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《LOL手游激斗峡谷》【情报】《激斗峡谷》削弱伊泽瑞尔版本更新公告预览 (11月14日更新)

更新时间:1605334299   |   来源:巴哈姆特

siucloud965 (小云) #1 2020-11-14 10:58:15

We’re rolling out an update to address a few issues (more details below):

- Ezreal nerf
- Manamune/Muramana nerf
- Leaderboard changes
- Matchmaking adjustments

Ezreal [nerf]

We’re bringing Ezreal’s hotshot laning down a notch.

(1) Mystic Shot
Damage: 30/65/100/135 → 20/55/90/125
Total AD Ratio: 1.2 → 1.1
Mana: 25/30/35/40 → 30/35/40/45

(2) Essence Flux
Mana restore: 60 + cost of triggering ability → 60/70/80/90

Manamune/Muramana [nerf]

Along with Ezreal, we’re also taking some power out of one of his core items.

Mana to AD conversion ratio: 2% → 1.5%

Leaderboard changes

We’re adjusting the in-game leaderboards to better reflect accurate percentiles for top-ranked players.

Matchmaking adjustments

Finally, we’re rolling out some adjustments to our matchmaking algorithm. We’ll be monitoring closely, but we’re looking to decrease matchmaking time and increase game quality overall.


- 削弱伊泽瑞尔
- 削弱魔剑正宗/终极魔剑
- 排行榜变化
- 调整对战系统

伤害: 30/65/100/135 → 20/55/90/125
总AD比例: 1.2 →1.1
魔力消耗: 25/30/35/40 → 30/35/40/45

魔力恢复: 60 + 触发技能的消耗→ 60/70/80/90

魔力换成AD比例 2% → 1.5%


Wonderful recommendation


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