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更新时间:2021-01-22 19:06:10   |   编辑:气泡游戏网

本作品为BILIBILI UP主:AssAssiN影舞 作品

It's 2021, and with the new year comes a new selection of MMORPGs, right? At least, new MMOs are on the horizon.. Elyon, Lost Ark, PSO2: New Genesis, New World, Blue Protocol, Ashes of Creation, ArcheAge 2, Crimson Desert.. but what about right now? What MMORPG or MMORPGs should we be investing time into currently while we await the inevitable? That's what we're here to talk about today: 10 of the best MMORPGs to begin - or come back to while we wait for new games to release.

What do you guys think though? What is your top 10 list of the best MMORPGs right now? Let me know down in the comments below and let's talk about it.

MMORPGs in this list:
Final Fantasy XIV 最终幻想14
Elyon 艾林 ?
Guild Wars 2 激战2
Phantasy Star Online 2 ('cause New Genesis) 梦幻之星OL2 新起源
The Elder Scrolls Online 上古卷轴OL
Lost Ark (since it's coming this year) 失落方舟
Black Desert Online 黑沙
Vindictus 洛奇英雄传
World of Warcraft 魔兽世界



Wonderful recommendation


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