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《星际战甲(Warframe)台服》【情报】PS4/Xbox FORTUNA(已推出)

更新时间:1603357801   |   来源:巴哈姆特

hudsonliu (liu) #1 2018-12-07 01:42:40

That’s right, Part 1 of Fortuna is now in cert!

A combination of hard work from the console team and words of encouragement from the community has brought us to today’s send off of Fortuna: Update 24 to Sony!  

This is just the first installment of Fortuna content! You can expect more to come in the new year, including more Conservation species, new Operator Amps, and your chance to take down the ultimate threat roaming these terraformed lands.

This update includes content from Hotfix 23.10.7 to*, along with additional cherry picked integrations beyond. As you can expect, a brand new open landscape with all the fixings makes this update rather large - so now would be a good time to make some room on your PS4 to prepare for its release!

*While we grabbed content from Update 24.1.0, the Round 14 items release in that update for PC will not be included in this build. More information to come!

We look forward to watching you nail nose plankers and tail clutches on your K-Drive, fill your Orbiters up with Floofs, and build up your Arsenal with Kitguns. We’re ecstatic to spend our holidays with you all in the Vallis, thank you for helping us lift together!


看较旧的 5 则留言

飘飘小宅: 12-07 09:52


幻幻夜: 12-07 11:51


萨米尔: 12-10 19:00


hudsonliu (liu) #2 2018-12-10 18:47:33
照之前来看 更新时间都是晚上11点



Wonderful recommendation


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