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《赛博朋克2077(電馭叛客2077)》【情报】今天CDPR股东会的完整录音 讲解游戏发售时各种问题 销售状况 未来游戏展望等

更新时间:1608018295   |   来源:巴哈姆特

e38301339 (命运琉留夜) #1 2020-12-15 13:09:17


A: Could you done better job with more developers?
CDPR: No, it was too late to throw in extra people and they wouldn't help.

B: Did you need more external testing? Maybe too much is done inhouse.
CDPR: COVID didn't help. Our inhours testers were working at home but their extenral testing were not able to do so. We saw this inpacted testing but this is not the reason for this situation.

当初为什幺索尼/微软会给你们游戏发售许可证的?(意指游戏不可正常游玩 为什幺这样也批准发售)
C: How come game went through Sonys and Microsoft certification to get on the consoles?
CDPR: This is on our side. Sony and microsoft was hoping we will fix the game on release. It's entierly on CDPR

某股东觉得董事会忽略了本作在旧世代主机上运行会遇上的各种问题 想问是不是无论如何都一定要在本年内发售吗? 当初你们是否低估了游戏在旧世代主机上问题的严重性?
C: Board ignored the warnings about last gen issues. Was game delivered anyway because you wanted to deliver this game this year? Launch is important or you underestimated how bad it really is?
CDPR: We focused too much on PC perforamance and didn't bother much with last gen consoles. There were no out of ordinary amount pressure to release the game.

也有讲未来的游戏开发计划  关于线上游戏内容目前未有消息可提供
D: Will you still be doing strategic updates in Q1 or that will be posponed?
CDPR: So far we plan to release strategic updates as planned in Q1.

A: How you feel about your ability for DLCs and multiplayer by 2022?
CDPR: Too early to judge. Let us make more assesment. We are focused on improving Cyberpunk and we will tell more early next year

B: On Multiplayer. You aren't rushing into that right? 2023 maybe ....
CDPR: We haven't confirmed any dates yet. We're in situation we haven't planned maybe more info in January. We focus on gamers and fixing current Cyberpunk.

CDPR多次提到  Holiday  break (圣诞节)假期这字眼    圣诞节假期后销售量就会出来了
I: Tragectory for sales? Something about updating the market?
CDPR: Sales update will be release before holiday break and more detailed raport will be part of the standard Q4 raport.

关于主机版玩家退款的状况 以及索尼/微软会不会支付部份退款费用?
B: Have you seen influx of refund after twitter statment?

CDPR: We're not encouraging players to refund the game. We hope they will trust us. We already released one fix and another one is coming in 7 days. If that's not possible we provide help. We just started. Gamers waited so long for the game so we humbely hope they can wait.

F: Will Microsoft and Sony financially participate in your refund campaign or it's just you?

CDPR: They have their own policies so it's up to them to handle. There's nothing special done here. It's handled like any other refund.

旧世代主机的性能是否无法游玩这游戏? 后续更新可否解决这问题?
H: You mentioned next patch in 7 days. What will this patch include?
CDPR: For console we already remove a lot of crashes with last patch and we aim to remove more with next patch so people can enjoy their game during holidays and again major updates will come in january and february. Please wait.

C: Are you confident last gen consoles will be able to perform or is the game too demanding and no amount of fixing will provide a good product?
CDPR: We are planning on making the game into much much better shape with the incoming improvements.... don't expect next gen performance. It's gonna be "good playable game without glitchs and crashes".

会不会有游戏内容的完善化? AI与NPC行为会有改动吗?
K: Are the patches just purely looking at glitches/bug/crashes or will there be gameplay improvements? What about AI and NPC behaviour?
CDPR: To be honest those are the same for us. AI and NPC behaviour for us are the bugs.

因欧盟法律规定上市公司 股东会的会议内容 要公开透明 所以会有录音用作会议纪录

看较旧的 6 则留言

命运琉留夜: 1 小时前 编辑

但CDPR没及时修好问题 就只能这样发售 当初SONY/MS也有错的是先放行了许可证的这举动

咻嘎蹦: 10 分前

真的好了啦 把锅甩给索尼和MS好像没他们的事一样 连2077都弄不好了 还期待巫师4喔

太正浪漫堂: 6 分前



Wonderful recommendation


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