《黎明杀机(Dead by Daylight)》【问题】萌新刚买组合包 但是没有拿到套装
更新时间:1597592585 | 来源:巴哈姆特

我也答覆了希望可以出个patch 解决所有人买了bundle没套装的问题,免得一个一个回报
Pink Cloyd (Dead by Daylight)
Aug 19, 2020, 7:03 PM EDT
Thanks so much for your patience with us! We are very sorry for any inconvenience that this might have caused.
I've applied a fix for your account and your issue should be resolved now. If this still persists, please try restarting the game.
We wish you well and we hope that you have a nice day. :)
See you in the fog!
The Dead by Daylight Team
Thanks so much for your patience with us! We are very sorry for any inconvenience that this might have caused.
I've applied a fix for your account and your issue should be resolved now. If this still persists, please try restarting the game.
We wish you well and we hope that you have a nice day. :)
See you in the fog!
The Dead by Daylight Team
In the steam bundle information
The Silent Hill Edition of Dead by Daylight includes the base game, 4 original add-ons (Of Flesh and Mud, Spark of Madness, Curtain Call and the Shattered Bloodline Chapters), the Silent Hill Chapter, the Alissa Gillespie outfit for Cheryl Mason and the Dark Wish outfit for The Executioner.
The Silent Hill Edition of Dead by Daylight includes the base game, 4 original add-ons (Of Flesh and Mud, Spark of Madness, Curtain Call and the Shattered Bloodline Chapters), the Silent Hill Chapter, the Alissa Gillespie outfit for Cheryl Mason and the Dark Wish outfit for The Executioner.
However,I buy the game cannot get the outfit in game
附件请使用 steam购买的收据,游戏setting 的ID
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