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《博德之门2:安姆的阴影》全秘籍4、防具+杂货编号秘籍输入和使用方法 博德之门II:安姆的阴影(Baldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn)作弊代码大全

更新时间:2020-09-03 16:42:49   |   编辑:气泡游戏网


《博德之门2:安姆的阴影》全秘籍4、防具+杂货编号秘籍输入和使用方法 博德之门II:安姆的阴影(Baldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn)作弊代码大全

配合秘籍 :"CLUAConsole:CreateItem("[物品名]")"使用



boot01Boots of Speed
boot02Boots of Stealth
boot03Boots of the North
boot04Boots of the Avoidance
boot05Boots of Grounding
boot07Boots of Elvenkind
boot08Boots of Phasing
boot11Boots of Etherealness


bag02Gem Bag
bag03Scroll Case
bag04Bag of Holding
misc3pGlasses of ID
misc3cEfreeti Bottle
misc3dGolden Lion Figurine
misc3iSilver Horn of Valhalla
misc3lHorn of Silence
misc3mHarp of Discord
misc7tMoon Dog Figurine
misc3eBlack Spider Figurine
misc3hHorn of Blasting


slng02Sling +1
slng03Sling +3
slng04Sling +2
slng05Sling +3: Arla"s Dragonbane
slng06Sling +4: Arvoreen
slng07Sling of Seeking +26


chan01Chain Mail
chan02Chain Mail +1
chan03Chain Mail +2Mail of the Dead
chan04Splint Mail
chan05Splint Mail +1
chan06Chain Mail +4: Drizzt"s Mail
chan08Chain Mail +2
chan09Chain Mail +3: Darkmail
chan10Chain Mail +4: Jester"s Chains
chan11Chain Mail +5: Crimson Chain
chan12Elven Chain Mail
chan13Elven Chain +1
chan14Elven Mail +2: Sylvan Mail
chan15Chain Mail +3: Melodic Chain
chan16Chain Mail +4 Bladesinger Chain
chan17Splint Mail +2: Ashen Scales
chan18Splint Mail +3: Armor of Faith


clck01Cloak of Protection +1
clck02Cloak of Protection +2
clck03Cloak of Displacement
clck04Cloak of the Wolf
clck06Cloak of Non-Detection
clck09Mage Robe of Cold Resistance
clck10Mage Robe of Fire Resistance
clck11Mage Robe of Electric Resistance
clck12Knave"s Robe
clck13Traveller"s Robe
clck14Adventurer"s Robe
clck15Robe of the Good Archmagi
clck16Robe of the Neutral Archmagi
clck17Robe of the Evil Archmagi
clck20Cloak of The Shield
clck23Cloak of Elvenkind
clck24Cloak of Reflection
clck25Cloak of Stars
clck26Cloak of Mirrors
clck27Cloak of Sewers
clck29Robe of the Apprenti


belt02Golden Girdle
belt03Girdle of Bluntness
belt04Girdle of Piercing
belt05Girdle of Gender
belt06Girdle of Hill Giant Strength
belt07Girdle of Stone Giant Strength
belt08Girdle of Frost Giant Strength
belt09Girdle of Fortitude
belt10Belt of Inertial Barrier


helm03Helm of Glory
helm04Helm of Defense
helm05Helm of Infravision
helm06Helm of Charm Protection
helm07Helm of Balduran
helm16Helm of Brilliance
helm17Skull of Death
helm21Dragon Helm


leat01Leather Armor
leat02Leather Armor +1
leat03Leather Armor +2: Protector of the Second
leat04Studded Leather Armor
leat05Studded Leather Armor +1
leat06Studded Leather Armor +2: Missile Attraction
leat07Studded Leather Armor +2: Telbar"s Armor
leat08Studded Leather +3: Shadow Armor
leat09Leather +3: Karajah"s Armor
leat10Hide Armor
leat11Leather Armor +2
leat12Leather Armor +3
leat13Leather +4: Skin of the Ghoul
leat14Leather +5: The Night"s Gift
leat15Studded Leather +2
leat16Studded Leather +3: Orc Leather
leat17Studded Leather +4: Armor of the Deep Night
leat18Armor of the Viper +5
leat19Black Dragon Scale
leat20Leather +3: Aeger"s Hide
leat21Human Flesh +5


plat01Plate Mail
plat02Plate Mail +1
plat04Full Plate Mail
plat05Full Plate Mail +1
plat06Ankheg Plate Mail
plat11Plate Mail +2: Delver"s Plate
plat12Plate Mail +2: Doomplate
plat13Plate Mail +4 Gorgon Plate
plat15Full Plate +2: Plate of the Legion
plat16Full Plate +3: Armor of the Heart
plat17Plate Mail +5: T"rahcie"s Tainted Plate
plat18Red Dragon Scale
plat19Full Plate +2


ring02Ring of Fire Resistance
ring03Ring of Animal Friendship
ring04Ring of Clumsiness
ring05Ring of Invisibility
ring06Ring of Protection +1
ring07Ring of Protection +2
ring08Ring of Wizardry
ring09Ring of Free Action
ring20Ring of Energy
ring21Ring of Infravision
ring22Ring of Holiness
ring26Ring of Djinni Summoning
ring27Ring of Fire Control
ring28Ring of Air Control
ring29Ring of Eart Control
ring30Ring of Human Infulence
ring31Ring of Regeneration
ring33Ring of the Ram
ring34Ring of the Spell Turning
ring35Ring of Lockpicks
ring36Ring of Danger Sense
ring39Ring of Gaxx
ring40Ring of Acuity

shld01Small Shield
shld02Small Shield +1
shld03Medium Shield
shld04Medium Shield +1
shld05Large Shield
shld06Large Shield +1
shld07Large Shield +1, +4 vs Missiles
shld17Buckler +1
shld19Large Shield +2
shld21Dragon Scale Shield +2
shld22Sentinel +4
shld23Fortress Shield +3
shld24Reflection Shield +1
shld25Shield of Harmony +2
shld26Shield of the Lest +2
shld27Saving Grace +3
shld28Small Shield +2
shld29Medium Shield +2


brac01Bracers of Defense AC 8
brac02Bracers of Defense AC 7
brac03Bracers of Defense AC 6
brac04Bracers of Archery
brac06Gauntlets of Ogre Power
brac07Gauntlets of Dexterity
brac09Gauntlets of Weapons Skill
brac10Gauntlets of Weapon Espertise
brac11Bracers of Binding
brac13Bracers of Defense AC 5
brac14Bracers of Defense AC 4
brac15Bracers of Defense AC 3
brac16Bracers of Blinding Strike
brac17Gloves of Pick Pocketing
brac18Gloves of Missile Snaring
brac19Gauntlets of Crushing
brac20Gloves of Healing


Wonderful recommendation


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