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《急难先锋:消防员》秘籍输入和使用方法 急难先锋:消防员(Emergency:Fire Response)作弊代码大全

更新时间:2020-09-09 11:33:53   |   编辑:气泡游戏网


《急难先锋:消防员》秘籍输入和使用方法 急难先锋:消防员(Emergency:Fire Response)作弊代码大全


用记事本打开" dreamcatcheremergency fire responselogic" 目录下的 difffle 文件。修改下面的数字(注意不要大于9.75)。


Look for the progress.dat file in the ...dreamcatcheremergency fire responsesave directory. Use a text editor to open and edit that file and change the number on the Progress line to 9, and the number on the line Star to 5, which will give you 5 medals for each scenario.

Then type Star 2 to 9 under each line, exactly as the first 2 were written, adding the number 5 at the end of each line. Save the file (as a *.DAT file) and you"re done.


Wonderful recommendation


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