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更新时间:2020-07-21 15:46:24   |   编辑:气泡游戏网


Information about next patch from development:
We prepared supporrt of 08.07.2020 EU game client with support all changes in class balance.
Implemented fully spawns, items, quests, drop and buff changes on all skills and effects and all features what we have in past versions updated to support new version of client. That first stage is finished. We now on second stage.
Second stage is implementing new systems (i type system - status of development):
1) Agris Fever system - implemented.
2) New siege 5000HP / 500HP rules - implemented.
3) Fairy skill change system - implemented.
4) Updated bartering system - implemented.
5) New ship / sailors stats - implemented.
6) Skill preset / Multiple learning system - implemented.
7) Season channel support - implemented, but not sure if we will use it on live.
8) Implemented custom tips on client loading
9) Horse Rental System - now in development.
10) Char recommendation system - not implemented, in queue.
11) Specter of Belmorn summoning mechanic - not implemented, in queue.
12) Grándiha & Papua Crinea - now in development.
13) Revamped Rich Merchant's Ring - not implemented, in queue.
14) Karma decreasing by kill ships in force pvp - not implemented, in queue.
15) Alot of small simlpe things still need to do (20 character slots, update pearl shop, update missing translation auto transaltor)
Thats was 2nd development stage on what we now. Next will be third development stage: Unlocking hidden content and testing.
From now we can confirm that our version contain some locked content such as: New items, new zones (4 farm zones and one big city Odylitta with quests), Hashsashin without awakening - that what can be confirmed. Rest is not investigated, its some quests etc on korean. We not have exact estimate time by this stages, we started work on 08.07.2020 and for 12 days we got very big progress, so all what i can add to this message is some screenshot from our CBT server: https://imgur.com/a/XT6QZXk (click to open full album of images)

黑色沙漠GZ服 ,更新速度继续同步韩服官服 8月7日开始新职业哈萨辛,与新装备死神盔甲



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