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更新时间:1604643898   |   来源:巴哈姆特

jklar33669 (Pigoo) #1 2013-08-17 05:00:39
Posted Today, 02:47 PM
A new Grineer weapon appears: the HIND!
The first Alliances have emerged, and our 1001+ clans have been split.
Flux energy beam is now affected by Energy Colour!
Dera muzzle flash is now affected by Energy Colour!
Excalibur Radial Blind now uses Energy Colours!
Removed the Corpus Void Key Blueprint from the Store - owned copies can be sold for the same purchase price
Enabled selling of Corpus Ciphers and Data Masses.
Improvements  to the Transmutation system: you can no longer transmute your final power card of a given type.
Improvements to Enemy AI on Settlement defense, they are not as cowardly and won’t huddle in their Spawn location.
Added Sobek reload animiaton tweaks.
Audio updates to the Desert Skate and Grineer Jetpack Troops
Tweaks to Twin Viper sounds
Tweaks to Orthos hit sounds
Tweaks to Grineer Miter sounds.
Tweaks to Rhino’s Iron Skin lighting.
Tweaks to settlement enemy navigation.
Added fancy footwork to Grineer Jetpack landing animations.
Mods and Blueprints will never expire as drops.
Elite Grineer Lancers now use the Hind!
Added multiple localization fixes
Multiple fixes for the Grineer Settlement levels.
Fixed the fact that players can consume their final power cards with Transmute
Fixed enemies not leaving the spawn rooms in Settlement Defense
Fixed the Contact List breaking after sending a clan invite while in the Dojo
Fixed the Stalker dropping blueprints 100% of the time
Fixed not being able to perform stealth take-downs on any idle Grineer
Fixed the Stamina Orbs appearing as blue instead of green after building the Dojo Obstacle Course
Fixed the Sabotage Target not appearing on client after a host migration
Fixed enemies being inaccessible in the Settlement Spy missions
Fix for Banshee Silence effect not using correct energy colours
Fix for unlit textures in Corpus Ship room.
Fixing enemy levels on Phobos , Stickney (max level increased by 2 instead of being same as min level)
Fix for Warframe power cast animations replaying if they are knocked down during animation.
Fix Volt Overload creating two effects on clients.
Fix for animations being cancelled due to pain flinch.
Forgot one:
Fix for crashes when using continuous fire weapons through Electric Shield.

没时间翻译...太晚了...(所幸 直接 乾脆整篇複製过来XD)


看较旧的 10 则留言

色鬼: 06-17 17:49


灭佛: 06-17 17:55


raccoons: 06-17 18:00

谁他妈考古 我保证不打死你


Wonderful recommendation


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