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更新时间:2021-02-23 09:35:23   |   编辑:气泡游戏网


pob: https://pastebin.com/LX6wiQGH
It is a setting that has been compromised for the mana regen and explode chest without using abyssus.
Because there are items that are not used often, there may be difficulties in making or purchasing them.
I recommend it for reference only.

-About Trinity support
If you use the Trinity support, you can use the every Herald except for the Herald of agony.
It's relatively easy to get a 'Maximum frenzy charge' circle of ~~ ring in early league.
But when you set up end gear, the advantages are reduced, so there are few advantages over a typical cold flicker.
(I bought my circle of anguish for 8ex. However, it is very rare to get and there is no point buying it expensive.)

-Hydrosphere and Divergent Melee splash support
When you hit a monster that overlaps with Hydroshpere, it also causes a splash effect on Hydrosphere, which causes damage to the main target.
However, the hit box is very small with flicker strike, so you have to use it exactly overlapping with the monster.
Therefore, Gem swap is not required for single target. But if the monsters move frequently, Dps loss can occur while re-cast the Hydrosphere.

-Blood and Sand (blood)
It does not affect the initial hit damage to main target.
But it affects the more splash damage from the hydrosphere.

-The Saviour
It's a good alternative when you hard to get an Maximum frenzy charge shield.
But you can't even do a physical reflect map.
So you need swap ' Sibyl's Lament ' ring or get 5 '10% reduced Reflected Physical Damage taken' implicit jewewl and 'Soul of Yugul'.



Wonderful recommendation


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