该是嫖妓就会好(解决二段跳问题)

Reggie: 5 小时前


julian772002 (阿呆) #2 2021-01-24 04:21:36
※ 引述《Pitta1218 (是在干嘛啦)》之铭言
> rt
> 武村他乡故知call in结果完全不讲话,只是痴痴的望着我,现在我不能二段跳,跑去其他任务就算达成目标也不会有完成的画面
> 请问可以怎幺办??

Steam 讨论区 网友的解法

1.1 更新 Bug 武村的电话


I had the same issue.

1. (maybe needed) go back the same last save you were doing anything where you won't get a direct call. save, skip time for 24 hours, save again.
2. go to a mission with video call. the easiest is the cyberpsycho sighting which is the most eastern mission. you get Takamura, but afterwards you get the cyberpsycho (with the call). Wait a couple of minutes, and Takamura calls, but only this time, it will be a proper call.. After this, Takamura will call you and you can process with the main mission to avoid the same bug to trip

I had the problem on two characters on the same mission, and this did solve the problem.

I hope this works, let me know, if it didn't.



I could fix this going hunting down a cyberphycho (Regina´s mission, not the blue skull icon). I took down the guy and send a message to Regina, from the list of missions, J in the keyboard (you can´t use the T to open the mobile). Click on the icon top right that has an envelope and send the message. Regina will call you and Takemura´s call will be ended. I got a cyberpsycho in the West south of Watson (Ticket to the Major Leages cyberpsycho mission). I you have already done this one, search a list for the locations of the psychos. Good luck.



I found a solution that made Takemura speak to me, but I had to download this: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/718?tab=description

After opening my save, as it was 10 hours since I got the bug's mission, you go to the QUEST FACTS options and search on "search": Takemura.
After searching, put the value of 1 in the option "holo_takemura_calls_v_start_done".
For me, after editing this, he appeared right away, however, I don't know the consequences that this can have on the next missions.

save your game first. As a save appeared corrupted after that, I don't know what really happened, but it worked.
I think that at the very least you should have two savegames, use an automatic to modify and not your manual. HAHAHAHA

I just hope I don't cause other bugs in the missions later. But anything notice here too!


方法四 影片教学

1: Go to a side job that requires a call. (I had Ozob)
2: Call them, and keep calling them. (first time wasn't enough. I needed to call them 3 times)
3: wait 24 hours
4: Go about your playthrough while saving and reloading. (my first time the actual talking Takemura call triggered on a reload, but while recording this, it just happened)


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